Click the links below to find the school board meeting agendas.



If you are unable to attend a board meeting, the public is invited to attend via Zoom:

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 981 3236 1453
Passcode: 616036



All regular and special meetings are open to the public. Individuals or groups wishing to place an item on the agenda should contact Superintendent Williamson, Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont CSD, PO Box 429, 222 Walnut Stret, Eddyville, Iowa, 52553. Requests should include name, address, phone number, organization represented, purpose of the presentation or pertinent background information. To be included on a Monday night agenda, requests must reach the Superintendent by noon the previous Tuesday. The inclusion of the item on the agenda will be at the discretion of the superintendent and the board president. Please reference the Board Meeting Brochure for additional information, procedures and expectations.


Jen@iowaschool… Thu, 09/19/2019 - 10:47



If you are unable to attend a meeting, the public is invited to attend via Zoom Meeting 


  2. Meeting ID: 817 259 2646

  3. Passcode: 123


mary.mccrea@ro… Thu, 07/11/2024 - 13:20

Board Agenda - 2024-07.15

Board Agenda - 2024-07.15

Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District

Board of Directors

Regular Board Meeting

Monday, July 15, 2024, at 6:00 PM

District Office, 222 Walnut Street, Eddyville

Regular Board Meeting

  1. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
  2. Public Forum
  3. Presentation -ability to finance projects through SAVE, Voted PPEL, and General Obligation (GO) Bonds.  Travis Squires
  4. Correspondence
  5. Approve Agenda
  6. Reports
    1. Superintendent’s Report 
    2. Secondary Principal's Report 
    3. Director of Special Services' Report 
    4. Childcare Report
  7. Consent Items
    1. Minutes
      1. June 17, 2024 Minutes
      2. June 25, 2024 Minutes
    2. Financial Reports
      1. Account Balances as of June 30, 2024 
      2. Bills List July 2024  
    3. School Board Policies:
      1. Technology and Instructional Materials - 631
      2. School Library - 632
      3. Appropriate Use of District Technology, Network Systems, and Internet Access - 633
      4. Implementation of Technology Protection Measures Regarding the Use of the District’s Technology, Network Systems, and Internet Access - 634
      5. First Reading of new policy: Employee Travel Compensation - 431
      6. Second Reading of Stock Epinephrine Auto-Injector Supply for Anaphylaxis - 555B
      7. Second Reading of Revised Personally Identifiable Information and Protected Personally Identifiable Information Requirements Applicable to all Federal & State Awards -712C 
      8. Second Reading of revised policies to include April Glosser, Equity Coordinator
        1. Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination -105
        2. Annual Notice of Non-Discrimination - 109
        3. Continuous Notice of Non-Discrimination - 110
    4. Contracts & Agreements   
  8. Personnel
    1. Hires 
    2. Resignations 
  9. Action Items
    1. Resident Student Attendance Center Transfer Requests
    2. 2024-2025 Fees
    3. 2024-2025 EBF Staff Handbooks- going from one to two separate handbooks
      1. Classified  - changes
      2. Certified - changes
      3. Explore Academy
  10. Discussion Items
    1. Capital Projects
    2. Open Enrollment
    3. Open Positions 
  11. Closed Session - per Iowa Code Section 21.5{1}(i) Superintendent Evaluation (Roll Call vote)    
  12. Adjourn
mary.mccrea@ro… Thu, 07/11/2024 - 13:22

Board Agenda - 2024.08.19

Board Agenda - 2024.08.19

Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District

Board of Directors

Public Hearing

Regular Board Meeting

Monday, August 19, 2024, at 6:00 PM

District Office, 222 Walnut Street, Eddyville

All meetings are Zoomed, click on this link for information BOARD MEETING AGENDAS | Policy Services (


Regular Board Meeting

  1. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
  2. Public Forum
  3. Presentation - Curt Johnston, EBF Activities Director
  4. Correspondence
  5. Approve Agenda
  6. Reports
    1. Superintendent’s Report  
    2. Curriculum Director’s Report
    3. Secondary Principal's Report
    4. Elementary Principal’s Report
    5. Director of Special Services' Report
    6. Other Directors
      1. Daycare Report
      2. Maintenance Report 
      3. Nutrition Report
  7. Consent Items
    1. Minutes
      1. July 15, 2024 Minutes
    2. Financial Reports
      1. Account Balances as of July 31, 2024
      2. Bills List August 2024 
    3. School Board Policies
      1. Use of Information Resources - 635
      2. Class Size - Class Grouping - 636
      3. School Ceremonies and Observances - 637
      4. Student Production of Materials and Services - 638
      5. Second Reading: Employee Travel Compensation - 431
    4. Contracts & Agreements  
  8. Personnel
    1. Hires
    2. Resignations
  9. Action Items
    1. FY25-01 Resolution Final ESSER Distribution
    2. Hamilton Produce Company Contract -tabled at July 15th meeting
    3. 2024-25 EBF Elementary Handbook
    4. 2024-25 Preschool Handbook
    5. 2024-25 Jr/Sr High Handbook
    6. Set Public Hearing to borrow SAVE fund
    7. Jr-Sr High Furniture purchase
  10. Discussion Items
    1. Capital Projects
      1. 2 Air Conditioned Used Buses - $80,000 per bus
    2. Instructional Support Levy
    3. Emergency Operation Plan
    4. Next Regular Board Meeting is September 16, 2024
    5. Open Enrollments
    6. Open Positions 
  11. Closed Session - per Iowa Code Section 21.5{1}(i) Superintendent Evaluation (Roll Call vote)
  12. Adjourn


mary.mccrea@ro… Fri, 08/16/2024 - 14:37

Board Agenda - 2024.09.16

Board Agenda - 2024.09.16

Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District

Board of Directors

Regular Board Meeting

Monday, September 16, 2024 at 6:00 PM

District Office, 222 Walnut Street, Eddyville


Regular Board Meeting

  1. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
  2. Public Forum
  3. Correspondence
  4. Approve Agenda
  5. Reports
    1. Superintendent’s Report  
    2. Curriculum Director’s Report
    3. Secondary Principal's Report
    4. Elementary Principal’s Report
    5. Director of Special Services' Report
    6. Other Directors
      1. Daycare Report
      2. Nutrition Report
  6. Consent Items
    1. Minutes
      1. August 19, 2024 Minutes
    2. Financial Reports
      1. Account Balances as of August 31, 2024
      2. Bills List September 2024 
    3. School Board Policies
      1. Student Field Trips and Excursions - 639
      2. Student Guidance and Counseling Program - 640
      3. Suicide Prevention & Childhood Experiences & Strategies Training - 641
      4. Depository of Funds - 700
    4. Contracts & Agreements  
  7. Personnel
    1. Hires
    2. Resignations
  8. Action Items
    1. Instructional Support Levy
      1. Resolution to Continue Participation in the Instructional Support Program
      2. Set public hearing for October 21, 2024 (Roll Call)
    2. SBRC Request for Supplemental Allowable Growth
      1. Special Education deficit of $474,559.58 (Roll Call)
    3. FFA Request permission to attend the National Convention in Indianapolis, IN
      1. October 22nd to October 26th (Board Policy 5.42 “unusual travel”)
      2. Requesting use of two school suburbans
    4. 2024-2025 Fundraisers
    5. 2024-2025 Hard Surface Plan
    6. Student Eligibility - follow Ottumwa Board’s recommendation
  9. Discussion Items
    1. Capital Projects
    2. Set date for work session
    3. Next Regular Board Meeting is October 21, 2024
    4. Salary Schedule - Negotiations, need dates available for October & November
    5. Open Enrollments
    6. Open Positions  
  10. Adjourn


mary.mccrea@ro… Fri, 09/13/2024 - 11:36

Board Agenda - 2024.10.07 Work Session

Board Agenda - 2024.10.07 Work Session

Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District

Board of Directors

Work Session

Monday, October 7, 2024 at 6:00 PM

District Office, 222 Walnut Street, Eddyville


All meetings are Zoomed, click on this link for information BOARD MEETING AGENDAS | Policy Services (



Board Work Session

  1. Call to Order
  2. Work Session
    1. Capital Projects
      1. SAVE Project
      2. Future projects
    2. Nutrition Fund
    3. Daycare Fund
    4. IASB Convention - Nov 20th to Nov 22nd
    5. Fundraising - Board Policy 730
    6. Board Reports
  3. Adjourn



mary.mccrea@ro… Fri, 10/04/2024 - 08:12

Board Agenda - 2024.10.21

Board Agenda - 2024.10.21

Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District

Board of Directors

Public Hearing

Regular Board Meeting

Monday, October 21, 2024 at 6:00 PM

District Office, 222 Walnut Street, Eddyville


All meetings are Zoomed, click on this link for information BOARD MEETING AGENDAS | Policy Services (


Regular Board Meeting

  1. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
  2. Public Hearing - Instruction Support Levy
  3. Public Forum
  4. Correspondence
  5. Approve Agenda
  6. Reports
    1. Superintendent’s Report  
    2. Secondary Principal’s Report
    3. Explore Academy Report
    4. Other Reports
      1. Curriculum Director’s Report
      2. Elementary Principals’ Report
      3. Director of Special Services' Report
      4. Daycare Report
  7. Consent Items
    1. Minutes
      1. September 16, 2024 Minutes
    2. Financial Reports
      1. Account Balances as of September 30, 2024
      2. Bills List October 2024 
    3. School Board Policies
      1. Transfer of Funds - 701
      2. Financial Records - 702
      3. Accounting Practices - 703
      4. Cash in School Buildings - 704
      5. First Reading of Fundraising - 730
  8. Personnel
    1. Hires
    2. Resignations
  9. Action Items
    1. Contracts & Agreements
    2. Resolution-Continued Participation in the Board Approved Instructional Support Levy (Roll Call)
    3. Resolution-Fixing Date for a Hearing on the Proposed Issuance of Approximately $4,500,000.00 School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue Bonds (Roll Call)
    4. Limited English Proficient (LEP) Instruction Beyond 5 years - The district’s administration is authorized to submit a request to the School Budget Review Committee for a modified supplemental amount of $17,756.11 related to the English language learning program for students who have exceeded five years weighting that are included on the Fall 2024 certified enrollment headcount. (Roll Call)
    5. Salvaged Item-diesel lawn mower
    6. Increase activity pay rate to $15/hour on all non school days
    7. Daycare Rates
    8. EBF Lau Plan 2024-25
    9. Additional Jr/Sr High 2024-25 Handbook item
    10. Band trip to Kansas City April 24th to April 27th request
  10. Discussion Items
    1. Capital Projects
    2. Next Regular Board Meeting is November 18, 2024
    3. Daycare Action Plan
    4. Open Enrollments
    5. Open Positions  
  11. Adjourn
mary.mccrea@ro… Fri, 10/18/2024 - 11:40

Board Agenda - 2024.11.18

Board Agenda - 2024.11.18

Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District

Board of Directors

Public Hearing

Annual Board Meeting

Monday, November 18, 2024 at 6:00 PM

District Office, 222 Walnut Street, Eddyville

All meetings are Zoomed, click on this link for information BOARD MEETING AGENDAS | Policy Services (


Annual Board  Meeting

  1. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
  2. Public Hearing - SAVE Resolution
  3. Public Forum
  4. Correspondence
  5. Approve Agenda
  6. Organizational Items
    1. Elect a Board President - Oath of Office
    2. Elect a Vice President - Oath of Office
    3. Appointment of Board Secretary - Oath of Office
    4. Business Items -currently approved in ( )
      1. Regular Board Meeting Schedule
        1. Set Date, Time and Location (3rd Monday of month at 6:00 pm at district office unless listed otherwise on the agenda)
      2. Procedural Rules (Parliamentary Procedures at a Glance)
      3. Depository
        1. Bank (First Iowa State Bank)
        2. Maximum Depository Limit ($20,000,000.00)
      4. Official Publication (Ottumwa Courier)
      5. Legal Counsel (Ahlers & Cooney Law Firm)
      6. Committees
        1. Capital Projects / Transportation
        2. Negotiations
        3. Quarterly Building Representative Meetings
        4. Wellness
      7. Board Delegates
        1. Mahaska County Conference Board
        2. Monroe County Conference Board
        3. Wapello County Conference Board
        4. Iowa Association of School Boards
  7. Reports
    1. Superintendent’s Report   
    2. Curriculum Director’s Report
    3. Secondary Principal’s Report
    4. Other Reports
      1. Elementary Principals’ Report
      2. Director of Special Services' Report
      3. Daycare Report
      4. Maintenance Report
      5. Nutrition Report
  8. Consent Items
    1. Minutes
      1. October 7, 2024
      2. October 21, 2024
    2. Financial Reports
      1. Account Balances as of October 31, 2024
      2. Bills List November 2024
    3. School Board Policies
      1. Care, Maintenance and Disposal of District Records - 705
      2. Budget Planning - 706
      3. Spending Plan - 707
      4. Local-State-Federal-Miscellaneous Revenue - 708
      5. Second Reading of Fundraising - 730
      6. First Reading of Long-Range Planning Needs Assessment - 113
      7. First Reading of Complaint Forms
        1. Anti Bullying complaint form - 529A
        2. Anti Bullying witness disclosure form - 529B
        3. Anti Bullying disposition complaint form - 529C
  9. Personnel
    1. Hires
    2. Resignations
  10. Action Items
    1. Contracts & Agreements
    2. SBRC Request: Open Enrollment Out not on prior year’s headcount - the district’s administration is authorized to submit a request to the School Budget Review Committee for a modified supplemental amount of $100,350.00 for open enrolled out students who were not included in the district’s previous year certified enrollment count.(Roll Call)
    3. Bids on Lawn Mower
    4. Resolution Issuance of Approximately $4,500,000.00 School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue Bonds (Roll Call)
    5. Open Enrollment Denial - 7th Grader, due to lack of space
    6. FY 2024 Year End Balances
    7. Encite Invoice #1
    8. Daycare
  11. Discussion Items
    1. Capital Projects
    2. Set date for Special Board meeting to file DD1 vacancy-December 2nd?
    3. Next Regular Board Meeting is December 16, 2024
    4. Open Enrollments
    5. Open Positions 
  12. Adjourn
mary.mccrea@ro… Thu, 11/14/2024 - 15:10

Board Agenda - 2024.12.02 Special Meeting

Board Agenda - 2024.12.02 Special Meeting

Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District

Board of Directors

Special Board Meeting

Monday, December 2, 2024 at 6:00 PM

District Office, 222 Walnut Street, Eddyville


Special Board Meeting

  1. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
  2. Presentations
    1. Rian Leedom
    2. Daycare Committee slides
  3. Approve Agenda
  4. Appoint Director District 1 Vacancy Replacement - Oath
  5. Board Policy
    1. First Reading of Open Enrollment Transfers - Procedures as Receiving District - 514
    2. Second Reading of Long-Range Needs Assessment - 113
    3. Second Reading of Complaint Forms
      1. Anti Bullying complaint form - 529A
      2. Anti Bullying witness disclosure form - 529B
      3. Anti Bullying disposition complaint form - 529C
  6. Personnel
    1.  Hires
  7. Action Item
    1. Daycare
  8. Adjourn


mary.mccrea@ro… Tue, 11/26/2024 - 12:53

Board Agenda - 2024.12.16

Board Agenda - 2024.12.16

Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District

Board of Directors

Regular Board Meeting

Monday, December 16, 2024 at 6:00 PM

District Office, 222 Walnut Street, Eddyville

All meetings are Zoomed, click on this link for information BOARD MEETING AGENDAS | Policy Services (


Regular Board Meeting

  1. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
  2. Public Forum
  3. Presentation from Agri Power FFA
  4. Correspondence
  5. Approve Agenda
  6. Reports
    1. Superintendent’s Report  
    2. Elementary Principals’ Report
    3. Director of Special Services' Report
    4. Other Reports
      1. Secondary Principal’s Report
      2. Curriculum Director’s Report
      3. Daycare Report
      4. Nutrition Report
  7. Consent Items
    1. Minutes
      1. November 18, 2024 Minutes
    2. Financial Reports
      1. Account Balances as of November 30, 2024
      2. Bills List December 2024 
    3. School Board Policies
      1. Sale of Bonds - 709
      2. Gifts, Grants & Bequests - 710
      3. Student Activities Fund - 711
      4. Purchasing-Bidding - 712
      5. Second Reading of Open Enrollment Transfers - Procedures as Receiving District - 514
  8. Personnel
    1. Hires
    2. Resignations
  9. Action Items
    1. Contracts & Agreements
    2. At-Risk Modified Supplemental Amount - $308,775.00 (Roll Call)
    3. Open Enrollment Management Plan
  10. Discussion Items
    1. Capital Projects
    2. Next Regular Board Meeting is January 20, 2025
    3. Open Enrollments
    4. Open Positions 
  11. Adjourn
mary.mccrea@ro… Thu, 12/12/2024 - 10:47

Board Agenda - 2024.12.27 Special Meeting

Board Agenda - 2024.12.27 Special Meeting

Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District

Board of Directors

Special Board Meeting

Friday, December 27, 2024 at 10:00 AM

District Office, 222 Walnut Street, Eddyville

Special Board Meeting

  1. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
  2. Approve Agenda
  3. Action Item
    1. Iowa Safety Grant Purchases


Graybar has a “State of Iowa Contract # which allows the school district to purchase directly without obtaining other bids.  The lighting being purchased is set to be installed in areas identified through the Iowa Safety Grant application.


Walsh Doors and Security "State of Iowa Contract" which allows the school district to purchase directly without obtaining other bids.  The elementary attendance centers were identified to have door handles that were not compliant.  This purchase addresses all identified door handles.


MCG was one of  3 vendors that bid on the cell booster.  The cell booster is to be installed in the offices of each attendance center.  Currently there is not substantial service in the attendance center offices of each building.  The objective is to improve communication with 1st responders. 


Alpha Wireless was one of 3 vendors that bid on the handheld radios.  The number of staff members who have communication devices will increase allowing for greater communication.


The Iowa Safety Grant specifies that money / resources must be obligated by December 31st, 2024.  I am concerned that even though we have the bids and letters of acceptance that without Board approval the money / resources could be declared as not obligated.  The situation did not cross my mind until I realized the total from one vendor exceeded the $25,000 Board Policy.  Therefore I recommend the approval of all purchases to be reimbursed through the Iowa Safety Grant.


  1. Adjourn


mary.mccrea@ro… Thu, 12/26/2024 - 08:53

Board Agenda - 2025.01.20

Board Agenda - 2025.01.20

Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District

Board of Directors

Regular Board Meeting

Monday, January 20, 2025 at 6:00 PM

District Office, 222 Walnut Street, Eddyville

Regular Board Meeting

  1. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
  2. Public Forum
  3. Correspondence
  4. Approve Agenda
  5. Presentation - CMc vs Standard Bidding - Mr. Leyden
  6. Reports
    1. Superintendent’s Report  
    2. Secondary Principal’s Report
    3. Other Reports
      1. Curriculum Director’s Report
      2. Elementary Principals’ Report
      3. Director of Special Services' Report
      4. Explore Academy Report
      5. Daycare Report
      6. Nutrition Report
  7. Consent Items
    1. Minutes
      1. December 2, 2024 Minutes
      2. December 16, 2024 Minutes
      3. December 27, 2024 Minutes
    2. Financial Reports
      1. Account Balances as of December 31, 2024
      2. Bills List January 2025  
    3. School Board Policies
      1. Procurement - 712A
      2. Fraud Reporting Policy - 712B
      3. Protest Procedure - 712D
      4. Payment for Goods and Services - 713
      5. First Reading of revised Anti-Harassment/Bullying Policy - 528
  8. Personnel
    1. Hires
    2. Resignations
  9. Action Items
    1. Contracts & Agreements
    2. Installation of School Zone Lights and Speed Analysis  Quote
    3. CMc vs Standard Bidding - document
  10. Discussion Items
    1. Capital Projects
    2. Draft Calendar for 2025-26
    3. Daycare Advisory Committee
    4. Bulk advertising on radio stations
    5. Next Regular Board Meeting is February 17, 2025
    6. Open Enrollments
    7. Open Positions  
  11. Adjourn
mary.mccrea@ro… Thu, 01/16/2025 - 11:48




Click the link(s) below to view previous years Board Agendas.

Archived Board Agendas

Jen@iowaschool… Mon, 06/20/2022 - 15:05




If you are unable to attend a meeting, the public is invited to attend via Zoom Meeting 


  2. Meeting ID: 817 259 2646

  3. Passcode: 123


Click the link(s) below to view Board Agendas.


Jen@iowaschool… Sun, 01/09/2022 - 21:56

Board Agenda - 2021.07.19

Board Agenda - 2021.07.19


Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District
Board of Directors 
Regular Board Meeting
Monday, July 19, 2021 at 6:00 PM
District Office, 222 Walnut Street, Eddyville


Regular Board Meeting

  1. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
  2. Visitors Acknowledgement
  3. Correspondence
  4. Approve/Amend Agenda
  5. Reports
    1. Superintendent’s Report 
    2. Curriculum Director’s Report 
    3. Secondary Principal's Report 
    4. Elementary Principal’s Report 
    5. Director of Special Services' Report 
    6. Other Directors
      1. Childcare Director’s Report 
      2. Maintenance Director’s Report  
  6. Consent Items
    1. Minutes
      1. June 2, 2021 Minutes
      2. June 21, 2021 Minutes 
    2. Financial Reports
      1. Account Balances as of June 30, 2021 
      2. Bills List July 2021  
    3. School Board Policies:
      1. Superintendent Qualifications, Recruitment, and Appointment 3.4 
      2. Superintendent Duties and Responsibilities 3.5 
      3. Superintendent Evaluation 3.6 
      4. Superintendent Contract and Contract Nonrenewal 3.7
      5. Graduation Requirements 5.46 - second reading
      6. Administration of Medication to Students 5.55 -second reading
    4. Contracts & Agreements
      1. 2021-2022 EBS Agreement
      2. 2021-2022 Central College Student Teaching Agreement
    5. Open Enrollments     
  7. Personnel
    1. Hires 
    2. Resignations 
    3. Volunteers
      1. Alex Cloyed, Football
    4. Reimbursement Contracts
      1. Jill Thompson, Business & MOC Coordinator
  8. Action Items
    1. Fiscal Year 2020 Audit 
    2. Gambling License Application 
    3. Handbooks
      1. 2021-2022 EBF Preschool
      2. 2021-2022 EBF Elementary
      3. 2021-2022 EBF Jr/Sr High
    4. Emergency Operations Plan Review Notes
    5. SU Breakage Insurance Quote and Coverage Proposal
    6. 80% Coverage to all 9 month classified employees  
  9. Capital Projects
    1. Eddyville Elementary Parking Lot Pavement
    2. Blakesburg Elementary Parking Lot Pavement
  10. Discussion Items
    1. Board Comments and Future Agenda Planning 
      1. Tour of Buildings
      2. November Election
    2. Open Positions  
    3. Talking Points
  11. Adjourn


Mary McCrea, Board Secretary*

*Persons with disabilities should contact Mary McCrea by 3:00 P.M. on the day of the meeting. 641-969-1012


Jen@iowaschool… Mon, 02/07/2022 - 20:52

Board Agenda - 2021.08.02

Board Agenda - 2021.08.02

Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District
Board of Directors 
Special Board Meeting
Monday, August 2, 2021 at 6:00 PM
District Office, 222 Walnut Street, Eddyville


Regular Board Meeting


  1. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
  2. Personnel
    1. Hires 
    2. Resignations  
  3. Action Items
    1. Incentive for Strategist II
    2. Safety Equipment Purchase Board Resolution 2021-1
      1. Process
      2. Resolution
  4. Adjourn

Mary McCrea, Board Secretary*

*Persons with disabilities should contact Mary McCrea by 3:00 P.M. on the day of the meeting. 641-969-1012… Wed, 02/09/2022 - 13:43

Board Agenda - 2021.08.16

Board Agenda - 2021.08.16


Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District
Board of Directors 
Regular Board Meeting
Monday, August 16, 2021 at 6:00 PM
District Office, 222 Walnut Street, Eddyville


Regular Board Meeting

  1. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
  2. Visitors Acknowledgement
  3. Correspondence
  4. Approve/Amend Agenda
  5. Reports
    1. Superintendent’s Report 
    2. Curriculum Director’s Report 
    3. Secondary Principal's Report 
    4. Elementary Principal’s Report 
    5. Director of Special Services' Report 
    6. Other Directors
      1. Childcare Director’s Report 
      2. Maintenance Director’s Report  
  6. Consent Items
    1. Minutes
      1. July 19, 2021 Minutes 
    2. Financial Reports
      1. Account Balances as of July 31, 2021 
      2. Bills List August 2021  
    3. School Board Policies:
      1. Superintendent Salary & Other Compensation 3.8 
      2. Superintendent Professional Development 3.9 
      3. Administrative Cabinet 3.10 
      4. Administrative Positions 3.11
    4. Contracts & Agreements
      1. Hamilton Produce Company
      2. Therapeutic Classroom Consortium Agreement
    5. Open Enrollments     
  7. Personnel
    1. Hires 
    2. Resignations 
  8. Action Items
    1. Indian Hills Contract for Educational Services Contract
    2. Purchase of 100 Chromebooks
      1. Reimbursed by the Emergency Connectivity Fund.  COVID federal fund created for schools to implement better connectivity and devices into students’ hands. ($7 billion)
      2. Supply the 3rd grade with a chromebooks
      3. Invoice Asking for $30,000 with cases 
    3. ESSER III plan  
    4. COVID Return to Learn Plan
      1. Public Transportation Mask Policy
        1. Conflicting Iowa Code section 230.1 stating Iowa public schools cannot mandate masks and CDC guidance stating all public transportation mandates mask wearing.
        2. Highly recommended students and adults wear a mask on public school buses.
    5. Wapello County Hazard Mitigation Plan (5 years) Resolution
    6. Daycare Fees Proposal 
  9. Capital Projects
    1. Blakesburg Cement Completed
  10. Discussion Items
    1. IASB Convention is November 17&18  (Delegate Assembly Nov. 17)
    2. Open Positions  
    3. District Years of Service Awards
    4. Talking Points
  11. Adjourn


Mary McCrea, Board Secretary*

*Persons with disabilities should contact Mary McCrea by 3:00 P.M. on the day of the meeting. 641-969-1012… Wed, 02/09/2022 - 13:47

Board Agenda - 2021.09.20

Board Agenda - 2021.09.20


Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District
Board of Directors 
Regular Board Meeting
Monday, September 20, 2021 at 6:00 PM
District Office, 222 Walnut Street, Eddyville

Regular Board Meeting

  1. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
  2. Visitors Acknowledgement
  3. Presentation - Indian Hills
    1. Matt Thompson, President of IHCC
    2. Cammie Richards, Director of High School Programs at IHCC
  4. Correspondence
  5. Approve/Amend Agenda
  6. Reports
    1. Superintendent’s Report  Enrollment and Financial Preliminary Values 
    2. Curriculum Director’s Report 
    3. Secondary Principal's Report 
    4. Elementary Principal’s Report 
    5. Director of Special Services' Report 
    6. Other Directors
      1. Activities Director’s Report
      2. Childcare Director’s Report 
      3. Maintenance Director’s Report  
      4. Nutrition Director’s Report
  7. Consent Items
    1. Minutes
      1. August 2, 2021 Minutes
      2. August 16, 2021 Minutes 
    2. Financial Reports
      1. Account Balances as of August 30, 2021 
      2. Bills List September 2021  
    3. School Board Policies:
      1. Administrator Qualifications, Recruitment, and Appointment 3.12 
      2. Administrator Contract and Contract Nonrenewal 3.13 
      3. Administrator Salary and Other Compensation 3.14 
      4. Administrator Duties 3.15
    4. Contracts & Agreements
      1. DeVries Counseling & Consulting, PLLC Agreement
      2. Morningside Education Agreement
    5. Open Enrollments     
  8. Personnel
    1. Hires
    2. Resignations 
    3. Volunteers
  9. Action Items
    1. SBRC Request for Supplemental Allowable Growth
      1. Special Education deficit of $160,425.87 
      2. Roll Call
    2. Substitute Teacher Pay Rate
      1. Not increased since 2014
      2. Area schools
    3. Fundraisers
    4. FFA Request permission to attend the National Convention in Indianapolis, IN on October 27th-30th  (Board Policy 5.42 “unusual travel”)
    5. Safety Equipment Purchase Board Resolution 2021-2
      1. Resolution
  10. Capital Projects
    1. Facility Assessment Denovo
      1. They will present assessments to the board at the October and November board meetings
  11. Discussion Items
    1. Nutrition Discussion
      1. Starting Wage
      2. Food Service Management Company
    2. Iowa Code 280.31 has been suspended by the Federal Court regarding mask mandates
    3. Home School Assistance Program and High School Graduation Diplomas
      1. District will create protocols on how a student transitions from the HSAP to the EBF High School to earn a High School Diploma.  EBF is gaining input regarding the process from the state consultant Buffy Campbell, EBF Director Robin Taylor, Mid-Prairie HSAP, and Marion HSAP.
      2. High School diplomas fall under the jurisdiction of the Chapter 12 requirements.
    4. Open Positions  
    5. Talking Points
  12. Adjourn


Mary McCrea, Board Secretary*

*Persons with disabilities should contact Mary McCrea by 3:00 P.M. on the day of the meeting. 641-969-1012… Wed, 02/09/2022 - 13:51

Board Agenda - 2021.10.18

Board Agenda - 2021.10.18


Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District
Board of Directors 
Regular Board Meeting
Monday, October 18, 2021 at 6:00 PM
District Office, 222 Walnut Street, Eddyville

Regular Board Meeting

  1. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
  2. Visitors Acknowledgement
  3. Correspondence
  4. Approve/Amend Agenda
  5. Reports
    1. Superintendent’s Report   
    2. Curriculum Director’s Report 
    3. Secondary Principal's Report 
    4. Elementary Principal’s Report 
    5. Director of Special Services' Report 
    6. Other Directors
      1. Childcare Director’s Report 
      2. Maintenance Director’s Report  
      3. Nutrition Director’s Report
  6. Consent Items
    1. Minutes
      1. September 20, 2021 Minutes 
    2. Financial Reports
      1. Account Balances as of September 30, 2021 
      2. Bills List October 2021  
    3. ​​​​​​​School Board Policies:
      1. Administrator Evaluation 3.16 
      2. Administrator Professional Development 3.17 
      3. Administrator Code of Ethics 3.18 
      4. Succession of Authority to the Superintendent 3.19
      5. First Reading:Graduation Requirements for HSAP Students 5.46A to High School Diploma
    4. ​​​​​​​Contracts & Agreements
    5. Open Enrollments     
  7. Personnel
    1. Hires
    2. Resignations 
    3. Volunteers
  8. Action Items
    1. Hard surface only plan
    2. Fundraisers-Boys Tract Apparel Sales
    3. EBF Lau Plan 2021-2022
    4. Physical Education Board Action
      1. General Accreditation Standards Waiver (HS complete 1 year in 1 semester, 1,800 minutes)
        1. Academic Year 21-22
        2. Academic Year 22-23
      2. ​​​​​​​Board Policy (Allow students in grades 9-11 to use exemptions for one semester of PE)
      3. Resource from Iowa Department of Education
    5. ​​​​​​​GPAEA Librarian Sharing Agreement
    6. Home School Assistance Program (HSAP) student transfer to earn High School Diploma (First Reading occurred in the Board Policy)
  9. Capital Projects
    1. Facility Assessment Denovo
  10. Discussion Items
    1. Certified Enrollment
    2. IASB School Board Conference
    3. Indian Hills Approved Course list
    4. Open Positions  
    5. Talking Points
  11. Adjourn


            Mary McCrea, Board Secretary*

            *Persons with disabilities should contact Mary McCrea by 3:00 P.M. on the day of the meeting. 641-969-1012… Wed, 02/09/2022 - 14:05

Board Agenda - 2021.11.22

Board Agenda - 2021.11.22

Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District
Board of Directors - Regular Board Meeting
Monday, November 22, 2021 at 6:00 PM
District Office, 222 Walnut Street, Eddyville

Annual  Board Meeting

  1. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
  2. Visitors Acknowledgement
  3. Correspondence
  4. Approve/Amend Agenda
  5. Reports
    1. Superintendent’s Report
    2. Curriculum Director’s Report
    3. Secondary Principal’s Report
    4. Elementary Principal’s Report
    5. Director of Special Services’ Report
    6. Other Directors
      1. Activity Director’s Report
      2. Child Care Director’s Report
      3. Maintenance Director’s Report
      4. Nutrition Director’s Report
  6. Old Business
    1. Second Reading:Graduation Requirements for HSAP Students 5.46A to High School Diploma
    2. IHCC Contract for Composition I
    3. SBRC Request  
      1. Open Enrollment Out not on prior year’s headcount - the district’s administration is authorized to submit a request to the School Budget Review Committee for a modified supplemental amount of $171,971.20 for open enrolled out students who were not included in the district’s previous year certified enrollment count.
      2. Roll Call
      3. Limited English Proficient (LEP) Instruction Beyond 5 Years - The district’s administration is authorized to submit a request to the School Budget Review Committee for a modified supplemental amount of $58,167.12 related to the English language learning program for students who have exceeded five years of weighting that are included on the Fall 2021 certified enrollment headcount.
      4. Roll Call
    4. FY 2021 Year End Balances
  7. Review of Canvassed Election Results
  8. Adjournment of the Retiring Board


            Mary McCrea, Board Secretary*

            *Persons with disabilities should contact Mary McCrea by 3:00 P.M. on the day of the meeting. 641-969-1012

Five Minute Recess


Organizational Meeting

  1. Call to Order (by Board Secretary)
  2. Administer the Oath of Office to New Members
  3. Organizational Items
    1. Elect a Board President - Oath of Office
    2. Elect a Vice President - Oath of Office
    3. Appointment of Board Secretary - Oath of Office
    4. Business Items
      1. Regular Board Meeting Schedule
        1. Set Date, Time and Location 
      2. Procedural Rules
      3. Depository -Bank and Maximum Depository Limit
      4. Official Publication
      5. Legal Counsel
      6. Committees
        1. Capital Projects / Transportation
        2. Negotiations
        3. Quarterly Building Representative Meeting
      7. Board Delegates
        1. Mahaska
        2. Monroe
        3. Wapello
  4. Consent Items
    1. Minutes
      1. October 18, 2021 Minutes 
    2. ​​​​​​​Financial Reports
      1. Account Balances as of October 31, 2021 
      2. Bills List November 2021  
    3. ​​​​​​​School Board Policies:
      1. General Principles 4.0
      2. Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action 4.1
      3. Employee Physical Examinations 4.2
      4. Communicable Diseases 4.3
    4. ​​​​​​​Contracts & Agreements
    5. Open Enrollments     
  5. Personnel
    1. Hires
    2. Resignations 
    3. Volunteers
  6. Action Items
    1. Great Prairie AEA Director District 2 Ballot
    2. Early Graduation Request
    3. Select Public Hearing Date for categorical fund transfer Official Notice
      1. Date of publication
      2. Date must be no more than 20 days prior and no less than 10 days prior to the hearing date
      3. Reference Notes
    4. ​​​​​​​Close and transfer dormant activity accounts
      1. $340.18 from Junior High Softball to Softball
      2. $71.10 from Tri M Society to Activity Management
  7. Capital Projects
  8. Discussion Items
    1. Board Goals for the Superintendent
    2. Work Sessions
      1. Denovo - Facility Assessment - Monday, November 29, 2021
      2. IASB - Date TBD
    3. ​​​​​​​SPED Van Purchase - Preferably 2 chairs and a couple seats
    4. Hard Surface Plan- missed stop
    5. Classified Staff Wages
    6. Renewal of Revenue Purpose Statement
    7. Open Positions  
  9. Adjourn


            Mary McCrea, Board Secretary*

            *Persons with disabilities should contact Mary McCrea by 3:00 P.M. on the day of the meeting. 641-969-1012… Wed, 02/09/2022 - 14:17

Board Agenda - 2021.11.29

Board Agenda - 2021.11.29


Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District
Board of Directors 
Work Session
Monday, November 29, 2021 at 6:00 PM
District Office, 222 Walnut Street, Eddyville


  1. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
  2. Work Session
    1. Denovo - Facility Assessment
    2. Pam Bettger - Care for Kids Lessons
  3. Adjourn


            Mary McCrea, Board Secretary*
            641-969-4226 ext. 2102

​​​​​​​*Persons with disabilities should contact Mary McCrea by 3:00 P.M. on the day of the meeting.… Wed, 02/09/2022 - 14:25

Board Agenda - 2021.12.20

Board Agenda - 2021.12.20


Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District
Board of Directors 
Regular Board Meeting
Monday, December 20, 2021 at 6:00 PM
District Office, 222 Walnut Street, Eddyville

Regular Board Meeting

  1. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
  2. Public Hearing - Categorical Fund Transfer Resolution
  3. Visitors Acknowledgement
  4. Correspondence
  5. Approve/Amend Agenda
  6. Presentation -Mr. Greg Frost, OPAA!
  7. Reports
    1. Superintendent’s Report   
    2. Curriculum Director’s Report 
    3. Secondary Principal's Report 
    4. Elementary Principal’s Report 
    5. Director of Special Services' Report 
    6. Other Directors
      1. Childcare Director’s Report 
      2. Maintenance Director’s Report  
      3. Nutrition Director’s Report
  8. Consent Items
    1. Minutes
      1. November 22, 2021 Minutes
      2. November 29, 2021 Minutes 
    2. Financial Reports
      1. Account Balances as of November 30, 2021 
      2. Bills List November 2021  
    3. ​​​​​​​School Board Policies:
      1. Employee Injury on the Job 4.4 
      2. Employee Conflict of Interest 4.5
      3.  Employee Records 4.6
      4. Transporting of Students by Employees 4.7
    4. ​​​​​​​Contracts & Agreements
      1. 2021-2022 Grand View University Student Teaching Contract
      2. 2021-2022 Facility Use Agreement- Fremont Before/After Care
      3. 2021-2022 Cooperative Sharing Agreement with Ottumwa
        1. Boys Swimming
        2. Girls Swimming
    5. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Open Enrollments     
  9. Personnel
    1. Hires
    2. Resignations 
  10. Action Items
    1. Flexibility Fund Transfer from Home School Assistance Program
      1. 2021-3 Board Resolution
    2. ​​​​​​​At-Risk Modified Allowable Growth $312,459
      1. SBRC request   (Roll Call)
    3. ​​​​​​​Safety Equipment Purchase 
      1. 2021-4 Board Resolution
    4. ​​​​​​​Classified Wage
  11. Capital Projects
  12. Discussion Items
    1. IASB Digital Workshops
    2. Talking Points
    3. Open Positions 
    4. Board Policy Discussions 
  13. Adjourn


            Mary McCrea, Board Secretary*

            *Persons with disabilities should contact Mary McCrea by 3:00 P.M. on the day of the meeting. 641-969-1012… Wed, 02/09/2022 - 14:27

Board Agenda - 2022.01.17

Board Agenda - 2022.01.17

Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District
Board of Directors 
Regular Board Meeting
Monday, January 17, 2022 at 6:00 PM
District Office, 222 Walnut Street, Eddyville

Regular Board Meeting

  1. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
  2. Visitors Acknowledgement
  3. Correspondence
  4. Approve/Amend Agenda
  5. Reports
    1. Superintendent’s Report   
    2. Curriculum Director’s Report 
    3. Secondary Principal's Report 
    4. Elementary Principal’s Report 
    5. Director of Special Services' Report 
    6. Other Directors
      1. Childcare Director’s Report 
      2. Maintenance Director’s Report  
      3. Nutrition Director’s Report
  6. Consent Items
    1. Minutes
      1. December 20, 2021 Minutes 
    2. Financial Reports
      1. Account Balances as of December 31, 2021 
      2. Bills List January 2022  
    3. School Board Policies
      1. Credit Cards 4.8 
      2. Release of Credit Information 4.9
      3. Child Abuse Reporting 4.10
      4. Abuse of Students by District Employees 4.11
      5. First Reading of Protest Procedure 7.12D
    4. Contracts & Agreements
      1. 2021-2022 SilverStone Group - GASB #75 OPEB Service Agreement
      2. Stem Excellence & Leadership Memorandum of Understanding 2021-2022
    5. Open Enrollments - none    ​​​​​​​​​​​​​
  7. Personnel
    1. Hires
    2. Resignations 
  8. Action Items
    1. Transfer of funds from Jr High Baseball to High School Baseball, JH account no longer needed
    2. FFA 
      1. Travel Permission - Request for Permission
      2. Safety Equipment - Board Resolution FY22-5
    3. ​​​​​​​Resolution:  Preschool SBRC funding for on-time funding 
      1. BEDS 2020 43 students
      2. BEDS 2021 52 students
      3. As part of the district's response to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the district’s administration is authorized to submit a request to the School Budget Review Committee for funding related to FY22 SWVPP increased enrollment in the amount of $32,521.50.  
  9. Capital Projects
  10. Discussion Items
    1. Federal Mandate open conversation
    2. Calendar Discussion Draft Excel Calendar as Direct Download
      1. Rollover
      2. Spring Break
    3. ​​​​​​​Talking Points
    4. Change date of February Meeting? - 21st is President’s Day
    5. Open Positions  
  11. Adjourn


            Mary McCrea, Board Secretary*

            *Persons with disabilities should contact Mary McCrea by 3:00 P.M. on the day of the meeting. 641-969-1012

​​​​​​​… Wed, 02/09/2022 - 14:35

Board Agenda - 2022.02.07

Board Agenda - 2022.02.07


Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District
Board of Directors 
Special Board Meeting
Monday, February 7, 2022 at 6:00 PM
District Office, 222 Walnut Street, Eddyville

Regular Board Meeting

  1. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
  2. Personnel
    1. Hires
    2. Resignations 
  3. Adjourn


            Mary McCrea, Board Secretary*

            *Persons with disabilities should contact Mary McCrea by 3:00 P.M. on the day of the meeting. 641-969-1012… Wed, 02/09/2022 - 14:42

Board Agenda - 2022.02.21

Board Agenda - 2022.02.21

Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District

Board of Directors

Regular Board Meeting

Monday, February 21, 2022 at 6:00 PM

District Office, 222 Walnut Street, Eddyville


Regular Board Meeting

  1. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
  2. Public Forum/Visitors Acknowledgement
  3. Initial Proposals
    1. Eddyville Blakesburg Fremont Education Association
    2. Eddyville Blakesburg Fremont Board of Directors
  4. Correspondence
  5. Approve/Amend Agenda
  6. Board President Comments
  7. Reports
    1. Superintendent’s Report  
    2. Curriculum Director’s Report
    3. Secondary Principal's Report
    4. Elementary Principal’s Report
    5. Director of Special Services' Report
    6. Other Directors
      1. Activity Director’s Report
      2. Childcare Director’s Report
      3. Maintenance Director’s Report  
  8. Consent Items
    1. Minutes
      1. January 17, 2022 Minutes
    2. Financial Reports
      1. Account Balances as of January 31, 2022
      2. Bills List February 2022  
    3. School Board Policies
      1. Change numbering of policies
        1. Chapters to Series
        2. Example
          1. General Principles Chapter One becomes General Principles 100 Series
          2. Policy 4.12 would become 400.12, 4.13 would become 400.13, etc
      2. Hazardous Chemical Disclosure 4.12 to 400.12
      3. Employee Anti-Harassment 4.13 to 400.13
      4. Substance Free Workplace 4.14 to 400.14
      5. Drug and Alcohol Testing Program 4.15 to 400.15
      6. Second Reading of Protest Procedure 7.12D to 700.12D
    4. Contracts & Agreements
      1. Business Associate Agreement - Medicaid Data Sharing
      2. STOP Consultant Contract Change to the Nitzschke approved Draft
      3. Composition II with IHCC Contract
    5. Open Enrollments     
  9. Personnel
    1. Hires
    2. Resignations
  10. Action Items
    1. Budget Guarantee
      1. Budget Guarantee Resolutions - Annual Resolution (Roll Call Vote)
        1. Budget adjustment as granted under section 257.14 from the Code of Iowa.  This resolution provides protection if EBF necessitates the use of the budget guarantee of 101%. Resolution
      2. Set Budget Hearing date and publication
        1. April’s regularly scheduled Board meeting is set to occur April 18th, budget approval must be submitted by April 15th.   April 11th, 6:00 pm - Recommended date
        2. Ottumwa Courier - Publication notice must occur more than 10 days prior and less than 20 days prior to the budget hearing. (March 22 - April 1)
    2. Childcare Rates
      1. Current Rates
      2. Average Child Care Rates by County
      3. Rate Increase
      4. Date Effective - May 1, 2022
  11. Capital Projects
    1. Facility Committee Update
  12. Discussion Items
    1. Talking Points
      1. 2022-2023 Calendar Spring Break - Public Hearing required
      2. The Rocket Newspaper, Mrs. Street stepping away at the end of the June letter
      3. Public Forum Discussion
    2. Open Positions  
  13. Adjourn



                         Mary McCrea, Board Secretary*

   *Persons with disabilities should contact Mary McCrea by 3:00 P.M. on the day of the meeting. 641-969-1012

Jen@iowaschool… Tue, 06/28/2022 - 14:15

Board Agenda - 2022.03.21

Board Agenda - 2022.03.21

Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District

Board of Directors

Regular Board Meeting

Monday, March 21, 2022 at 6:00 PM

District Office, 222 Walnut Street, Eddyville

Calendar Hearing at 6:00 pm

  1. Iowa Code 279.10: August 23rd is earliest date school can start
  2. Survey Results
  3. Official Calendar 
  4. Summarized Calendar (one page)  Survey Results  No Spring Break Calendar


Regular Board Meeting

  1. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
  2. Public Forum/Visitors Acknowledgement
  3. Correspondence
  4. Approve/Amend Agenda
  5. Reports
    1. Superintendent’s Report  
    2. Curriculum Director’s Report
    3. Secondary Principal's Report
    4. Elementary Principal’s Report
    5. Director of Special Services' Report
    6. Other Directors
      1. Childcare Director’s Report
      2. Maintenance Director’s Report  
  6. Consent Items
    1. Minutes
      1. February 7, 2022 Minutes
      2. February 21, 2022 Minutes
    2. Financial Reports
      1. Account Balances as of February 28, 2022
      2. Bills List March 2022 
    3. School Board Policies
      1. Employee Conduct and Appearance 400.16
      2. Employee Resignation 400.17
      3. Employee Suspension 400.18
      4. Employee Publication or Creation of Materials 400.19
      5. First Reading of Communicable Disease 400.3
        1. Current policy
    4. Contracts & Agreements
      1. 2022-2023 Cooperative Agreement with University of Northern Iowa
      2. 2022-2023 Woodriver Participation Agreement - Natural Gas Program
      3. 2022-2023 Business Associate Agreement with Hands Up Communications 
      4. 2022-2023 Cooperative Agreement with Morningside University
      5. COPS   STOP Stacey Newton’s Grant Evaluator contracts
      6. 2022-2027 MCG Internet Contract
    5. Open Enrollments    
  7. Personnel
    1. Hires
    2. Resignations
  8. Action Items
    1. RFP Phone Systems
    2. Resolution for Retention Bonus
    3. Draft Graduate List
    4. Calendar Approval
    5. Facility Committee Recommendation Document
  9. Capital Projects
  10. Discussion Items
    1. Talking Points
      1. Budget Amendment Discussion
      2. SEL
      3. Indian Hills Board / Superintendent Appreciation Dinner April 26 @ 6 pm
      4. Preschool / Headstart
      5. IASB dates 
    2. Open Positions 
  11. Adjourn



                         Mary McCrea, Board Secretary*

   *Persons with disabilities should contact Mary McCrea by 3:00 P.M. on the day of the meeting. 641-969-1012

Jen@iowaschool… Tue, 06/28/2022 - 14:16

Board Agenda - 2022.04.01

Board Agenda - 2022.04.01

Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District

Board of Directors

Regular Board Meeting

Monday, April 1, 2022 at 9:00 AM

District Office, 222 Walnut Street, Eddyville

Regular Board Meeting

  1. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
  2. Personnel
    1. Hires
      1. Kjerstin Ridgway, Head Golf Coach, 7.5%/0 - $1,976.00
    2. Volunteers
      1. Curt Johnston, Volunteer Golf Coach
      2. Scott Williamson, Volunteer Golf Coach
  3. Adjourn



                         Mary McCrea, Board Secretary*

   *Persons with disabilities should contact Mary McCrea by 3:00 P.M. on the day of the meeting. 641-969-1012

Jen@iowaschool… Tue, 06/28/2022 - 14:17

Board Agenda - 2022.04.11

Board Agenda - 2022.04.11

Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District

Board of Directors

Regular Board Meeting

Monday, April 11, 2022 at 6:00 PM

District Office, 222 Walnut Street, Eddyville

Budget Hearing at 6:00 pm

  1. Newspaper Publication
  2. Superintendent Presentation



Regular Board Meeting

  1. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
  2. Public Forum/Visitors Acknowledgement
  3. Correspondence
  4. Approve/Amend Agenda
  5. Reports
    1. Superintendent’s Report   
    2. Curriculum Director’s Report
    3. Secondary Principal's Report
    4. Elementary Principal’s Report
    5. Director of Special Services' Report
    6. Other Directors
      1. Childcare Director’s Report
      2. Maintenance Director’s Report 
      3. Nutrition Director’s Report
  6. Consent Items
    1. Minutes
      1. March 21, 2022 Minutes
    2. Financial Reports
      1. Account Balances as of March 31, 2022
      2. Bills List April 2022 
    3. School Board Policies
      1. Second Reading of Communicable Diseases 400.3
      2. Licensed Employee Tutoring 400.20
      3. Substitute Teachers 400.21
      4. Summer School Licensed Employees 400.22
      5. School Volunteers 400.23
    4. Contracts & Agreements
      1. 2022-2023 Sharing Agreement with Ottumwa CSD for Agricultural Education Courses & to participate in Agri-Power FFA Chapter
      2. Operational Sharing Positions- generates $133,434.00 (18 x $7,413.00)
        1. Social Worker - GPAEA (3 FTE) Agreement
        2. Transportation - North Mahaska (5 FTE) Agreement
        3. Maintenance - North Mahaska (5 FTE) Agreement 
        4. Human Resources - Oskaloosa (5 FTE) Agreement
    5. Open Enrollments    
  7. Personnel
    1. Hires
    2. Resignations
  8. Action Items
    1. 2022-2023 Budget
    2. 2021-2022 Budget-Set Amendment Hearing
      1. May 16, 2022
    3. Master Agreements/Contracts
      1. Classified MOU for 2022-2024 Wages
      2. Certified Master 2022-2024 Tentative Agreement
      3. Administrators/Fiscal/Other Contracts 2022-2023
    4. Emergency Connectivity Funding technology purchase
      1. Decision Letter  for 300 chromebooks and 100 samsung tablets
      2. Emergency Connectivity Fund (ECF) was created under the federal government through COVID legislation.  The school is reimbursed for the purchase of the items.
    5. Safety Equipment - Board Resolution FY22-08
    6. Preschool Tuition Rates
      1. Analysis Table
    7. Headstart
  9. Capital Projects
    1. Facility Committee Recommendations
  10. Discussion Items
    1. Talking Points
      1. Curriculum Discussion
      2. Superintendent/Board Member Appreciation Dinner, Tuesday April 26th at IHCC
    2. Open Positions  
  11. Adjourn



                         Mary McCrea, Board Secretary*

   *Persons with disabilities should contact Mary McCrea by 3:00 P.M. on the day of the meeting. 641-969-1012

Jen@iowaschool… Tue, 06/28/2022 - 14:17

Board Agenda - 2022.04.18

Board Agenda - 2022.04.18



Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District

Board of Directors

Work Session

Monday, April 18, 2022 at 6:00 PM

District Office, 222 Walnut Street, Eddyville



  1. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
  2. Work Session
    1. IASB - Board Leadership Workshop
  3. Discussion
    1. Evaluation Process
  4. Adjourn




                         Mary McCrea, Board Secretary*

                                       641-969-4226 ext. 2102

*Persons with disabilities should contact Mary McCrea by 3:00 P.M. on the day of the meeting.


Jen@iowaschool… Tue, 06/28/2022 - 14:17

Board Agenda - 2022.05.16

Board Agenda - 2022.05.16

Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District

Board of Directors

Public Hearing

Regular Board Meeting

Monday, May 16, 2022 at 6:00 PM

District Office, 222 Walnut Street, Eddyville

Regular Board Meeting

  1. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
  2. Public Hearing - 2021-2022 EBF Budget Adjustment Hearing 
  3. Public Forum/Visitors Acknowledgement
  4. Correspondence
  5. Presentation
    1. EBF Archery
  6. Approve/Amend Agenda
  7. Reports
    1. Superintendent’s Report
    2. Curriculum Director’s Report
    3. Secondary Principal's Report
    4. Elementary Principal’s Report
    5. Director of Special Services' Report
    6. Other Directors
      1. Childcare Director’s Report
      2. Maintenance Director’s Report
      3. Nutrition Director’s Report
  8. Consent Items
    1. Minutes
      1. April 1, 2022 Minutes
      2. April 11, 2022 Minutes
      3. April 18, 2022 Minutes
    2. Financial Reports
      1. Account Balances as of April 30, 2022
      2. Bills List May 2022 
    3. School Board Policies:
      1. Substitutes for Classified Personnel 400.24
      2. Public Complaints about Employees 400.25
      3. Employee Family and Medical Leave 400.26
      4. Nepotism 400.27
    4. Contracts & Agreements
      1. 2022-23 Iowa Wesleyan University Agreement
      2. 2022-23 Indian Hills CC Agreement
      3. 2022-23 Central College Agreement
    5. Open Enrollments  
  9. Personnel
    1. Hires
    2. Resignations
  10. Action Items
    1. Approve 2021-2022 Budget Amendment
    2. Head Start 
    3. RFP for Auditing Services FY 2022-2025
      1. Recommendation: Notle, Cornman & Johnson P.C.
    4. RFP for Food Service Management Company FY 2023
      1. Recommendation: Opaa! 
    5. RFP for Phone System
      1. Recommendation: American Business Phones  Analysis
    6. Access Systems Copier and Printers proposal
    7. Technology Purchases
      1. 27 Smart TV and hardware  to place a Smart TV in elementary classrooms $30,000
      2. 100 2 in 1 chromebooks $40,000 (This will add to the amount purchased using ECF funding, This is a PPEL/SAVE expense)
    8. Early Graduation Request
  11. Capital Projects
  12. Discussion Items
    1. Talking Points
      1. School Board Recognition  Month
      2. 360 Survey Questions
      3. EBF Board Workshop Follow Up Letter
    2. Open Positions  
  13. Adjourn



                         Mary McCrea, Board Secretary*

   *Persons with disabilities should contact Mary McCrea by 3:00 P.M. on the day of the meeting. 641-969-1012

Jen@iowaschool… Tue, 06/28/2022 - 14:18

Board Agenda - 2022.06.20

Board Agenda - 2022.06.20

Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District

Board of Directors

Public Hearing

Regular Board Meeting

Monday, June 20, 2022 at 6:00 PM

District Office, 222 Walnut Street, Eddyville

Regular Board Meeting

  1. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
  2. Public Forum/Visitors Acknowledgement
  3. Correspondence
  4. Approve/Amend Agenda
  5. Reports
    1. Superintendent’s Report
    2. Curriculum Director’s Report
    3. Secondary Principal's Report
    4. Elementary Principal’s Report
    5. Director of Special Services' Report
    6. Other Directors
      1. Childcare Director’s Report
      2. Maintenance Director’s Report
      3. Nutrition Director’s Report
  6. Consent Items
    1. Minutes
      1. May 16, 2022 Minutes
    2. Financial Reports
      1. Account Balances as of May 31, 2022
      2. Bills List June 2022 
    3. School Board Policies:
      1. Gifts to Employees 400.28
      2. Employee Use of Cell Phones 400.29
      3. Employee Use of Social Media 400.30
      4. Objectives for Equal Educational Opportunities for Students 500.0
    4. Contracts & Agreements
      1. City of Fremont and Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Resurfacing Contract (Approved copy coming from City of Fremont.  They approved the contract on June 6)
      2. Live Streaming Events with KIIC Radio Agreement
      3. Stop Grant Contract for Emergency Maps  Contract
      4. Student Assurance Services
        1. Student Accident Voluntary Insurance 2022-2023 Application
        2. Catastrophic Student Accident Insurance 2022-2023 Renewal
      5. 2022-23 Buena Vista University Agreement
      6. 2022-2023 IHCC  RISE Contracts
      7. DeVries Counseling & Consulting 2022-2023 Agreement
      8. Hamilton Produce Pay on Delivery 2022-2023 Contract
      9. Shared Librarian with GPAEA for 2022-2023 Agreement
      10. Voluntary Dental Renewal
    5. Open Enrollments  
  7. Personnel
    1. Hires
    2. Resignations
  8. Action Items
    1. IPSIP Insurance Renewal
      1. Workman’s Compensation $82,051.00
      2. Property & Casualty $ 221,604.32
      3. Cyber Liability $24,290.50
    2. SU Breakage Insurance Renewal
    3. 4 POS Terminals for Nutrition Program quote
    4. Competitive Robotics - Supplemental Schedule addition 6.5%
    5. Capital Construction Projects
      1. Cement Projects Document
      2. East Wall of the Blakesburg West Building
        1. Larry Yoder $31,000 (Place a metal lath and back plaster wall with structural bonding)
        2. Todd Kelsey $28,000 plus disposal of the brick (Remove and lay new brick)
    6. Early Graduation Request
    7. Jr/Sr High Staff Computer Purchase Dell Quote
    8. Substitute Teacher Rate
  9. Capital Projects
    1. List: buses, construction upgrades, furniture
    2. Outdoor Storage Building
  10. Discussion Items
    1. EBF Rocket & Website
    2. Board Policy on classroom sizes for open enrollment purposes.  OE Summary and Policy
    3. Talking Points
    4. Open Positions   
  11. Closed Session - per Iowa Code Section 21.5{1}(i) Superintendent Evaluation (Roll Call vote)
  12. Adjourn



                         Mary McCrea, Board Secretary*

   *Persons with disabilities should contact Mary McCrea by 3:00 P.M. on the day of the meeting. 641-969-1012

Jen@iowaschool… Tue, 06/28/2022 - 14:18




If you are unable to attend a meeting, the public is invited to attend via Zoom Meeting 


  2. Meeting ID: 817 259 2646

  3. Passcode: 123


Click the link(s) below to view Board Agendas.


Jen@iowaschool… Wed, 06/22/2022 - 08:40

Board Agenda - 2022.07.18

Board Agenda - 2022.07.18

Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District

Board of Directors

Regular Board Meeting

Monday, July 18, 2022 at 6:00 PM

District Office, 222 Walnut Street, Eddyville

Regular Board Meeting

  1. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
  2. Visitors Acknowledgement
  3. Correspondence
  4. Approve/Amend Agenda
  5. Reports
    1. Superintendent’s Report
    2. Curriculum Director’s Report
    3. Secondary Principal's Report
    4. Elementary Principal’s Report
    5. Director of Special Services' Report
    6. Other Directors
      1. Childcare Director’s Report
      2. Maintenance Director’s Report  
  6. Consent Items
    1. Minutes
      1. June 20, 2022 Minutes
    2. Financial Reports
      1. Account Balances as of June 30, 2022
      2. Bills List July 2022 
    3. School Board Policies:
      1. Resident Student 501
      2. Non-Resident and Foreign Exchange Students 502
      3. Compulsory Attendance 503
      4. Attendance Cooperation Process 504
    4. Contracts & Agreements
      1. 2022-2023 Wm Penn Nurse Clinical Agreement
      2. Technology - TF Technology
      3. Bus Mechanic - K Repair
      4. Sign Language Interpreter - CodaHands Interpreting
      5. Dell Lease Agreement for Approved Computer and Chromebook Purchase Lease
      6. STOP Grant Contracts STOP Contracts
        1. Nikki Thomas:  EBF Individual Threat Assessment Coordinator
        2. Marla Wilfawn:  DC Individual Threat Assessment Coordinator
        3. Heather Severson:  EBF Safety Audit Coordinator
        4. Greg Gordy:  DC Safety Audit Coordinator
    5. Open Enrollments    
  7. Personnel
    1. Hires
    2. Resignations
  8. Action Items
    1. Substitute Teacher pay
    2. 2022-2023 Fees
    3. Handbooks
      1. 2022-2023 EBF Preschool
      2. 2022-2023 EBF Elementary
      3. 2022-2023 EBF Jr/Sr High
      4. 2022-2023 Staff Handbook
    4. Emergency Operations Plan Review Notes
    5. Firewall Upgrade Purchases and Licenses Quote
    6. Preschool Curriculum 5 year purchase  Quote
  9. Capital Projects
    1. Storage building
  10. Discussion Items
    1. Open Enrollment Board Policy with the change to no deadline dates  Administrative Guidelines
    2. Talking Points
    3. RSAI Legislative Issues Survey
    4. School Security
    5. Open Positions
  11. Closed Session - per Iowa Code Section 21.5{1}(c) Discuss strategy with legal counsel in matters regarding litigation (Roll Call vote)
  12. Adjourn



                         Mary McCrea, Board Secretary*

   *Persons with disabilities should contact Mary McCrea by 3:00 P.M. on the day of the meeting. 641-969-1012

Jen@iowaschool… Fri, 07/22/2022 - 10:04

Board Agenda - 2022.08.09

Board Agenda - 2022.08.09

Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District

Board of Directors

Special Board Meeting

Tuesday, August 9, 2022 at 6:00 PM

District Office, 222 Walnut Street, Eddyville

Special Board Meeting

  1. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
  2. Approve/Amend Agenda    
  3. Personnel
    1. Hires
      1. Kevin Huck, Head Cross Country Coach (9%/0) $2,462.00
    2. Resignations
      1. Alexis Kauzlarich, Head Cross Country Coach
      2. Bob Shepherd, Assistant/JV Cross Country Coach
  4. Adjourn



                                                                                    Mary McCrea, Board Secretary*

                                                 *Persons with disabilities should contact Mary McCrea by 3:00 P.M. on the day of the meeting. 641-969-1012

mary.mccrea@ro… Mon, 08/08/2022 - 13:34

Board Agenda - 2022.08.15

Board Agenda - 2022.08.15

Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District

Board of Directors

Regular Board Meeting

Monday, August 15, 2022 at 6:00 PM

District Office, 222 Walnut Street, Eddyville

Board will be touring the Jr/Sr High School at 5:00 PM prior to regular board meeting


Regular Board Meeting

  1. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
  2. Visitors Acknowledgement
  3. Correspondence
  4. Approve/Amend Agenda
  5. Reports
    1. Superintendent’s Report
    2. Curriculum Director’s Report
    3. Secondary Principal's Report
    4. Elementary Principal’s Report
    5. Director of Special Services' Report
    6. Other Directors
      1. Childcare Director’s Report
      2. Maintenance Director’s Report 
  6. Consent Items
    1. Minutes
      1. July 18, 2022 Minutes
    2. Financial Reports
      1. Account Balances as of July 31, 2022
      2. Bills List August 2022 
    3. School Board Policies:
      1. Entrance - Admissions 505
      2. Student Transfer into the District 506
      3. Student Transfers out of the District or Withdrawals 507
      4. Student Attendance Records 508
  7. Contracts & Agreements
      1. William Penn MOU for Para to Teacher program
  8. Open Enrollments    
  9. Personnel
    1. Hires
    2. Resignations
  10. Action Items
    1. Emergency Operations Plan Review
    2. Mileage Reimbursement Rate
      1. Department of Administrative Services doc
    3. Elementary Computer Purchase / Lease
    4. Special Delegate Assembly
      1. Sept 13, 2022, 6:00 pm via Zoom
      2. Information


  1. Capital Projects
  2. Discussion Items
    1. Open Positions 
    2. Talking Points
      1. Revenue Purpose Statement
        1. Wapello County Auditor suggested waiting until Nov 2023 for cost savings
      2. After School Care
  3. Adjourn



                                                                                    Mary McCrea, Board Secretary*

                                                 *Persons with disabilities should contact Mary McCrea by 3:00 P.M. on the day of the meeting. 641-969-1012



mary.mccrea@ro… Thu, 08/11/2022 - 15:06

Board Agenda - 2022.09.19

Board Agenda - 2022.09.19

Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District

Board of Directors

Regular Board Meeting

Monday, September 19, 2022 at 6:00 PM

District Office, 222 Walnut Street, Eddyville



Regular Board Meeting

  1. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
  2. Public Forum
  3. Presentation - Agri Power FFA Presentation
  4. Correspondence
  5. Approve/Amend Agenda
  6. Reports
    1. Superintendent’s Report
    2. Curriculum Director’s Report
    3. Secondary Principal's Report
    4. Elementary Principal’s Report
    5. Director of Special Services' Report
    6. Other Directors
      1. Childcare Director’s Report
      2. Maintenance Director’s Report  
  7. Consent Items
    1. Minutes
      1. August 9, 2022 Minutes
      2. August 15, 2022 Minutes
    2. Financial Reports
      1. Account Balances as of August 31, 2022
      2. Bills List September 2022 
        1. STOP Grant Approvals Document
    3. School Board Policies:
      1. 509 Student Absences - Excused
      2. 510 Truancy - Unexcused Absences
      3. 511 Student Release During School Hours
      4. 512 Pregnant Students
      5. 722 Meal Charges  722 Meal Charges with Changes
  8. Contracts & Agreements
  9. Open Enrollments    
  10. Personnel
    1. Hires  
    2. Resignations
  11. Action Items
    1. Return to Learn Plan
    2. 2022-2023 Fundraisers
    3. SBRC Request for Supplemental Allowable Growth
      1. Special Education deficit of $152,123.24
      2. Roll Call
    4. FFA Request permission to attend the National Convention in Indianapolis, IN
      1. October 26th to October 29th  (Board Policy 5.42 “unusual travel”)
      2. Requesting district to provide transportation for students with use of two school suburbans
    5. Elementary furniture purchase for all 4 fifth grade classrooms and kindergarten tables in Blakesburg.  Itemized Quote  $44,886.80
    6. Capital Projects
      1. Mini-Split AirConditioning units for Eddyville Elementary. $22,000
      2. Playgrounds
      3. Wrestling Mats
  12. Discussion Items
    1. Capital Projects
    2. October 17th Board Meeting at Fremont Elementary
    3. November 21st Board Meeting at Blakesburg Elementary
      1. Annual & Organizational Meetings
    4. Cell Phone & Dress Code
    5. IASB Annual Convention Nov 16-Nov 18
    6. Redistricting after Census
      1. Director districts must at a minimum recertify or redraw existing boundaries
        1. Mapping Solutions - Jim Addy
      2. Must be done by May 15, 2023 but not before Nov 15, 2022- Public Hearing is required
    7. Archery committee
    8. Talking Points
    9. Open Positions  
  13. Adjourn



                                                                                    Mary McCrea, Board Secretary*

                                                 *Persons with disabilities should contact Mary McCrea by 3:00 P.M. on the day of the meeting. 641-969-1012

mary.mccrea@ro… Fri, 09/16/2022 - 13:10

Board Agenda - 2022.10.17

Board Agenda - 2022.10.17

Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District

Board of Directors

Regular Board Meeting

Monday, October 17, 2022 at 6:00 PM

Fremont Elementary Library, 525 E. Main St, Fremont

Regular Board Meeting

  1. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
  2. Public Forum
  3. Correspondence
  4. Approve/Amend Agenda
  5. Reports
    1. Superintendent’s Report
    2. Curriculum Director’s Report
    3. Secondary Principal's Report
    4. Elementary Principal’s Report
    5. Director of Special Services' Report
    6. Other Directors
      1. Childcare Director’s Report
      2. Maintenance Director’s Report  
  6. Consent Items
    1. Minutes
      1. September 19, 2022 Minutes
    2. Financial Reports
      1. Account Balances as of September 30, 2022
      2. Bills List October 2022 
    3. School Board Policies:
      1. Open Enrollment Transfers - Procedures as a Sending District 513
      2. Open Enrollment Transfers - Procedures as a Receiving District 514
      3. Homeless Children & Youth 515
      4. Competent Private Instruction 516
  7. Contracts & Agreements
    1. 2022-2023 Infinite Campus Messaging Service
    2. Mapping Strategies MOU
    3. Wordware POS service for Nutrition
    4. Quick Access LLC Software Agreement
    5. Music Moves Music Therapy Contract - Explore Academy approved by the consortium
  8. Open Enrollments    
  9. Personnel
    1. Hires 
    2. Resignations
    3. Volunteers
  10. Action Items
    1. Fiscal Year 2021 Audit
    2. Resolution to Adopt Return-to-Play Protocol
      1. Roll Call
    3. Hard Surface Only Plan
    4. Purchase of the Combi Oven $25,000
    5. EBFHS Concert Bank request permission to attend the World’s of  Fun Music Festival in Kansas City, MO
      1. May 6th & 7th  (Board Policy 5.42 “unusual travel”)
      2. Requesting district to provide transportation for students and for district o pay for the bus drivers hotel rooms
  11. Discussion Items
    1. Capital Projects
    2. Certified Enrollment
    3. Communication to Staff
    4. Set publication date for Dec 19th public hearing regarding flexibility account transfers
    5. Radon Testing House File 2412
      1. Attending a workshop October 26 with Mr. Heinle to create a plan for full building testing through the EBF school district.
    6. Carbon Pipeline proposed through the school district
    7. Open Positions 
    8. Talking Points
  12. Adjourn



                                                                                    Mary McCrea, Board Secretary*

                                                 *Persons with disabilities should contact Mary McCrea by 3:00 P.M. on the day of the meeting. 641-969-1012

mary.mccrea@ro… Fri, 10/14/2022 - 10:58

Board Agenda - 2022.11.07

Board Agenda - 2022.11.07

Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District

Board of Directors

Special Board Meeting

Monday, November 7, 2022 at 6:00 PM

District Office, 222 Walnut Street

Eddyville, Iowa 52553

Special Board Meeting

  1. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
  2. Approve/Amend Agenda    
  3. Personnel
    1. Volunteers for Archery
  4. Action Items
    1. Opposition letter for CO2 Pipeline
  5. Adjourn



                                                                                    Mary McCrea, Board Secretary*

                                                 *Persons with disabilities should contact Mary McCrea by 3:00 P.M. on the day of the meeting. 641-969-1012




mary.mccrea@ro… Tue, 11/01/2022 - 08:54

Board Agenda - 2022.11.21

Board Agenda - 2022.11.21

Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District

Board of Directors - Annual Board Meeting

Monday, November 21, 2022 at 6:00 PM

Blakesburg Elementary Library, 407 Wilson Street, Blakesburg


Annual  Board Meeting

  1. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
  2. Public Forum
  3. Correspondence
  4. Approve Agenda
  5. Organizational Items
    1. Elect a Board President - Oath of Office
    2. Elect a Vice President - Oath of Office
    3. Appointment of Board Secretary - Oath of Office
    4. Business Items
      1. Regular Board Meeting Schedule
        1. Set Date, Time and Location
      2. Procedural Rules
      3. Depository -Bank and Maximum Depository Limit
      4. Official Publication
      5. Legal Counsel
      6. Committees
        1. Capital Projects / Transportation
        2. Negotiations
        3. Quarterly Building Representative Meeting
      7. Board Delegates
        1. Mahaska
        2. Monroe
        3. Wapello
        4. IASB
  6. Reports
    1. Superintendent’s Report
    2. Curriculum Director’s Report
    3. Secondary Principal’s Report
    4. Elementary Principal’s Report
    5. Director of Special Services’ Report
    6. Other Directors
      1. Activity Report
      2. Daycare Report
      3. Maintenance Report
      4. Nutrition Report
      5. Transportation Report
  7. Consent Items
    1. Minutes
      1. October 17, 2022 Minutes
    2. Financial Reports
      1. Account Balances as of October 31, 2022
      2. Bills List November 2022 
    3. School Board Policies:
      1. Dual Enrollment - 517
      2. Student Appearances - 518
      3. Freedom of Expression - 519
      4. Student Complaints & Grievances - 520
      5. First Reading - Meal Charges -722 (tabled Sept 19, 2022)
      6. First Reading - Naloxone Supply & Administration for Opioid Overdose 555A
  8. Contracts & Agreements
    1. Mentor for Megan Lehman for MOC endorsement - contract
  9. Open Enrollments    
  10. Personnel
    1. Hires
    2. Resignations
    3. Tuition Reimbursement Contract 
  11. Action Items
    1. SBRC Request 
      1. Open Enrollment Out not on prior year’s headcount - the district’s administration is authorized to submit a request to the School Budget Review Committee for a modified supplemental amount of $89,614.80 for open enrolled out students who were not included in the district’s previous year certified enrollment count.
      2. Roll Call
      3. Limited English Proficient (LEP) Instruction Beyond 5 Years - The district’s administration is authorized to submit a request to the School Budget Review Committee for a modified supplemental amount of $128.00 related to the English language learning program for students who have exceeded five years of weighting that are included on the Fall 2022 certified enrollment headcount.
      4. Roll Call
    2. FY 2022 Year End Balances
    3. Physical Education Waivers and Exemptions (Board Policy 614)
      1. Annual Application to PE Waivers and Exemptions requires annual approval and minutes
      2. High School Physical Education Requirements Summary
    4. Carbon Pipeline Letter
  12. Discussion Items
    1. Capital Projects
    2. Redistricting Needed - Map Proposals
      1. Current DD Map
      2. Proposal 1
      3. Proposal 2
    3. Open Positions 
    4. Talking Points
  13. Adjourn




                                                                                                                   Mary McCrea, Board Secretary*

                                                 *Persons with disabilities should contact Mary McCrea by 3:00 P.M. on the day of the meeting. 641-969-1012





mary.mccrea@ro… Fri, 11/18/2022 - 09:48

Board Agenda - 2022.12.19

Board Agenda - 2022.12.19

Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District

Board of Directors

Regular Board Meeting

Monday, December 19, 2022 at 6:00 PM

District Office, 222 Walnut St, Eddyville

Regular Board Meeting

  1. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
  2. Public Hearing - Categorical Fund Transfer Resolution
  3. Public Forum
  4. Correspondence
  5. Approve/Amend Agenda
  6. Reports
    1. Superintendent’s Report
    2. Curriculum Director’s Report
    3. Secondary Principal’s Report
    4. Elementary Principal’s Report
    5. Director of Special Services’ Report
    6. Building Representative Meeting Report
    7. Other Directors
      1. Child Care Report
      2. Maintenance Report
      3. Nutrition Report
  7. Consent Items
    1. Minutes
      1. November 7, 2022 Minutes
      2. November 21, 2022 Minutes
    2. Financial Reports
      1. Account Balances as of November 30, 2022
      2. Bills List December 2022 
    3. School Board Policies:
      1. Care of School Property/Vandalism - 521
      2. Student Conduct on School Transportation - 522
      3. Student Lockers - 523
      4. Weapons - 524
      5. Second Reading -Naloxone Supply & Administration for Opioid Overdose - 555A
      6. Second Reading - Meal Charges -722
  8. Contracts & Agreements
    1.  Teacher and Paraeducator Registered Apprenticeship - TPRA Grant
      1. Megan Bahr
      2. Ashley Wilson
    2. Tuition Reimbursement for Buffie Ritz- Reading Endorsement
  9. Open Enrollments     
  10. Personnel
    1. Hires
    2. Resignations
  11. Action Items
    1. Flexibility Fund Transfer from Home School Assistant Program and Professional Development 
      1. Resolution
      2. Roll Call
    2. At-Risk Modified Allowable Growth - $288,311.00
      1. Roll Call
    3. ADA Compliant Lift for Jr-Sr High School Stage $50,000
    4. EBF Lau Plan 2022-2023
    5. Out of State Travel Request for Agri Power FFA
    6. Close and transfer dormant activity accounts     
      1. $30.22 from EBF Special Olympics to Activity Management
      2. $4.62 from Archery Club Balance to Activity Management
    7. Purchase of a 12 passenger van up to $45,000
    8. WoodRiver Energy Renewal
  12. Discussion Items
    1. Capital Projects
    2. Open Positions 
    3. Talking Points
  13. Adjourn




                                                                                                                   Mary McCrea, Board Secretary*

                                                 *Persons with disabilities should contact Mary McCrea by 3:00 P.M. on the day of the meeting. 641-969-1012





mary.mccrea@ro… Fri, 12/16/2022 - 09:02

Board Agenda - 2023.01.16

Board Agenda - 2023.01.16

Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District

Board of Directors

Regular Board Meeting

Monday, January 16, 2023 at 6:00 PM

District Office, 222 Walnut St, Eddyville

Regular Board Meeting

  1. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
  2. Public Forum
  3. Correspondence
  4. Approve/Amend Agenda
  5. Reports
    1. Superintendent’s Report
    2. Curriculum Director’s Report
    3. Secondary Principal’s Report
    4. Elementary Principal’s Report
    5. Director of Special Services’ Report
    6. Other Directors
      1. Child Care Report
      2. Maintenance Report
      3. Nutrition Report
  6. Consent Items
    1. Minutes
      1. December 19, 2022 Minutes
    2. Financial Reports
      1. Account Balances as of December 31, 2022
      2. Bills List January 2023 
    3. School Board Policies:
      1. Possession or Use of a Controlled Substance and/or Nicotine - 525
      2. Search and Seizure - 526
      3. Interview of Students - 527
      4. Anti-Harassment/Bullying Policy - 528
  7. Contracts & Agreements
    1. Teacher Endorsement
  8. Open Enrollments    
  9. Personnel
    1. Hires
    2. Resignations
  10. Action Items
    1. Safety Equipment - Board Resolution FY23-03
  11. Discussion Items
    1. School Resource Officer
    2. Capital Projects
    3. Draft Calendar
    4. Change date of February board meeting?- President’s Day -Holiday
    5. SIAC Committee
    6. Director District Redistricting-set public hearing date
    7. District Mission Statement - current statement adopted July 16, 2012
    8. Open Positions 
    9. Talking Points
  12. Adjourn




                                                                                                                      Mary McCrea, Board Secretary*

                                                 *Persons with disabilities should contact Mary McCrea by 3:00 P.M. on the day of the meeting. 641-969-1012

mary.mccrea@ro… Fri, 01/13/2023 - 12:04

Board Agenda - 2023.02.20

Board Agenda - 2023.02.20

Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District

Board of Directors

Regular Board Meeting

Monday, February 20, 2023 at 6:00 PM

District Office, 222 Walnut St, Eddyville




Regular Board Meeting

  1. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
  2. Public Forum
  3. Presentations
    1. FFA Officers
    2. CD Brinegar
  4. Approve/Amend Agenda
  5. Reports
    1. Superintendent’s Report
    2. Curriculum Director’s Report
    3. Secondary Principal’s Report
    4. Elementary Principal’s Report
    5. Director of Special Services’ Report
    6. Building Representative Meeting Report
    7. Other Directors
      1. Activities Report
      2. Child Care Report
      3. Maintenance Report
  6. Consent Items
    1. Minutes
      1. January 16, 2023 Minutes
    2. Financial Reports
      1. Account Balances as of January 31, 2023
      2. Bills List February 2023 
    3. School Board Policies:
      1. Anti-Harassment/Bullying Investigation Procedures - 529
      2. Use of Motor Vehicles - 530
      3. Student Conduct - 531
      4. Expulsion - 532
      5. First Reading of District Vision and Mission Statement - 111
  7. Contracts & Agreements
  8. Open Enrollments    
  9. Personnel
    1. Hires
    2. Resignations
  10. Action Items
    1. Resolution for Redistricting of Director Districts following the 2020 Census
    2. Budget Guarantee
      1. Budget Guarantee Resolution- Annual Resolution (Roll Call Vote)
        1. Budget adjustment as granted under section 257.14 from the Code of Iowa.  This resolution provides protection if EBF necessitates the use of the budget guarantee of 101%. Resolution
      2. Set Budget Hearing date and publication
        1. Budget Approval must be completed by April 30th.  Recommendation to set hearing for April 17th’s board meeting.  
        2. Ottumwa Courier - Publication notice must occur more than 10 days prior and less than 20 days prior to the budget hearing will be published between March 28th and April 7th.
    3. Softball Backstop - 40 feet tall netting backstop $42,000. 
      1. Higher backstop to replace current backstop.  This backstop should eliminate several foul balls from crossing the paved road directly behind the current backstop.  The current backstop is aging, but the primary purpose of this proposal is to eliminate students and younger children from crossing the road.
  11. Discussion Items
    1. Update on training for emergency situations
    2. Childcare Rates
    3. SIAC Committee
    4. March 20th Board Meeting - FCS Students will prepare meal
    5. Talking Points
    6. Open Positions
  12. Adjourn



                                                                                    Mary McCrea, Board Secretary*

                                                 *Persons with disabilities should contact Mary McCrea by 3:00 P.M. on the day of the meeting. 641-969-1012

mary.mccrea@ro… Fri, 02/17/2023 - 13:57

Board Agenda - 2023.03.20

Board Agenda - 2023.03.20

Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District

Board of Directors

Regular Board Meeting

Monday, March 20, 2023 at 6:00 PM

EBF Jr/Sr High Library, 1301 Berdan, Eddyville



Regular Board Meeting

  1. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
  2. Public Forum
  3. Correspondence
  4. Approve Agenda
  5. Reports
    1. Superintendent’s Report
    2. Curriculum Director’s Report
    3. Secondary Principal’s Report
    4. Elementary Principals’ Report
    5. Director of Special Services’ Report
    6. Child Care Report
    7. Nutrition Report
    8. Maintenance Report
  6. Consent Items
    1. Minutes
      1. February 20, 2023 Minutes
    2. Financial Reports
      1. Account Balances as of February 28, 2023
      2. Bills List March 2023 
    3. School Board Policies:
      1. Fines-Fees-Charges 533
      2. Student Fee Waiver and Reduction Procedures 534
      3. Good Conduct Rule 535
      4. Student Government 536
      5. Second Reading of District Vision and Mission Statement - 111
  7. Contracts & Agreements
    1. 2023-2024 Cooperative Agreement with University of Northern Iowa
    2. 2023-2024 Education Agreement with Morningside University
    3. April 1, 2023 to September 30, 2024 Consulting Services for STOP Grant with IC Group, Inc
  8. Open Enrollments     
  9. Personnel
    1. Hires
    2. Resignations
  10. Action Items
    1. 2022-2023 School Calendar with Make-Up Days added
    2. Kognito Software Quote (STOP Grant)
    3. Budget Guarantee-Tabled February 20, 2023
      1. Budget Guarantee Resolution- Annual Resolution (Roll Call Vote)
        1. Budget adjustment as granted under section 257.14 from the Code of Iowa.  This resolution provides protection if EBF necessitates the use of the budget guarantee of 101%. Resolution
  11. Discussion Items
    1. Update on training for emergency situations
    2. In District Transfer
    3. Nutrition Donations Protocol Practice
    4. Childcare Rates
    5. Girls Wrestling Program next year
    6. Talking Points
    7. Open Positions
  12. Adjourn



                                                                                    Mary McCrea, Board Secretary*

                                                 *Persons with disabilities should contact Mary McCrea by 3:00 P.M. on the day of the meeting. 641-969-1012

mary.mccrea@ro… Fri, 03/17/2023 - 16:08

Board Agenda - 2023.04.10

Board Agenda - 2023.04.10

Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District

Board of Directors

Work Session

Monday, April 10, 2023 at 6:00 PM

District Office, 222 Walnut Street, Eddyville



  1. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum


  1. Work Session
    1. Board Appreciation Dinner
    2. Childcare Rates
    3. In District Transfer
    4. District Vision and Mission Statement - Board Policy 111
    5. Nutrition Donations Protocol Practice - New Board Policy 722A
    6. 2023-2024 School Calendar
      1. Survey Results
    7. Sub Committee(s)
    8. 5 Year Projection
    9. Capital Projects


  1. Adjourn



                                                                                            Mary McCrea, Board Secretary*

                                                                                            641-969-4226 ext. 2102

*Persons with disabilities should contact Mary McCrea by 3:00 P.M. on the day of the meeting.


mary.mccrea@ro… Thu, 04/06/2023 - 14:17

Board Agenda - 2023.04.17

Board Agenda - 2023.04.17

Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District

Board of Directors

Regular Board Meeting

Monday, April 17, 2023 at 6:00 PM

District Office, 222 Walnut Street, Eddyville

Regular Board Meeting

  1. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
  2. 2023-2024 Budget Hearing at 6:00 pm
    1. Newspaper Publication
    2. Superintendent Presentation
  3. Public Forum
  4. Correspondence
  5. Presentation - Youth Legacy Alliance
  6. Approve/Amend Agenda
  7. Reports
    1. Curriculum Director’s Report
    2. Secondary Principal's Report
    3. Elementary Principal’s Report
    4. Director of Special Services' Report
    5. Other Directors
      1. Activities Report
      2. Childcare Report
      3. Maintenance Report 
      4. Nutrition Report
  8. Consent Items
    1. Minutes
      1. March 20, 2023 Minutes
    2. Financial Reports
      1. Account Balances as of March 31, 2023
      2. Bills List April 2023  
    3. School Board Policies
      1. Student Organizations 537
      2. Student Publications 538
      3. Student Publications Code 539
      4. Student Performances 540
      5. First Reading of New Board Policy 722A - Nutrition Donations
    4. Contracts & Agreements
      1. Operational Sharing Positions
        1. Transportation - North Mahaska (5 FTE) Agreement
        2. Maintenance - North Mahaska (5 FTE) Agreement 
      2. FY24 Extension with Opaa! for Food Service
    5. Open Enrollments     
  9. Personnel
    1. Hires
    2. Resignations
  10. Action Items
    1. 2023-2024 Budget
    2. Set Amendment Hearing for 2022-2023 Budget - May 15, 2023
    3. In District Elementary Transfers- request form
    4. 2023-2024 School Calendar
    5. Master Agreements/Contracts
      1. Certified Staff - Master Agreement (TPI 4.22%)
      2. Classified Staff - MOU ($1.00/hr wage increase & $1,000 increase or bus drivers)
      3. Admin/Fiscal/HSAP/Others - Contracts - (TPI 4.22%)
    6. Quote for Into Reading Grades K-6: 6 year Print & Digital Subscription
    7. Quote for Into Reading Grades K-3: Leveled Reader Libraries/Start Right Readers
    8. Quote for Combustion Control to replace heaters at Jr/Sr High School
    9. Preschool Tuition Rates for 2023-2024
    10. Daycare Rates for 2023-2024
    11. Draft List of 2023 EBF Graduates
    12. Denovo Contract for projects:
      1. Roof Repairs
      1. New Blakesburg Kitchen addition to the currently elementary school
      2. Renovation of the current FCS classroom
  1. Discussion Items
    1. Capital Projects
    2. Salvage Vehicles
    3. Board Policy 111 - District Vision & Mission Statement
      1. Board’s Recommendation: The mission statement of the Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District is to provide a quality education which cultivates Iowa students to be collaborative and productive citizens.
      1. Response from committee: The mission statement of the Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District is to provide a quality education which prepares Iowa students to be collaborative and productive global citizens. 
    1. Subcommittees
      1. Certified Salary Schedule
      1. Supplemental Salary Schedule & positions
      2. Exploration of need for second agricultural teacher and/or FFA advisor
    1. Graduation - Board Members attending
    2. Talking Points
    3. Open Positions 
  1. Adjourn



                                                                                    Mary McCrea, Board Secretary*

                                                 *Persons with disabilities should contact Mary McCrea by 3:00 P.M. on the day of the meeting. 641-969-1012

mary.mccrea@ro… Fri, 04/14/2023 - 16:01

Board Agenda - 2023.04.27

Board Agenda - 2023.04.27

Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District
Board of Directors 
Special Board Meeting
Thursday, April 27, 2023 at 6:00 PM
District Office, 222 Walnut Street, Eddyville

Regular Board Meeting
1)    Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
2)    Termination of Probationary Teacher Contract-Roll Call
3)    Adjourn

    Mary McCrea, Board Secretary*
    *Persons with disabilities should contact Mary McCrea by 3:00 P.M. on the day of the meeting. 641-969-1012

mary.mccrea@ro… Wed, 04/26/2023 - 15:26

Board Agenda - 2023.05.05

Board Agenda - 2023.05.05

Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District

Board of Directors

Special Board Meeting

Friday, May 5, 2023 at 8:00 AM

District Office, 222 Walnut Street, Eddyville

Regular Board Meeting

  1. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
  2. Approve out of state travel for EBF Band to Worlds of Fun in Kansas City
  3. Adjourn



                                                                                    Mary McCrea, Board Secretary


mary.mccrea@ro… Wed, 05/03/2023 - 16:47

Board Agenda - 2023.05.15

Board Agenda - 2023.05.15


Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District

Board of Directors 

Public Hearing

Regular Board Meeting

Monday, May 15, 2023 at 6:00 PM

District Office, 222 Walnut Street, Eddyville

Regular Board Meeting

  1. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
  2. Public Hearing - 2022-2023 EBF Budget Adjustment Hearing 
  3. Public Hearing - 2023-2024 School Calendar
  4. Public Forum
  5. Correspondence
  6. Approve/Amend Agenda
  7. Reports
    1. Superintendent’s Report
    2. Curriculum Director’s Report
    3. Secondary Principal's Report
    4. Elementary Principal’s Report
    5. Director of Special Services' Report
    6. Building Representative Meeting Report
    7. Other Directors
      1. Childcare Director’s Report
      2. Maintenance Director’s Report
      3. Nutrition Director’s Report
  8. Consent Items
    1. Minutes
      1. April 10, 2023 Minutes
      2. April 17, 2023 Minutes
      3. April 27, 2023 Minutes
    2. Financial Reports
      1. Account Balances as of April 30, 2023
      2. Bills List May 2023 
    3. School Board Policies:
      1. Student Fundraising - 541
      2. Student Activity Program - 542
      3. Student Promotion - Retention - Acceleration - 543
      4. Student Honor and Awards - 544
      5. 2nd Reading of Donations to Food Service Program for Application to Unpaid Meal Accounts - 722A
      6. 1st Reading of District Vision and Mission Statement - 111
    4. Contracts & Agreements
      1. Librarian - GPAEA Sharing Agreement
      2. Technology - TF Technology
      3. Bus Mechanic - K Repair
      4. Explore Academy Julie DeVries Contract
      5. Farm Contracts
        1. Nollen - Fremont Land-cash rent
        2. Davis - Eddyville Land-custom Agreement
      6. FY 24 Extension FSMC - Opaa!
        1. OPAA Response - Buy American


    1. Open Enrollments  
  1. Personnel
    1. Hires
    2. Resignations
  2. Action Items
    1. Approve 2022-2023 Budget Amendment
    2. Approve 2023-2024 School Calendar
    3. EBF Service Delivery Plan 2023
    4. Surplus Vehicles - accept bids at June 19, 2023 board meeting
    5. Purchase of lighting system with COPS Grant
    6. Daycare Rates
    7. Classified personal day not used paid
  3. Discussion Item
    1. Capital Projects
      1. Resurfacing highway 23 in Fremont by Iowa DOT New Estimate
    2. Meal Reimbursement for drivers
    3. Sub Committees - dates for meetings
    4. Talking Points
    5. Open Positions   
  4. Adjourn



                                                                                    Mary McCrea, Board Secretary*

                    *Persons with disabilities should contact Mary McCrea by 3:00 P.M. on the day of the meeting. 641-969-1012

mary.mccrea@ro… Fri, 05/12/2023 - 19:33

Board Agenda - 2023.05.22

Board Agenda - 2023.05.22

Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District

Board of Directors

Special Board Meeting

Monday, May 22, 2023 at 7:00 PM

District Office, 222 Walnut Street

Eddyville, Iowa 52553

Special Board Meeting

  1. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
  2. Approve Agenda   
  3. Contracts & Agreements
    1. Denovo Contract
    2. Nollen - Fremont Land-cash rent 2 year agreement
    3. Social Worker - GPAEA Sharing Agreement
  4. Hires - Madysen Wade paid 9th Grade Softball coach
  5. Action Items
    1. Capital Projects
  6. Adjourn



                                                                                    Mary McCrea, Board Secretary*

                                                 *Persons with disabilities should contact Mary McCrea by 3:00 P.M. on the day of the meeting. 641-969-1012



mary.mccrea@ro… Fri, 05/19/2023 - 08:11

Board Agenda - 2023.06.06

Board Agenda - 2023.06.06

Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District

Board of Directors

Special Board Meeting

Tuesday, June 6, 2023 at 5:30 PM

District Office, 222 Walnut Street, Eddyville

Regular Board Meeting

  1. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
  2. Approve Agenda
  3. Recommendation for Termination
  4. Adjourn



                                                                                                                   Mary McCrea, Board Secretary*

                                                 *Persons with disabilities should contact Mary McCrea by 3:00 P.M. on the day of the meeting. 641-969-1012

mary.mccrea@ro… Mon, 06/05/2023 - 08:52

Board Agenda - 2023.06.19

Board Agenda - 2023.06.19

Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District

Board of Directors

Regular Board Meeting

Monday, June 19, 2023 at 6:00 PM

District Office, 222 Walnut Street, Eddyville


Regular Board Meeting

  1. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
  2. Public Forum
  3. Correspondence
  4. Approve Agenda
  5. Reports
    1. Superintendent’s Report
    2. Curriculum Director’s Report
    3. Secondary Principal's Report
    4. Elementary Principal’s Report
    5. Director of Special Services' Report
    6. Other Directors
      1. Childcare Director’s Report
      2. Nutrition Director’s Report
  6. Consent Items
    1. Minutes
      1. May 5, 2023 Minutes
      2. May 15, 2023 Minutes
      3. May 22, 2023 Minutes
    2. Financial Reports
      1. Account Balances as of May 31, 2023
      2. Bills List June 2023 
    3. School Board Policies:
      1. Testing, Evaluation, and Survey Program - 545
      2. Graduation Requirements - 546
      3. Graduation Requirements - Home School Assistance Program - 546A
      4. Early Graduation - 547
      5. District Vision & Mission Statement - 111
    4. Contracts & Agreements
      1. Student Assurance Services - Catastrophic Student Accident Insurance 2023-2024 Renewal
      2. Voluntary Dental 2023-2024 Renewal Rates
      3. Central College Student Teaching Agreement for 2023-2024
      4. Buena Vista College Student Teaching Agreement for 2023-2025
      5. IHCC Student Field Experience/Observation Agreement for 2023-2024
      6. Hamilton Produce Pay on Delivery Contract for 2023-2024
      7. IHCC 4+ Transition Services Contract for 2023-2024
      8. Employee Benefit Systems (FSA, LFSA & DCA) 2023-2024 Renewal
      9. Denovo Contract
    5. Open Enrollments  
  7. Personnel
    1. Hires
    2. Resignations
  8. Action Items
    1. Resolution for Revenue Purpose Statement - November 7, 2023 Election
    2. Accept/Deny Bids
      1. Bus # 10
      2. Bus # 14
      3. Bus # 16
      4. Bus #23
      5. Suburban # 8
      6. Suburban #28
    3. Capital Projects
      1. Summer Cement Work  Quotes
  9. Discussion Items
    1. Capital Projects
    2. RSAI Legislative Issues Survey
    3. Open Positions  
  10. Adjourn





                                                                                                                   Mary McCrea, Board Secretary*

                                                 *Persons with disabilities should contact Mary McCrea by 3:00 P.M. on the day of the meeting. 641-969-1012

mary.mccrea@ro… Thu, 06/15/2023 - 10:05

Board Agenda - 2023.06.26

Board Agenda - 2023.06.26

Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District

Board of Directors

Special Board Meeting

Monday, June 26, 2023 at 5:30 PM

District Office, 222 Walnut Street, Eddyville


Regular Board Meeting

  1. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
  2. Approve Agenda
  3. Motion to Recess
  4. Private Contract Termination Hearing Exempt from Iowa Code Chapter 21 pursuant to Iowa Code Section 279.16
  5. Reconvene Special Meeting
  6. Action on Continuance or Termination of Teaching Contract (Iowa Code Section 279.16(8)) Roll Call Vote
  7. Adjourn



                                                                                                                 Mary McCrea, Board Secretary*

                                                                                                     *Persons with disabilities should contact Mary McCrea by 3:00 P.M. on the day of the meeting. 641-969-1012

                                                                                                                                                         ** Due to the majority of the meeting will be in closed session, there will not be a Zoom link to listen/watch

mary.mccrea@ro… Fri, 06/23/2023 - 12:35

Board Agenda - 2023.06.28

Board Agenda - 2023.06.28

Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District

Board of Directors

Special Board Meeting

Wednesday, June 28, 2023 at 6:00 PM

District Office, 222 Walnut Street, Eddyville


Regular Board Meeting

  1. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
  2. Approve Agenda
  3. Personnel
    1. Hires
    2. Resignations
  4. Action Items
    1. Extend Acceptance of Bus Bids 
    2. Approve Publication of Notice of Director District 3 Vacancy
      1. ​​​​​​​School Board Candidate Questionnaire
  5. Adjourn



                                                                                                                   Mary McCrea, Board Secretary*

                                                 *Persons with disabilities should contact Mary McCrea by 3:00 P.M. on the day of the meeting. 641-969-1012


mary.mccrea@ro… Tue, 06/27/2023 - 12:11




If you are unable to attend a meeting, the public is invited to attend via Zoom Meeting 


  2. Meeting ID: 817 259 2646

  3. Passcode: 123


Click the link(s) below to view Board Agendas.


Jen@iowaschool… Thu, 06/15/2023 - 12:46

Board Agenda - 2023.07.17

Board Agenda - 2023.07.17

Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District

Board of Directors

Regular Board Meeting

Monday, July 17, 2023 at 6:00 PM

District Office, 222 Walnut Street, Eddyville

Regular Board Meeting

  1. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
  2. Public Forum
  3. Correspondence
  4. Approve Agenda
  5. Reports
    1. Superintendent’s Report
    2. Curriculum Director’s Report
    3. Secondary Principal's Report
    4. Elementary Principal’s Report
    5. Director of Special Services' Report
    6. Other Directors
      1. Maintenance Director’s Report  
  6. Consent Items
    1. Minutes
      1. June 6, 2023 Minutes
      2. June 19, 2023 Minutes
      3. June 26, 2023 Minutes
      4. June 28, 2023 Minutes
    2. Financial Reports
      1. Account Balances as of June 30, 2023
      2. Bills List July 2023 
    3. School Board Policies:
      1. Commencement 548
      2. Parental Involvement 549
      3. Student Records Access 550
      4. Student Directory Information 551
      5. Second Reading of District Vision & Mission Statement 111
    4. Contracts & Agreements
      1. Denovo Contract -tabled from June 19th meeting
      2. CodaHands Interpreting 2023-2024 Contract
      3. IHCC Contract of Educational Services 2023-2024
    5. Open Enrollments  
  7. Personnel
    1. Hires
    2. Resignations
  8. Action Items
    1. Director District 3 Vacancy replacement
      1. Oath of Office
    2. Resident Student Attendance Center Transfer Request
      1. Chase Eastlick & Henry Eastlick request
      2. Ella More request
    3. Approve IHCC  Course Offerings
    4. New Certified Positions:
      1. Girls Wrestling Coach - Head Coach Salary
      2. Full Time Substitute Jr/Sr High - First year teacher salary if certified teacher
      3. Competition Supervisor - $5,000
      4. FFA Extra-Curricular Assistant - Assistant Varsity Coach Salary
    5. Preschool Mahaska Wapello $30,000 Grant
    6. 2023-2024 Fees
    7. Handbooks
      1. 2023-24 EBF Staff Handbook
      2. 2023-24 EBF Preschool
      3. 2023-24 EBF Elementary
      4. 2023-24 EBF Jr/Sr High
      5. 2023-24 Explore Academy Handbook
    8. IASB 2024 Legislative Priorities -select top four from 2023
  9. Discussion Items
    1. Capital Projects
    2. Open Positions
      1. Meeting staffing needs of district
  10. Closed Session - per Iowa Code Section 21.5{1}(i) Superintendent Evaluation (Roll Call vote)   
  11. Adjourn
mary.mccrea@ro… Fri, 07/14/2023 - 10:27

Board Agenda - 2023.08.21

Board Agenda - 2023.08.21

Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District

Board of Directors

Public Hearing

Regular Board Meeting

Monday, August 21, 2023 at 6:00 PM

District Office, 222 Walnut Street, Eddyville

Public Hearing

  1. Jr/Sr High School Roof Project

Regular Board Meeting

  1. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
  2. Public Forum
  3. Correspondence
  4. Approve Agenda
  5. Reports
    1. Superintendent’s Report  
    2. Curriculum Director’s Report
    3. Secondary Principal's Report
    4. Elementary Principal’s Report
    5. Director of Special Services' Report
    6. Explore Academy Report
    7. Other Directors
      1. Maintenance Report  
      2. Nutrition Report
  6. Consent Items
    1. Minutes
      1. July 17, 2023 Minutes
    2. Financial Reports
      1. Account Balances as of July 31, 2023
      2. Bills List August 2023 
    3. School Board Policies:
      1. Student Photographs - 552
      2. Student Library Circulation Records - 553
      3. Student Health & Immunization Certificates - 554
      4. Administration of Medication to Students - 555
    4. Contracts & Agreements
      1. 2023-2026 Clinical Affiliation Agreement with Wm Penn for nursing students
      2. 2023-2024 Balance Autism Contract
      3. Piper Sandler Engagement Letter and Contract Documents
      4. 2022-2027 MOU Agreement with IHCC-Cardinal for College & Career Transition Coach
      5. Professional Service Agreement with Efficience Oct 1, 2023 to Dec 31, 2024
    5. Open Enrollments  
  7. Personnel
    1. Hires
    2. Resignations
  8. Action Items
    1. Approve IHCC  Course Offerings tabled July 17, 2023
    2. New Certified Positions:
      1. Competition Supervisor - $5,000 tabled July 17, 2023
    3. Automobile Purchases
      1. Purchase of a 2020 Chevrolet Express Wagon - $45,640.00
      2. Purchase another van up to $50,000
      3. Purchase AWD car or crossover $20,000
    4. Jr/Sr High Roof Replacement Project
      1. Acceptance of Construction Documents
      2. Award of Contract
  9. Discussion Items
    1. Capital Projects
    2. Emergency Operation Plan
    3. Activity Accounts that have negative balances
    4. Open Positions 
  10. Adjourn


mary.mccrea@ro… Thu, 08/17/2023 - 15:03

Board Agenda - 2023.09.18

Board Agenda - 2023.09.18

Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District

Board of Directors

Regular Board Meeting

Monday, September 18, 2023 at 6:00 PM

District Office, 222 Walnut Street, Eddyville


Regular Board Meeting

  1. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
  2. Public Forum
  3. Correspondence
  4. Approve Agenda
  5. Reports
    1. Superintendent’s Report  
    2. Curriculum Director’s Report
    3. Secondary Principal's Report
    4. Elementary Principal’s Report
    5. Director of Special Services' Report
    6. Other Directors
      1. Daycare Report
      2. Maintenance Report  
      3. Nutrition Report
  6. Consent Items
    1. Minutes
      1. August 21, 2023 Minutes
    2. Financial Reports
      1. Account Balances as of August 31, 2023
      2. Bills List September 2023 
    3. School Board Policies:
      1. Naloxone Supply & Administration for Opioid Overdose - 555A
      2. Communicable Diseases - Students - 556
      3. Student Illness or Injury at School - 557
      4. Concussion Management - 558
    4. Contracts & Agreements
      1. Vocal Lessons - Kent Jager 
    5. Open Enrollments  
  7. Personnel
    1. Hires
    2. Grant Stipends - reflect terms of Mental Health Grant
  8. Action Items
    1. Emergency Operation Plan Review
    2. Approve transfer of $1,175.65 from Activity Management to Choir
    3. 2023-2024 Fundraisers
    4. 2023-2024 Transportation Hard Surface Plan
    5. SBRC Request for Supplemental Allowable Growth
      1. Special Education deficit of $131,417.06
      2. Roll Call
    6. FFA Request permission to attend the National Convention in Indianapolis, IN
      1. October 31st to November 4th  (Board Policy 5.42 “unusual travel”)
      2. Requesting use of two school suburbans
  9. Discussion Items
    1. Capital Projects
      1. Gymnasium A/C  - ESSER Funds
    2. Archery
    3. Single Coverage for Insurance
    4. 78th IASB Annual Convention Nov 15th to Nov 17th
    5. Open Positions 
  10. Adjourn


mary.mccrea@ro… Fri, 09/15/2023 - 08:11

Board Agenda - 2023.10.06

Board Agenda - 2023.10.06

Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District

Board of Directors

Special Board Meeting

Friday, October 6, 2023 at 8:00 AM

District Office, 222 Walnut Street, Eddyville

Regular Board Meeting

  1. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
  2. Approve Agenda
  3. Action Items
    1. Accept Quote for Eddyville Elementary Roof Repair
  4. Adjourn


mary.mccrea@ro… Wed, 10/04/2023 - 08:27

Board Agenda - 2023.10.16

Board Agenda - 2023.10.16

Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District

Board of Directors

Regular Board Meeting

Monday, October 16, 2023 at 6:00 PM

District Office, 222 Walnut Street, Eddyville

Regular Board Meeting

  1. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
  2. Moment of Silence for Mark Haselhuhn
  3. Public Forum
  4. Correspondence
  5. Approve Agenda
  6. Reports
    1. Superintendent’s Report 
    2. Curriculum Director’s Report
    3. Secondary Principal's Report
    4. Elementary Principal’s Report
    5. Director of Special Services' Report
    6. Other Directors
      1. Daycare Report
      2. Maintenance Report  
      3. Nutrition Report
  7. Consent Items
    1. Minutes
      1. September 18, 2023 Minutes
    2. Financial Reports
      1. Account Balances as of September 30, 2023
      2. Bills List October 2023 
    3. School Board Policies:
      1. Emergency Plans & Drills - 559
      2. Student Insurance - 560
      3. Custody & Parental Rights - 561
      4. Special Health Services - 562
    4. Contracts & Agreements 
    5. Open Enrollments   
  8. Personnel
    1. Hires
    2. Resignations
    3. Volunteers
  9. Action Items
    1. District 4 Vacancy replacement
      1. Oath of Office
    2. Single coverage for insurance for classified staff from 80% paid to 100% paid
    3. Eddyville Elementary Roof Repair
    4. Student Eligibility for Open Enrollment
    5. Active Space Renovation $30.000
  10. Discussion Items
    1. Capital Projects
    2. Sharing Agreement with Ottumwa Swimming & Twin Cedars Wrestling
    3. Reminder: 78th IASB Annual Convention Nov 15th to Nov 17th
    4. Open Positions 
  11. Adjourn


                                                                                                                   Mary McCrea, Board Secretary*

                                                 *Persons with disabilities should contact Mary McCrea by 3:00 P.M. on the day of the meeting. 641-969-1012

mary.mccrea@ro… Fri, 10/13/2023 - 08:23

Board Agenda - 2023.11.20

Board Agenda - 2023.11.20

Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District

Board of Directors

Regular Board Meeting

Monday, November 20, 2023 at 6:00 PM

District Office, 222 Walnut Street, Eddyville


Regular Board Meeting

  1. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
  2. Public Forum
  3. Presentation - Agri Power FFA National Convention
  4. Correspondence
  5. Approve Agenda
  6. Reports
    1. Superintendent’s Report  
    2. Curriculum Director’s Report
    3. Secondary Principal's Report
    4. Elementary Principal’s Report
    5. Director of Special Services' Report
    6. Other Directors
      1. Daycare Report
      2. Maintenance Report 
      3. Nutrition Report
  7. Consent Items
    1. Minutes - October 6, 2023 & October 16, 2023
    2. Account Balances as of October 31, 2023
    3. Bills List for November 2023
    4. School Board Policies:
      1. Wellness Policy - 563
      2. Goals & Objectives of the Educational Program - 600
      3. School Calendar - 601
      4. School Day - 602
      5. First Reading of General Principles, Licensed Employee Qualifications, Recruitment, Selection and Evaluation - 400
      6. First Reading of Discipline of Students Who Make Threats of Violence or Cause Incidents of Violence - 531A
    5. Contracts & Agreements 
    6. Open Enrollments   
  8. Personnel
    1. Hires
    2. Resignations
  9. Action Items
    1. Transfer of funds from Fund 64 (Farm Property) to Fund 21 (Activity-FFA) in the amount of $4,171.00 (National Conv Registration - $1,280.00 & 2023-24 Membership Dues $2,891.00)
    2. Illinois Meat Judging Series FFA Travel Request
    3. Lau Plan Guidance Document 2023-2024
    4. SBRC Request 
      1. Open Enrollment Out not on prior year’s headcount - the district’s administration is authorized to submit a request to the School Budget Review Committee for a modified supplemental amount of $209,034.00 for open enrolled out students who were not included in the district’s previous year certified enrollment count.
      2. Roll Call
  10. Discussion Items
    1. Capital Projects
    2. Update on objection letter regarding the Navigator pipeline
    3. Next board meeting: November 27, 2023-Annual & Organizational Meetings