101 - Purpose of Policy Manual

101 - Purpose of Policy Manual

Iowa law places upon district school boards of directors the responsibility of establishing rules for their own governances, as well as that of individual directors, officers, employees, teachers and pupils; the care of schoolhouse grounds and the property of the corporation; providing aid in the enforcement of Board rules and requiring performance of duties imposed by law and the rules.

It is not the purpose of this Policy Manual to be a restatement of federal and state law and regulation imposing particular duties and prohibiting certain other behavior, but merely to be a guide to assist administrators, pupils and their parents, staff and the community at large in interacting with the school community.



REVIEWED: 11/18/2019 - APPROVED 12/03/2019
REVIEWED: 07/20/2020
REVISED: 02/08/2021 – APPROVED 03/15/2021


dawn.gibson.cm… Mon, 01/17/2022 - 14:50