Board Agenda - 2024.12.27 Special Meeting

Board Agenda - 2024.12.27 Special Meeting

Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District

Board of Directors

Special Board Meeting

Friday, December 27, 2024 at 10:00 AM

District Office, 222 Walnut Street, Eddyville

Special Board Meeting

  1. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
  2. Approve Agenda
  3. Action Item
    1. Iowa Safety Grant Purchases


Graybar has a “State of Iowa Contract # which allows the school district to purchase directly without obtaining other bids.  The lighting being purchased is set to be installed in areas identified through the Iowa Safety Grant application.


Walsh Doors and Security "State of Iowa Contract" which allows the school district to purchase directly without obtaining other bids.  The elementary attendance centers were identified to have door handles that were not compliant.  This purchase addresses all identified door handles.


MCG was one of  3 vendors that bid on the cell booster.  The cell booster is to be installed in the offices of each attendance center.  Currently there is not substantial service in the attendance center offices of each building.  The objective is to improve communication with 1st responders. 


Alpha Wireless was one of 3 vendors that bid on the handheld radios.  The number of staff members who have communication devices will increase allowing for greater communication.


The Iowa Safety Grant specifies that money / resources must be obligated by December 31st, 2024.  I am concerned that even though we have the bids and letters of acceptance that without Board approval the money / resources could be declared as not obligated.  The situation did not cross my mind until I realized the total from one vendor exceeded the $25,000 Board Policy.  Therefore I recommend the approval of all purchases to be reimbursed through the Iowa Safety Grant.


  1. Adjourn


mary.mccrea@ro… Thu, 12/26/2024 - 08:53