Board Minutes - 2024.11.18 Annual Meeting

Board Minutes - 2024.11.18 Annual Meeting

Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District

Annual Board Meeting Minutes
November 18, 2024

The Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District Board of Directors met at the District Office on Monday, November 18, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. for a regular board meeting. Visitors in attendance: Debbie Sundeen, Ann Ohms, Emily Bunch and others not signed in.

Call to Order: Secretary McCrea called the meeting of the EBF Board of Directors to order at 6:00 p.m. Roll call: Ed Glenn, present; Eric Klyn, present; Micah Van Mersbergen, present; Tom Judy, present; Tyrone Lobberecht, present; and Curt Houk, present. Quorum established.

Public Hearing:
SAVE Resolution: Secretary McCrea opened the public hearing at 6:00 p.m. Superintendent Williamson went over the projects plans with the public and the board.  With no one heard, the public hearing closed at 6:08 p.m.

Public Forum:
Emily Bunch spoke regarding the Eddyville Childcare Center.

Correspondence: Thank you card from Patricia Scherer family

Approve Agenda:
Van Mersbergen moved, and Lobberecht seconded, to approve the agenda. Motion carried unanimously.

Organizational Items:

  • Klyn moved, and Van Mersbergen seconded, to nominate Curt Houk for board president.  Judy moved to nominate Ed Glenn for board president.  Glenn moved for nominations to cease.  The board held vote; Curt Houk was elected board president.  The oath of office was given to President Houk. President Houk took over the meeting at 6:16 pm.
  • Judy moved, and Lobberecht seconded, to nominate Ed Glenn for board vice president. Judy moved, and Klyn seconded, to cease nominations.  The board held vote; Ed Glenn was elected board vice president.  The oath of office was given to Vice President Glenn. 
  • Van Mersbergen moved, and Glenn seconded, to appoint Mary McCrea board secretary.  Motion carried unanimously.  The oath of office was given to Secretary McCrea.
  • Glenn moved, and Van Mersbergen seconded, to approve Business Items 6d(i) through 6d(v) to set date, time and location of board meeting to be the third Monday of each month at 6:00 pm at the district office, unless otherwise listed on the agenda, to select Parliamentary Procedures at a Glance as procedural rules, the depository of First Iowa State Bank with a maximum depository limit of $20,000,000.00, the official publication as the Ottumwa Courier and legal counsel of Ahlers & Cooney Law Firm.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  • Glenn moved, and Van Mersbergen seconded, to approve board members to the following committees: Capital Projects/Transportation to include Curt Houk, Ed Glenn, Eric Klyn and Tyrone Lobberecht as an alternate; Negotiations to include Micah Van Mersbergen and Tom Judy; Quarterly Building Representative to include Tom Judy and Wellness to include Tyrone Lobberecht.  Motion carried unanimously.
  • Judy moved, and Lobberecht seconded to appoint the following board delegates: for Mahaska County – Micah Van Mersbergen, for Wapello County – Tom Judy, for Iowa Association of School Boards – Ed Glenn, and with no board members living in Monroe, Keokuk or Davis County, none appointed.  Motion carried unanimously. 

Reports & Presentations:
April Glosser, Curriculum Director and Jordan Buell, Jr./Sr. High Principal, each read their board reports. Other reports submitted but not read were from the elementary principals, the director of special services, the childcare director, the maintenance director and the food service director.

Consent Items:
Van Mersbergen moved, and Glenn seconded, to approve consent items 8a to 8c(iv): October 7, 2024 minutes, October 21, 2024 minutes, account balances as of October 31, 2024, November 2024 bills list, and school board policies: Care, Maintenance and Disposal of District Records – 705, Budget Planning – 706, Spending Plan – 707, and Local-State-Federal-Miscellaneous Revenue – 708. Motion carried unanimously. Judy moved, and Lobberecht seconded, to approve the second reading of board policy 730 – Fundraising.  Motion carried unanimously.  Glenn moved and Lobberecht seconded to approve the first reading of board policy 113 – Long-Range Planning Needs Assessment and complaint forms: 529A – Anti Bullying Complaint Form; 529B – Anti Bullying Witness Disclosure Form and 529C – Anti Bullying Disposition Complain Form.  Motion carried unanimously. 

Lobberecht moved, and Glenn seconded, to approve the hires of Drake Handling, JH Boys Basketball - pending authorization, Makynna Beinhart, Basketball Cheer Sponsor, Mary Mikulecky, Assistant Girls Wrestling Coach - pending authorization and the following volunteers: Kyler Ricard – Wrestling, Michael (Red) Johnston - Wrestling -pending authorization, Jaime Clark - Wrestling- pending authorization, Madysen Wade - Girls Basketball and Justin Stout, Wrestling.  Motion carried unanimously. Judy moved, and Lobberecht seconded to accept the resignation from Cassandra Long, para educator at the Eddyville Elementary.  Motion carried unanimously. 

Action Items:

  • Glenn moved, and Lobberecht seconded, to approve the Balance Autism School Consultant contract for November 20, 2024 to May 30, 2025.  Motion carried unanimously.
  • Judy moved, and Glenn seconded, to approve the SBRC Request for Open Enrollment Out not on prior year’s headcount in the amount of $100,350.00.  Roll call vote: Glenn – yes, Klyn – yes, Van Mersbergen – yes, Judy – yes, Lobberecht – yes, and Houk – yes.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  • Secretary McCrea read the bids received on the JD Lawn Mower.  Bidder #1 - $3,015.01; bidder #2 - $3,500.00; bidder #3 - $3,510.00 and bidder #4 - $1,610.00.  Lobberecht moved, and Judy seconded, to reject all the bids received.  Discussion held on value of the mower estimated at a minimum of $6,000.00 and the possibility of trading in mower for another piece of equipment that is needed, such as a snowplow.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  • Glenn moved, and Lobberecht seconded, to approve Resolution for the Issuance of approximately $4,500,000.00 School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue Bonds.  Roll call vote: Lobberecht – yes, Judy – yes, Van Mersbergen – yes, Klyn – yes, Glenn – yes, and Houk – yes.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  • Van Mersbergen moved, and Lobberecht seconded, to deny the open enrollment request of a seventh-grade student due to lack of space at the Jr/Sr High.  Discussion was held.  Motion carried unanimously.
  • Van Mersbergen moved, and Glenn seconded, to approve the FY2024 Year End Balances.  Motion carried unanimously.
  • Glenn moved, and Klyn seconded, to approve the Encite invoice #1 in the amount of $60,000.00.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  • Glenn moved, and Van Mersbergen seconded, to table any action on the daycare until December.  Small discussion on progress being made by the committee.  Motion carried unanimously.

Discussion Items:
Superintendent Williamson thanked the board for passing the SAVE Resolution so that construction can begin at the Jr/Sr High.  A special board meeting will be held Monday, December 2, 2024 for the board to appoint a replacement for the vacancy in director district one.  The next regular board meeting is Monday, December 16, 2024. Open Enrollments were viewed by the Board. Open positions are Jr./Sr. High English Teacher (2), Regular Route Driver, Childcare Associates, Substitutes for all positions, and Coaching/Supplemental Positions: Jr. High Boys Basketball Coach, Jr. High Track Coach, Head Girls Golf Coach, Assistant Baseball Coach, and 9th Grade Baseball Coach.

Judy moved, and Van Mersbergen seconded, to adjourn the board meeting. Motion carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 7:23 p.m.




Curt Houk
Board President



Mary McCrea
Board Secretary


mary.mccrea@ro… Tue, 11/19/2024 - 13:59