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mary.mccrea@ro… Tue, 07/16/2024 - 09:33

Board Minutes - 2024.07.15 Meeting

Board Minutes - 2024.07.15 Meeting

July 15, 2024


The Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District Board of Directors met at the District Office on Monday, July 15, 2024, at 6:00 pm for a regular board meeting. Visitors in attendance: Ann Ohms, Nick Batterson and others not signed in. 


Call to Order: President Houk called to order the meeting of the EBF Board of Directors at 6:00 pm. Roll call: Ed Glenn, present; Eric Klyn, present; Lara Vandello, present via phone call; Micah Van Mersbergen, present; Tom Judy, present; Tyrone Lobberecht, present and Curt Houk, present.  Quorum established.


Public Forum: None


Correspondence:  Thank you card from family of Lloyd Olson  


Approve Agenda: Glenn moved and Judy seconded to amend agenda by removing item 11: Closed Session per Iowa Code 21.5{1}(i) Superintendent Evaluation. The amendment was made to postpone the closed session for the superintendent review so that board members could attend the regional softball game at 8:00 pm that the EBF softball team was playing in.  Motion carried unanimously, amended agenda approved. 


Reports & Presentation: Scott Williamson, Superintendent presented his board report on the Instructional Support Levy.  Garret Pochop and Travis Squires from Piper Sandler gave a presentation to the board on EBF’s debt profile, capital financing and financing scenario examples.  Jordan Buell, Principal of the Jr/Sr High gave his report regarding summer school and summer projects at the Jr/Sr High. Other reports submitted but not read were from the Director of Special Services and the Childcare Director.


Consent Items: Glenn moved and Van Mersbergen seconded to approve consent items 7a to 7c: June 17, 2024 minutes, June 25, 2024 minutes, account balances as of June 30, 2024, July 2024 bills list, school board policies:  Technology and Instructional Materials – 631, School Library – 632, Appropriate Use of District Technology, Network Systems, and Internet Access – 633, Implementation of Technology Protection Measures Regarding the Use of the District’s Technology, Network Systems, and Internet Access – 634, First Reading of new policy: Employee Travel Compensation – 431, Second Reading of Stock Epinephrine Auto-Injector Supply for Anaphylaxis - 555B, Second Reading of Revised Personally Identifiable Information and Protected Personally Identifiable Information Requirements Applicable to all Federal & State Awards -712C, Second Reading of revised policies to include April Glosser, Equity Coordinator, Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination -105, Annual Notice of Non-Discrimination – 109 and Continuous Notice of Non-Discrimination – 110.  Motion carried unanimously.  Glenn moved and Lobberecht seconded to approve consent item 7d #1-4 of Contracts and Agreements:  Shared Librarian with GPAEA, CodaHands Interpreting & Consultant, IHCC - 2024-25 Contract of Educational Services, and Winona State University Agreement.  Motion carried unanimously.  Judy moved and Van Mersbergen seconded to table consent item 7d #5: Hamilton Produce Company 2024-25 contract to get more information on price the district would be locking in.  Motion carried unanimously; consent item tabled.


Personnel:  Judy moved and Klyn seconded to approve the hires of Kristy DeZwarte, 5th Grade Teacher at Fremont Elementary, Michelle Seddon, Assistant FFA Advisor, Jarrah Green, Assistant Boys Basketball and Andy Heinle, 9th Grade Boys Basketball.  Motion carried unanimously.  There were no resignations.


Action Items:  Van Mersbergen moved and Lobberecht seconded to approve resident student transfer requests for Maverick Brown from Eddyville to Blakesburg, Rowan Brown from Eddyville to Blakesburg, Blakely McKim from Blakesburg to Eddyville and Scarlet Miller from Blakesburg to Eddyville.  Motion carried unanimously.  Van Mersbergen moved and Glenn seconded to approve the 2024-25 Classified Staff Handbook, 2024-25 Certified Staff Handbook and the 2024-25 Explore Academy Handbook.  Motion carried unanimously. 


Discussion Items:  Superintendent Williamson gave an update on the progress being made with the FCS room at the Jr/Sr High school and will get needed information to the board so a decision can be made on what financing the board would like to pursue for the project to construct 8 additional classrooms at the Jr/Sr High school in place of the modular buildings currently being used.  Next regular board meeting is Monday, August 19, 2024. Open Enrollments were viewed by the Board. Open positions are: English Teacher for Jr/Sr High (2), Therapeutic Classroom Teacher for Explore Academy, Para Educator for Eddyville Elementary with 1:1 Differential (2), Regular Route Drivers, Child Care Associates, Substitutes for all positions, Coaching / Supplemental Positions: Head Baseball Coach, Basketball Cheer Coach, Assistant Football Coach and Jr High Football Coach (2).


Adjourn:  Van Mersbergen moved and Glenn seconded to adjourn board meeting.  Motion carried unanimously.  Meeting adjourned at 7:51 pm  






Curt Houk                                                        Mary McCrea

Board President                                                Board Secretary

mary.mccrea@ro… Tue, 07/16/2024 - 09:35

Board Minutes 2024.08.19 Meeting

Board Minutes 2024.08.19 Meeting

August 19, 2024


The Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District Board of Directors met at the District Office on Monday, August 19, 2024, at 6:00 pm for a regular board meeting. Visitors in attendance: Ann Ohms and others not signed in. 


Call to Order: President Houk called to order the meeting of the EBF Board of Directors at 6:00 pm. Roll call: Ed Glenn, present; Eric Klyn, present; Lara Vandello, present; Micah Van Mersbergen, absent; Tom Judy, present; Tyrone Lobberecht, present and Curt Houk, present.  Quorum established.


Public Forum: None


Presentation: Curt Johnston, EBF Activities Director spoke to the board on his goals to get students more involved in extracurricular activities and help EBF coaches grow professionally.


Correspondence: None 


Approve Agenda: Judy moved and Lobberecht seconded to approve the agenda.  Motion carried unanimously. 


Reports & Presentation: Scott Williamson, Superintendent, spoke to the board on new state legislation on student absences and what the district is now required to do regarding absences.  He also told that board that EBF was approved to have parents apply online for Free and Reduced meals.  Mr. Williamson is very happy about this and hopes this will increase the applications received as it is more discreet than the paper applications.  April Glosser Curriculum Director; Jordan Buell, Principal of the Jr/Sr High; Jil Nelson, Eddyville Elementary Principal and Cathy Williamson, Director of Special Services presented their reports to the board.  Other reports submitted but not read were from the Childcare, Maintenance and Nutrition Directors.


Consent Items: Glenn moved and Klyn seconded to approve consent items 7a to 7c: July 15, 2024 minutes, account balances as of July 31, 2024, August 2024 bills list, school board policies:  Use of Information Resources – 635, Class Size-Class Grouping – 636, School Ceremonies and Observations – 637, Student Production of Materials and Services – 638 and the Second Reading of new policy: Employee Travel Compensation – 431. Motion carried unanimously.  Vandello moved and Glenn seconded to approve consent item 7d-Contracts and Agreements: Shared Librarian with GPAEA, changed from .5 to 1.0 for the 2024-25 school year. Motion carried unanimously. 


Personnel:  Vandello moved and Klyn seconded to approve the hires of Elizabeth Countryman, Explore Academy Teacher; Jeff Harland, Jr High Football; Anthony Richards, Jr High Football (pending licensure); Laura Griffin, Para Educator at EE; Cassandra Long, Para Educator at EE; Sydnee Houser, Para Educator at EE; Kathy Hunt, Halftime Para Educator at BE; Ann Denner, Long Term Substitute for ELA at Jr/Sr High; Jeff Whitehall, Early Bird Class; Angie Koebke, Homework Help; Kristen Birchard, Homework Help; Tabatha Klopp, Annual; Dustin Snakenberg, volunteer football couch; and the resignation of Shyanne Vanderhyde, Para Educator at BE.  Motion carried unanimously.


Action Items:  Vandello moved and Lobberecht seconded to approve Board Resolution FY25-01 for the distribution of the remaining $216,154.35 ESSER funds.  This will be paid out to staff returning from the 2023-24 school year, pro-rated on seniority.  Motion carried unanimously.  Judy moved and Vandello seconded to un-table the Hamilton Produce Company contract that was tabled at the July 15, 2024, board meeting.  Motion carried, item now on the floor for discussion. Judy moved and Klyn seconded to approve the Hamilton Produce Company contract.  Small discussion.  Motion carried unanimously.  Judy moved and Vandello seconded to approve the following 2024-25 Handbooks: EBF Elementary Handbook, EBF Preschool Handbook and the EBF Jr/Sr Handbook.  Discussion held regarding the need to add the new attendance policy per state legislation.  Motion carried unanimously.  Glenn moved and Vandello seconded to set the Public Hearing date to borrow against SAVE to September 16th. The money will be used to build six more classrooms, kitchen storage and A/C for the cafeteria and gym at the Jr/Sr High school.  Motion carried unanimously. Vandello moved and Glenn seconded the approval to purchase for the Jr/Sr High new desks in four classrooms in the amount of $28,320.03 and lunch tables in the amount of $36,438.70.  Motion carried unanimously. 


Discussion Items:  Superintendent Williamson informed the board that the district would like to purchase 2 air-conditioned buses.  These would be dedicated as activity buses, as the A/C units are under the bus and all bus routes have gravel roads that are driven on. There will be a need to purchase some replacement buses in the next year.  The district hopes to complete the board renewal of the Instructional Support levy by the December board meeting and the Emergency Operation plan will be updated and brought to the board for approval soon as well.  Next regular board meeting is Monday, September 16, 2024. Open Enrollments were viewed by the Board. Open positions are: English Teacher for Jr/Sr High (2), Regular Route Driver, Child Care Associates, Substitutes for all positions and Coaching / Supplemental Positions: Assistant Football Coach, Basketball Cheer Coach, Jr High Boys Basketball Coach (2), Jr High Girls Basketball Coach (2), Head Girls Golf Coach, Head Baseball Coach, Assistant Baseball Coach and 9th Grade Baseball.


Closed Session – per Iowa Code Section 21.5{1}(i) Superintendent Evaluation (Roll Call vote): Glenn moved and Judy seconded to go into closed session for the Superintendent Evaluation.  Glenn-yes; Klyn-yes; Vandello-yes; Van Mersbergen-absent; Judy-yes; Lobberecht-yes and Houk yes.  Motion carried unanimously.  The board went into closed session at 7:34 pm. Closed session ended at 8:47 pm.


Adjourn:  Vandello moved and Klyn seconded to adjourn board meeting.  Motion carried unanimously.  Meeting adjourned at 8:47 pm  






Curt Houk                                                        Mary McCrea

Board President                                                Board Secretary

mary.mccrea@ro… Tue, 08/20/2024 - 14:11

Board Minutes 2024.09.16 Meeting

Board Minutes 2024.09.16 Meeting

September 16, 2024


The Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District Board of Directors met at the District Office on Monday, September 16, 2024, at 6:00 pm for a regular board meeting. Visitors in attendance: Ann Ohms, Travis Johnson and others not signed in. 


Call to Order: President Houk called to order the meeting of the EBF Board of Directors at 6:00 pm. Roll call: Ed Glenn, present; Eric Klyn, present; Lara Vandello, present; Micah Van Mersbergen, present; Tom Judy, present; Tyrone Lobberecht, present and Curt Houk, present.  Quorum established.


Public Forum: None


Correspondence: None 


Approve Agenda: Glenn moved and Lobberecht seconded to approve the agenda.  Motion carried unanimously. 


Reports & Presentation: Scott Williamson, Superintendent, showed the new Capital Project page on the school’s website.  April Glosser, Curriculum Director went over ISASP data, Jordan Buell, Jr/Sr High Principal had Marta Iverson discuss her role as College & Career Transition Coach and Social Studies Teacher, Clay Hansen, to discuss how teachers are using the PLC early release Wednesdays.  Mike Nicodemus, Fremont Principal, spoke on how the elementary buildings are happy with how the start of the year is going.  Cathy Williamson, Director of Special Services informed the board that the Resource Hub for the district is almost completely stocked and ready.  This room will be stored in the Fremont Elementary.  Some items that will be made available to families in need are hygiene and household products, clothing, food and school supplies. Other reports submitted but not read were from the Childcare and Nutrition Directors.


Consent Items: Van Mersbergen moved and Vandello seconded to approve consent items 6a to 6c: August 19, 2024 minutes, account balances as of August 31, 2024, September 2024 bills list, school board policies:  Student Field Trips & Excursions – 639, Student Guidance and Counseling Program – 640, Suicide Prevention & Childhood Experiences & Strategies Training – 641, and Depository of Funds – 700. Motion carried unanimously. Vandello moved and Glenn seconded to approve consent item 6d-Contracts and Agreements: College & Career Transition Coach, SPSG, Inc, Take Action Consulting, Encite Architecture & Design and Substantial Completion of FCS Room.  Motion carried unanimously. 


Personnel:  Van Mersbergen moved and Lobberecht seconded to approve the hires: Nichole Ellington, travel stipend paid by Mental Health Grant, Carlee Neff, travel stipend paid by Mental Health Grant, Whitney McLaughlin - travel stipend paid by Mental Health Grant and Sydney Collett – part time para educator at Fremont Elementary and volunteers: Kiley Lobberecht – Volleyball, Kylie Batterson – Volleyball, Taylor Caves – Volleyball, Tammy Wight – Volleyball, Nick Schmitz – Archery, Jenny Van Zante – Archery, Travis Johnson – Archery, Katie Smith – Archery, Jessica Nollen – Archery, Adam Bahr – Archery, Coby Schmitz – Archery, Rob Pilcher – Archery, Ashley Glosser – Archery, Sylvia Brown – Archery, Bryce Dalbey – Archery, Preston Strausser – Archery and Kaci Poe – Archery.  Motion carried unanimously. There were no resignations. Klyn left the meeting at 7:00 pm.


Action Items:  Glenn moved and Vandello seconded to approve the Resolution to Continue Participation in the Instructional Support Program.  Discussion held on how this effects tax rate and constitutes. Roll call vote: Glenn-yes; Vandello-yes; Van Mersbergen-no; Judy-yes; Lobberecht-yes and Houk-yes. Motion carried 5 to 1. Glenn moved and Vandello seconded to set the Public Hearing on the Instructional Support Levy for Monday, October 21, 2024.  Motion carried unanimously.  Van Mersbergen moved and Judy seconded to approve the SBRC Request for Supplemental Allowable Growth from the Special Education Deficit of $474,559.58. Roll call vote: Glenn-yes; Vandello-yes; Van Mersbergen-yes; Judy-yes; Lobberecht-yes and Houk-yes.  Motion carried unanimously.  Vandello moved and Judy seconded to approve the FFA request to attend the National Convention in Indianapolis, IN from October 22nd to October 27th.  The district will supply the use of two suburbans.  Motion carried unanimously.  Judy moved and Van Mersbergen seconded to approve the 2024-25 fundraisers. Motion carried unanimously.  Van Mersbergen moved and Glenn seconded to approve the 2024-25 Hard Surface Plan.  Motion carried unanimously.  Judy moved and Vandello seconded to follow Ottumwa Board’s recommendation on the waiver request from a resident student of theirs that has open enrolled into EBF. Motion carried unanimously. 


Discussion Items:  Board will hold a work session on Monday, October 7, 2024 at the district office.  Capital projects, Nutrition fund and Daycare fund will be topics of work session.  The next regular board meeting is Monday, October 21, 2024. Open Enrollments were viewed by the Board. Open positions are: English Teacher for Jr/Sr High (2), Regular Route Driver, Child Care Associates, Substitutes for all positions and Coaching / Supplemental Positions: Assistant Football Coach, Basketball Cheer Coach, Jr High Boys Basketball Coach (2), Jr High Girls Basketball Coach (2), Head Girls Golf Coach, Head Baseball Coach, Assistant Baseball Coach and 9th Grade Baseball.


Adjourn:  Vandello moved and Glenn seconded to adjourn board meeting.  Motion carried unanimously.  Meeting adjourned at 7.53 pm.  






Curt Houk                                                        Mary McCrea

Board President                                                Board Secretary

mary.mccrea@ro… Wed, 09/18/2024 - 13:36

Board Minutes 2024.10.07 Board Work Session

Board Minutes 2024.10.07 Board Work Session

October 7, 2024


The Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District Board of Directors met at the District Office on Monday, October 7, 2024, at 6:00 pm for a board work session.  Visitors in attendance: Sharon Leedom, Rian Leedom, Mary Mikulecky, Penny Miller, Andrew Upah, Shelby Upah, Ragen More, Nick Batterson, Logan More and others not signed in. 

Call to Order: President Houk called to order the board work session at 6:00 pm. Roll call: Ed Glenn, present; Eric Klyn, absent; Lara Vandello, present; Micah Van Mersbergen, present; Tom Judy, absent; Tyrone Lobberecht, present and Curt Houk, present.  Quorum established. Judy arrived at 6:04 pm.

Work Session:

Capital Projects: The board reviewed plans for the classroom additions and nutrition storage/cooler/freezer area.  Air conditioning of the cafeteria and gym will be removed from immediate plans for SAVE financing process and the district will research less expensive ways to cool these areas of the school. Board will vote on SAVE Resolution at the October 21, 2024 board meeting, with final approval at the November 18, 2024 board meeting.

Nutrition Fund: The nutrition program is currently running a deficit.  A nutrition program is required for all Iowa school districts, so the district needs to find ways to correct this current trajectory by finding ways to increase participation of students eating breakfast and lunch or renegotiating with our current food service management company. The nutrition fund will be monitored closely and adjustments will be made according to keep the fund from going negative. 

Daycare Fund: The Eddyville Childcare has also been running in a deficit and since this is a program that general fund dollars are not allowed to cover, the district needs to find ways for the daycare to stop losing money.  The daycare fund will be monitored closely and adjustments will be made accordingly to keep the program sustainable.

IASB Convention: The IASB Convention is scheduled for November 20th to November 22nd with Vandello attending as the District’s delegate and Glenn attending.

Board policy 730-Fundraising: This policy will have a first reading at the October 21st board meeting with a change to the policy that will assign the activities director to approve all fundraisers on behalf of the board.

Board Reports: All board reports will still be submitted monthly, just not necessarily read at every meeting. 

Adjourn:  Vandello moved and Lobberecht seconded to adjourn board work session.  Motion carried unanimously.  Meeting adjourned at 7.56 pm.  




Curt Houk                                                        Mary McCrea

Board President                                                Board Secretary

mary.mccrea@ro… Tue, 10/08/2024 - 13:37