Board Minutes - 2023.11.20
Board Minutes - 2023.11.20November 20, 2023
The Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District Board of Directors met at the District Office on Monday, November 20, 2023 at 6:00 pm for a regular board meeting. Visitors in attendance: Ann Ohms, Ed Glenn, CD Brinegar, Regina Hoy and others not signed in.
Call to Order: President Houk called to order the meeting of the EBF Board of Directors at 6:00 pm. Roll call: Nathan Hinton, present; Eric Klyn, present; Lara Vandello, present; Micah Van Mersbergen, present; Doug Brinegar, present; Tyrone Lobberecht, present and Curt Houk, present. Quorum established.
Public Forum: None
Presentation: Agri Power FFA student, Bryli Black, did a presentation regarding the National Convention and other activities for the FFA.
Correspondence: None
Approve Agenda: Brinegar moved and Van Mersbergen seconded to approve the agenda. Motion carried unanimously.
Reports: Scott Williamson, Superintendent, went over the PPEL spending from July 2021 to October 2023. James Fineran, Fremont Elementary Principal, gave the combined elementary principal’s report and Cathy Williamson, Director of Special Services gave the board updates on special education and grants. Other reports submitted but not read, were from the Curriculum Director, Jr/Sr High Principal, Daycare Director, Maintenance Director and Nutrition Director.
Consent Items: Van Mersbergen moved and Vandello seconded to approve Consent Items 7a to 7d(iv):
October 6, 2023 Minutes, October 16, 2023 Minutes, Account Balances as of October 31, 2023, Bills for November 2023 and School Board Policies: Wellness Policy-563, Goals & Objectives of Educational Program-600, School Calendar-601 and School Day-602. Motion carried unanimously. Van Mersbergen moved and Brinegar seconded to approve 7d(v) the first reading of board policy: General Principles, Licensed Employee Qualifications, Recruitment, Selection and Evaluation-400. Motion carried unanimously. Vandello moved and Hinton seconded to approve 7d(vi) the first reading of board policy: Discipline of Students who make Threats of Violence or Cause Incidents of Violence-531A. Small discussion. Van Mersbergen moved and Brinegar seconded to amend motion to approve first reading with the addition of parent and/or guardian listed on all bullet points and removal of word emotional in paragraph four of page two. Motion carried unanimously to amend motion. Amended motion carried unanimously. Brinegar moved and Vandello seconded to approve 7e Contracts and Agreements: Buffie Ritz Reimbursement for MS English Language & Social Studies Endorsement, Sharing Agreement for Swimming with Ottumwa CSD and Sharing Agreement for Wrestling with Twin Cedars CSD. Motion carried unanimously. Van Mersbergen moved and Brinegar seconded to approve 7f Open Enrollments: In: Cason Walker, Lariah Ingram, Landon VerSteegh, and Makenna Reed and Out: Dale Johnson, Jewels Johnson, Noah Johnson. Motion carried unanimously.
Personnel: Van Mersbergen moved and Vandello seconded to approve the hiring of Mark Oglevie, 2nd Shift Custodian at the Jr/Sr High, Rachell McMahon, Basketball Cheerleading Sponsor and Traci Scott, Spring Play Director. Motion carried unanimously. Brinegar moved and Vandello seconded to accept the resignation from Kyle Roemerman, .75 English Language Arts teacher at the end of the 2023-2024 school year. Motion carried unanimously.
Action Items: Brinegar moved and Van Mersbergen seconded to approve the transfer of $4,171.00 from Fund 64 (Farm Property) to Fund 21 (Activity-FFA). Motion carried unanimously. Brinegar moved and Vandello seconded to approve the out of state travel request from FFA to attend the Illinois Meat Judging Series. Motion carried unanimously. Vandello moved and Van Mersbergen seconded to approve the Lau Plan Guidance Document for 2023-2024. Motion carried unanimously. Brinegar moved and Vandello seconded to approve the SBRC Request for Open Enrollment out not on prior year’s headcount in the amount of $209,034.00. Roll call vote: Hinton- yes, Klyn-yes, Vandello-yes, Van Mersbergen-yes, Brinegar-yes, Lobberecht-yes and Houk-yes.
Discussion Items: Roofing projects, Family Consumer Science classroom & Blakesburg Lunch Room blueprints, Navigator pulled out from the CO2 pipeline, and the next board meeting is Monday, November 27th at 6:00 pm. Open positons: .5 FTE Therapeutic Classroom Teacher - Explore Academy; Regular Route Driver; Child Care Associates; Vocal Music Teacher - Jr/Sr High - for 2024-25; 7-12 English Language Arts Teacher - Jr/Sr High for 2024-25; 4th Grade Classroom Teacher - Eddyville Elementary for 2024-25; Substitutes for all positions; Assistant Baseball Coach; Assistant FFA Advisor; Head Boys Golf Coach and Head Girls Golf Coach.
Adjourn: Van Mersbergen moved and Brinegar seconded to adjourn meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 7:03pm.
Curt Houk Mary McCrea
Board President Board Secretary