Board Agenda - 2023.10.16

Board Agenda - 2023.10.16

Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District

Board of Directors

Regular Board Meeting

Monday, October 16, 2023 at 6:00 PM

District Office, 222 Walnut Street, Eddyville

Regular Board Meeting

  1. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
  2. Moment of Silence for Mark Haselhuhn
  3. Public Forum
  4. Correspondence
  5. Approve Agenda
  6. Reports
    1. Superintendent’s Report 
    2. Curriculum Director’s Report
    3. Secondary Principal's Report
    4. Elementary Principal’s Report
    5. Director of Special Services' Report
    6. Other Directors
      1. Daycare Report
      2. Maintenance Report  
      3. Nutrition Report
  7. Consent Items
    1. Minutes
      1. September 18, 2023 Minutes
    2. Financial Reports
      1. Account Balances as of September 30, 2023
      2. Bills List October 2023 
    3. School Board Policies:
      1. Emergency Plans & Drills - 559
      2. Student Insurance - 560
      3. Custody & Parental Rights - 561
      4. Special Health Services - 562
    4. Contracts & Agreements 
    5. Open Enrollments   
  8. Personnel
    1. Hires
    2. Resignations
    3. Volunteers
  9. Action Items
    1. District 4 Vacancy replacement
      1. Oath of Office
    2. Single coverage for insurance for classified staff from 80% paid to 100% paid
    3. Eddyville Elementary Roof Repair
    4. Student Eligibility for Open Enrollment
    5. Active Space Renovation $30.000
  10. Discussion Items
    1. Capital Projects
    2. Sharing Agreement with Ottumwa Swimming & Twin Cedars Wrestling
    3. Reminder: 78th IASB Annual Convention Nov 15th to Nov 17th
    4. Open Positions 
  11. Adjourn


                                                                                                                   Mary McCrea, Board Secretary*

                                                 *Persons with disabilities should contact Mary McCrea by 3:00 P.M. on the day of the meeting. 641-969-1012

mary.mccrea@ro… Fri, 10/13/2023 - 08:23