Board Minutes - 2023.07.17

Board Minutes - 2023.07.17


July 17, 2023


The Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District Board of Directors met at the District Office on Monday, July 17, 2023 at 6:00 pm for a regular board meeting. Visitors in attendance: Janet Brinegar, Ann Ohms, Ragen & Logan More, and others not signed in. 


Call to Order: President Houk called to order the meeting of the EBF Board of Directors at 6:00 pm. Roll call: Eric Klyn, present; Lara Vandello, present; Micah Van Mersbergen, present; Doug Brinegar, present; Mark Haselhuhn, present and Curt Houk, present.  Quorum established.


Public Forum: Janet Brinegar addressed the board regarding Agriculture/FFA.     


Correspondence:  none 


Approve Agenda: Van Mersbergen moved and Vandello seconded to approve the agenda. Motion carried unanimously.


Reports: Scott Williamson, Superintendent, informed the board of a tuition grant of $30,000 for tuition relief for preschool students, upcoming enrollment numbers for grades preschool to 4th grade, and current open positions for next year and how they might be covered if we do not get anyone hired.  April Glosser, Curriculum Director, gave a summer school update, curriculum updates for next year, proposed IHCC course offerings for 2023-24 and items purchased from the computer science grant.  Jil Nelson, Eddyville Elementary Principal, gave the combined elementary principal’s report and informed the board that the custodial staff was currently working hard to get buildings ready for the upcoming school year.  They appreciate their hard work to get the buildings looking great.  Cathy Williamson, Director of Special Services, gave hiring updates on para educators, behavior interventionists, mental health counselors and interns as well as updating the board on Raptor Visitor Management System, Therapeutic Classroom Grant update and a current Medicaid PERM audit.  Other reports submitted but not read, were from Jr/Sr High Principal and Maintenance Director.


Consent Items:  Brinegar moved and Van Mersbergen seconded to approve Consent Items 6a to 6c: June 6, 2023 minutes, June 19, 2023 minutes, June 26, 2023 minutes, June 28, 2023 minutes, account balances as of June 30, 2023, bills list for July 2023, school board policies: 548-Commencement, 549-Parental Involvement, 550-Student Record Access, 551-Student Directory Information and the second reading of 111-District Vision & Mission Statement.  Motion carried unanimously.  Secretary McCrea restated tabled motion to approve the Denovo Contract from the June 19, 2023 board meeting.  Van Mersbergen moved and Vandello seconded to approve the Denovo Contract subject to final approval from the district’s legal counsel.  Small discussion.  Motion carried 5 to 1.  Klyn moved and Vandello seconded to approve the 2023-2024 contract for CodaHands Interpreting.  Motion carried unanimously.  Van Mersbergen moved and Klyn seconded to approve the IHCC Contract for Educational Services for the 2023-2024 school year.  Motion carried unanimously. Van Mersbergen moved and Vandello seconded to approve the open enrollments. Motion carried unanimously. 


Personnel: Van Mersbergen moved and Brinegar seconded to approve Amy Hoyt, Para Educator at the Jr/Sr High, Amanda Smith, Mental Health Counselor, Ashley Utterback, Para Educator at Blakesburg Elementary,

Paige VerSteegh, Color Guard, Kathryn Gutch, Para Educator at the Eddyville Elementary, Alesia Houser, Mental Health Counselor-Contingent on receiving licensure, Randy Alger, Bus Driver over 15 passengers, Eric Lenox, JH/Assistant Cross Country Coach, Kyle Roemerman, .75 FTE ELA Teacher at Jr/Sr High and Mental Health Intern, and Jenna Walters, 1st Grade at Blakesburg Elementary. Motion carried unanimously.


Action Items: Board appointed Nathan Hinton to the board for Director District 3 to replace retired board member, Rena Shepherd.  Secretary McCrea gave the oath to Mr. Hinton.  Hinton joined board meeting at 6:53 pm.  Vandello moved and Van Mersbergen seconded to approve the resident student attendance center transfer request for Chase Eastlick, 5th Grade from Blakesburg to Eddyville.  Small discussion.  Vandello moved and Brinegar seconded to amend motion to include Henry Eastlick’s (Preschool from Blakesburg to Eddyville) request along with Chase’s request.  Amendment carried unanimously.  Motion failed.  Van Mersbergen moved and Brinegar seconded to approve the resident student attendance center transfer request for Ella More.  Motion carried unanimously.  Van Mersbergen moved and Vandello seconded to approve the IHCC Course Offerings for the 2023-2024 school year.  Discussion held. Brinegar moved and Hinton seconded to table the approval of IHCC Course Offerings for the 2023-2024 to get matrix information regarding classes.  Motion carried 6 to 1. Van Mersbergen moved and Klyn seconded to approve the new position of Girls Wrestling Coach.  Motion carried unanimously.  Vandello moved and Van Mersbergen seconded to approve the new position of full time substitute teacher at the Jr/Sr High.  Motion carried unanimously.  Van Mersbergen moved and Brinegar seconded to approve the new position of Competition Supervisor.  Small discussion.  Brinegar moved and Van Mersbergen seconded to table the approval of the new position for more information on what the position will be.  Motion carried unanimously.  Brinegar moved and Vandello seconded to approve the new position of FFA Extra-Curricular Assistant.  Motion carried unanimously.  Brinegar moved and Vandello seconded to approve the acceptance of the Preschool Mahaska Wapello Grant for $30,000.  Motion carried unanimously.  Vandello moved and Klyn seconded to approve the 2023-2024 School Fees excluding the 4-year-old preschool fees.  Motion carried unanimously.  Vandello moved to approve the 4-yr-old preschool school fees at $200/month and not $250/month.  Motion died for lack of a second.  Van Mersbergen moved and Brinegar seconded to approve the 4-yr-old preschool fees at $250/month.  Motion carried 6 to 1.  Vandello moved and Van Mersbergen seconded to approve the 2023-2024 EBF Staff Handbook. 2023-2024 EBF Preschool Handbook, 2023-224 EBF Elementary Handbook, 2023-2024 EBF Jr/Sr High Handbook and the 2023-2024 Explore Academy Handbook.  Motion carried unanimously.  Van Mersbergen moved and Brinegar seconded to select School Safety, School Funding following student, Teacher/Staff licensure and unfunded mandates as the EBF Board’s top four Legislative Priorities.  Motion carried unanimously. 


Discussion Items:  Open positions are: Regular Route Driver, Child Care Associates, Behavior Interventionist - Explore Academy, 2nd Shift Custodian - Jr/Sr High, 4th Grade Teacher - Eddyville Elementary, Vocal Music Teacher - Jr/Sr High, Secondary Math Teacher - Jr/Sr High, Substitutes for all positions,  Coaching / Supplemental Positions: Assistant Football, 9th Grade Volleyball, Jr High Cross Country, Jr High Volleyball, Assistant Cheer Coach, Jr High Boys Basketball (2), Jr High Girls Basketball (2), Assistant Wrestling and Jr High Wrestling. Board asked about what an early retirement plan would look like and if the board’s attorney Nicole Proesch had completed the decision from the June 28, 2023 board meeting. 


Board went into break at 8:18 pm.  Board resumed meeting at 8:28 pm.


Closed Session: Brinegar moved and Van Mersbergen seconded to go into closed session per Iowa Code Section 21.5{1}(i) Superintendent Evaluation. Roll Call vote: Hinton, yes; Klyn, yes; Vandello, yes; Van Mersbergen, yes; Brinegar, yes; Haselhuhn, yes; and Houk, yes.  Motion carried unanimously.  Board went into closed session at 8:28 pm.     


Board came out of closed session at 9:30 pm.


Adjourn:  Brinegar moved and Vandello seconded to adjourn the meeting.  Motion carried unanimously.  Meeting adjourned at 9:30 pm.





Curt Houk                                                         Mary McCrea

Board President                                                  Board Secretary

mary.mccrea@ro… Tue, 07/18/2023 - 13:29