Board Agenda - 2023.07.17

Board Agenda - 2023.07.17

Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District

Board of Directors

Regular Board Meeting

Monday, July 17, 2023 at 6:00 PM

District Office, 222 Walnut Street, Eddyville

Regular Board Meeting

  1. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
  2. Public Forum
  3. Correspondence
  4. Approve Agenda
  5. Reports
    1. Superintendent’s Report
    2. Curriculum Director’s Report
    3. Secondary Principal's Report
    4. Elementary Principal’s Report
    5. Director of Special Services' Report
    6. Other Directors
      1. Maintenance Director’s Report  
  6. Consent Items
    1. Minutes
      1. June 6, 2023 Minutes
      2. June 19, 2023 Minutes
      3. June 26, 2023 Minutes
      4. June 28, 2023 Minutes
    2. Financial Reports
      1. Account Balances as of June 30, 2023
      2. Bills List July 2023 
    3. School Board Policies:
      1. Commencement 548
      2. Parental Involvement 549
      3. Student Records Access 550
      4. Student Directory Information 551
      5. Second Reading of District Vision & Mission Statement 111
    4. Contracts & Agreements
      1. Denovo Contract -tabled from June 19th meeting
      2. CodaHands Interpreting 2023-2024 Contract
      3. IHCC Contract of Educational Services 2023-2024
    5. Open Enrollments  
  7. Personnel
    1. Hires
    2. Resignations
  8. Action Items
    1. Director District 3 Vacancy replacement
      1. Oath of Office
    2. Resident Student Attendance Center Transfer Request
      1. Chase Eastlick & Henry Eastlick request
      2. Ella More request
    3. Approve IHCC  Course Offerings
    4. New Certified Positions:
      1. Girls Wrestling Coach - Head Coach Salary
      2. Full Time Substitute Jr/Sr High - First year teacher salary if certified teacher
      3. Competition Supervisor - $5,000
      4. FFA Extra-Curricular Assistant - Assistant Varsity Coach Salary
    5. Preschool Mahaska Wapello $30,000 Grant
    6. 2023-2024 Fees
    7. Handbooks
      1. 2023-24 EBF Staff Handbook
      2. 2023-24 EBF Preschool
      3. 2023-24 EBF Elementary
      4. 2023-24 EBF Jr/Sr High
      5. 2023-24 Explore Academy Handbook
    8. IASB 2024 Legislative Priorities -select top four from 2023
  9. Discussion Items
    1. Capital Projects
    2. Open Positions
      1. Meeting staffing needs of district
  10. Closed Session - per Iowa Code Section 21.5{1}(i) Superintendent Evaluation (Roll Call vote)   
  11. Adjourn
mary.mccrea@ro… Fri, 07/14/2023 - 10:27