Board Minutes - 2023.02.20

Board Minutes - 2023.02.20

February 20, 2023


The Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District Board of Directors met at the District Office on Monday, February 20, 2023 at 6:00 pm for a regular board meeting. Visitors in attendance: Ann Ohms, Allison Angle, Megan Lehman, Logan & Reagan More, Janet Brinegar, Wyatt Brinegar, April Glosser, James Fineran, Cathy Williamson, Steve Noble, Lori Hugen, Patrick Powers, Jaylene Vroegh, Dally Orman, CD Brinegar and others not signed in.


Call to Order: President Houk called to order the meeting of the EBF Board of Directors at 6:00 p.m. Roll call: Eric Klyn, present; Rena Shepherd, present; Lara Vandello, present; Micah Van Mersbergen, present; Doug Brinegar, present; Mark Haselhuhn, absent and Curt Houk, present.  Quorum established.


Public Forum: Allison Angle spoke in support of Agri Power FFA and its advisor.  She had previously been an agricultural teacher and FFA advisor and wanted the board to know the amount of work and stress that is involved in running a successful program. 


Presentations: Jaylene Vroegh and Dally Orman wanted to let the board know the activities that have happened since the last time they met with the board this fall.  The FFA students have been involved or attended the following activities: National Convention, Livestock Judging, Mini Hereford Show, Urban Air, Rabbit Show Team, Turkey Dinner, Fall and Winter IAT Conferences, Christmas on the River, Warmth Project, Christmas Tree pick up, Free Throw Contest, Pork Congress, Meat Judging, Iowa Beef Expo, and Greenhand Ceremony.  Upcoming activities are FFA Week, Sub-Districts, District’s, Dad’s Night Out, Alumni Auction, FFA Banquet, Mattress Sale, State Convention, Buckle Blast Pig & Goat Show and Buckle Blast Livestock & Horse Judging Contest.  With so many ongoing activities they wanted to let everyone know that they are always looking for volunteers to help!

CD Brinegar next presented to the board information on other FFA programs in Iowa and where Agri Power FFA compares to these programs in size of membership and the number of ag instructors.  He would like to see a committee created to determine how many ag instructors are needed for our program. 


Approve Agenda: Van Mersbergen motioned and Brinegar seconded to approve the agenda. Motion carried unanimously.


Reports: Superintendent Williamson discussed new money workbook for FY24, current spending in the FY23 budget, Legislative Updates and Capital Project update.  April Glosser, Curriculum Director, presented the Winter Fast Testing Results, Winter IReady Diagnostic Data for reading and math.  Administrators are excited that students made significant growth district wide and feel that the interventionists hired for learning loss due to Covid have been a great help.  Steve Noble, principal at the Jr/Sr High school wanted to acknowledge Lizzy Van Utrecht for winning the E. Wayne Cooley scholarship in the amount of $15,000.00. This scholarship is awarded to one high school student each year and this is the first time that a EBF student has been awarded this.  Each Iowa school district nominates one student for this scholarship, of those applications, six are selected for personal interviews.  EBF is very proud of Lizzy and congratulates her on this award.  Mr. Noble then also wanted to recognize Meghan Lehman for her hard work as a first year teacher and let the board know that she was awarded three staff recognition awards that are chosen by her peers.  Mr. Noble also thanked CD Brinegar for stepping in and helping our FFA students.  James Fineran, principal at Blakesburg Elementary gave the combined elementary principal’s board report and spoke of how happy the staff and administrators are with the test results, students in the 4th & 5th grade attended an Iowa Wolves basketball game on February 7th and the Oskaloosa Storybook Players visited each of the elementary buildings.  Cathy Williamson, Director of Special Services, gave her update on the Explore Academy transitions, the 3rd quarter consortium meeting, interview process for two special education positions open next year, STOP & COP grant updates and that EBF had submitted for a Federal mental health grant that is awarded by April 1st. Other reports submitted, but not read were from the Building Representative Meeting, the Activities Director, the Daycare Director, and the Maintenance Director.


Consent Items: Vandello motioned and Shepherd seconded to approve the January 16, 2023 minutes.  Motion carried unanimously.  Van Mersbergen motioned and Brinegar seconded to approve the Account Balances as of January 31, 2023 and Bills List for February 2023. Motion carried unanimously.  Brinegar motioned and Vandello seconded to approve the review of school board policies: Anti-Harassment/Bullying Investigation Procedures – 529; Use of Motor Vehicles – 530; Student Conduct – 531; and Expulsion – 531 and the first reading of District Vision and Mission Statement – 111.  Small discussion held on the revision of the mission statement.  Currently mission statement is: The mission of the Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District is to develop a quality education program which provides the students with opportunities to be productive citizens of a global society.  Revised mission statement is: The mission of the Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District is to develop a quality education program and cultivate resolute citizens of Iowa. Motion carried unanimously.   


Contracts & Agreements: None 


Open Enrollments:  Brinegar motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded to accept open enrollments in for Sofia Mendoza, Kindergarten from Ottumwa to Blakesburg Elementary, Abigail Ferdig, 9th Grade from Ottumwa to HSAP, Charleigh Ferdig, Kindergarten from Ottumwa to HSAP, Isaiah Ferdig, 7th Grade from Ottumwa to HSAP and Ira Taylor, Kindergarten from Oskaloosa to HSAP and to accept open enrollments out for River Parker, 2nd Grade to Oskaloosa, Dalton Parker, 1st Grade to Oskaloosa, Kalvin Kinzenbaw, 5th Grade to Oskaloosa, Keegan Kinzenbaw, 5th Grade to Oskaloosa, Mariah Kinzenbaw, 7th Grade to Oskaloosa,  and Paisley Friedman, Kindergarten to Ottumwa .  Small discussion held on the number of students enrolled in our home school assistance program. Motion carried unanimously.


Personnel:  Brinegar motioned and Vandello seconded approve the following hires: Bethany Brown, .5 Jr High Student Council, Tara Holdsworth, .5 Jr High Student Council, Helen Koffman-Stout, STEM Stipend, Michelle Seddon, STEM Stipend, Kiera MacPherson, STEM Stipend, Donna Bohlmann, STEM Stipend, and Shelly Jager, STEM Stipend.  There was not any recommendation for any of the fall sport coaching positions.  Motion carried unanimously. Van Mersbergen motioned and Vandello seconded to approve the resignation of Barb Krusemark, bus driver at the end of the 2022-23 school year.  Mrs. Krusemark stated she will still drive, but did not want to be under contract.  Motion carried unanimously.     


Action Items: Brinegar motioned and Shepherd second to approve the Resolution for Redistricting of Director Districts.  Small discussion held with review of new map.  Roll call votes: Klyn, yes; Shepherd, yes; Vandello, yes; Van Mersbergen, yes; Brinegar, yes, Haselhuhn, absent, and Houk, yes. Motion carried unanimously.  Shepherd motioned and Brinegar seconded to approve the Budget Guarantee Resolution.  Discussion was held regarding what this would mean for next year’s finances and what affect it would have on our current tax rate.  Brinegar motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded to table the Budget Guarantee Resolution until the March 20, 2023 board meeting.  Motion carried unanimously.  Van Mersbergen motioned and Shepherd seconded setting the budget hearing date for April 17, 2023 and the publishing of budget between March 28th and April 7th.  Motion carried unanimously. Shepherd motion and Klyn seconded to approve the purchase of a 40-foot-tall netting backstop for softball in the amount of $42,000 with the primary purpose to eliminate students and younger children from crossing the road when they retrieve foul balls.  Discussion held regarding the number of companies we received quotes from, if this purchase would be a PPEL or SAVE purchase, what was the procedure for when the baseball netting and backstop was replaced, did the district purchase or did the baseball team hold fundraisers.  Motion failed, 2 ayes from Klyn and Shepherd and 3 nays from Brinegar, Vandello and Van Mersbergen.


Discussion Items: Administrators were asked if all staff had been trained on all emergency situations.  Administrators feel they have a good plan in place and are drilling down on this training.  Board wanted to stress the urgency to have this training completed and that all staff have a clear understanding of what they should do or where they should go in any emergency situation.  An increase in childcare rates will be brought to board for approval after wage increases for next year are determined.  This increase will to be to offset the wage increases.  SIAC Committee was again discussed with the board deciding to wait to see if these committees will be addressed in the legislative session. At the next board meeting on March 20th, the FCS Students will be preparing the board’s meal.  Final talking points, Superintendent Williamson asked the board to keep up on the current legislation. Open positions are:  Special Education Teacher for the 2023-2024 School Year; Special Education Teacher - Strat II - Jr/Sr High; Secondary Math Teacher - Jr/Sr High; Regular Route Driver; Child Care Associate; Substitutes for all positions and Coaching / Supplemental Positions: Junior High Student Council; Girls Head Golf Coach; Jr High Track Coach (2); 9th Grade Softball Coach; Jr High Baseball Coach and Jr High Softball Coach (2). 


Adjourn:  Brinegar motioned and Shepherd seconded to adjourn board meeting.  Motion carried unanimously.  Meeting adjourned at 8:02 p.m.





Curt Houk                                                        Mary McCrea

Board President                                                 Board Secretary

mary.mccrea@ro… Thu, 02/23/2023 - 08:55