Board Minutes - 2022.11.21
Board Minutes - 2022.11.21November 21, 2022
The Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District Board of Directors met in the Blakesburg Elementary Library on Monday, November 21, 2022 at 6:00 pm for a regular board meeting. Visitors in attendance: Cathy Williamson, Tammy Davis, Lori Hugen, and Megan Simmons.
Call to Order: Secretary McCrea called to order the meeting of the EBF Board of Directors at 6:00 p.m. Roll call: Eric Klyn, present; Rena Shepherd, absent; Lara Vandello, present; Micah Van Mersbergen, present; Curt Houk, present; Mark Haselhuhn, present via phone call and Doug Brinegar, present. Quorum established.
Public Forum: None
Correspondence: None
Approve Agenda: Vandello motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded to approve the agenda. Motion carried unanimously.
Organizational Items: Vandello nominated Curt Houk and Haselhuhn nominated Doug Brinegar for EBF Board President. Nomination ceased. First voting resulted in a tie with both receiving three votes for Board President. Second voting results was 4-2 with Curt Houk elected as Board President. Secretary McCrea administered the Oath of Office to Curt Houk. President Houk then took over the meeting. Brinegar nominated Rena Shepherd and Haselhuhn nominated Doug Brinegar as EBF Vice President. Nomination ceased. Brinegar was elected Vice President with a 6-0 vote. Secretary McCrea administered the Oath of Office to Doug Brinegar. Brinegar nominated Mary McCrea as EBF Board Secretary/Treasurer and Brinegar motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded to cease nomination and cast a unanimous ballot. Motion carried unanimously. President Houk administered the Oath of Office to McCrea. Vandello motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded to set the regular board meeting schedule for the third Monday of each month at 6:00 the District Office, unless otherwise noted on the agenda. Motion carried unanimously. Van Mersbergen motioned and Vandello seconded to set the procedural rules as Parliamentary Procedures at a Glance. Motion carried unanimously. Brinegar motioned and Vandello seconded to set the official depository as First Iowa State bank with an adjusted maximum depository limit. Discussion held regarding capital projects and the effect this might have on District’s cash balance. Brinegar motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded to amend the motion to set the depository limit to twenty million. Motion carried unanimously. Van Mersbergen motioned and Klyn seconded to select the Ottumwa Courier as the official publication. Motion carried unanimously. Brinegar motioned and Vandello seconded to select Lynch-Dallas Law Firm, Mr. Brett Nitzschke as the school attorney. Motion carried unanimously. Brinegar motioned and Vandello seconded to keep the same board members on the 2021-2022 committees for the 2022-2023 year since the Capital Projects/Transportation committee is in the midst of planning a larger project. Van Mersbergen motioned and Vandello seconded to approve each committee separately to allow some changes to the negotiation committee and to appoint to the Capital Projects/Transportation Committee: Eric Klyn, Curt Houk and Doug Brinegar with Micah Van Mersbergen as an alternate. Motion carried unanimously. Van Mersbergen motioned and Brinegar seconded to appoint to the Negotiations Committee: Lara Vandello and Rena Shepherd with Doug Brinegar as an alternate. Motion carried unanimously. Brinegar motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded to appoint to the Quarterly Building Representative Meeting: Mark Haselhuhn and Micah Van Mersbergen. Brinegar motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded to appoint the following County Delegates: Mahaska County – Micah Van Mersbergen; Monroe County – Mark Haselhuhn; Wapello County – Eric Klyn. Motion carried unanimously. Motion carried unanimously.
Reports: Superintendent Williamson reported on FY23 Budget Summary update, the two proposed redistricting maps and a capital project updates: ADA compliance with the stage, roofing specifications being readied for bid process and proposed projects for the Jr/Sr High School. Tammy Davis, principal at Blakesburg Elementary gave the combined elementary principal’s board report regarding the process of reviewing new reading curriculum, all buildings are happy with their 5th grade classroom furniture and activities from each elementary. Cathy Williamson, Director of Special Services, updated the board on special education counts, special services updates and the Explore Academy. Other reports submitted, but not read were from Curriculum Director, Jr/Sr High Principal, Activity Director, Daycare Director, Maintenance Director, Transportation Director and the Nutrition department.
Consent Items: Brinegar motioned and Van Mersbergen approve Consent Items (7a & 7b): October 17, 2022 Board Meeting Minutes; Account Balances as of October 31, 2022 and November’s Bills. Motion carried unanimously. Van Mersbergen motioned and Vandello seconded to approve Consent Item (7c) Review of School Board Policies: Dual Enrollment – 517; Student Appearances – 518; Freedom of Expression – 519; Student Complaints & Grievances – 520. Motion carried unanimously. Secretary McCrea restated the tabled motion from the October 17, 2022 meeting Approve the first reading of Board Policy Meal Charges - 722. Brinegar motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded to approve the first reading of Meal Charges – 722. Discussion held on guidance from the Iowa Department of Education and Bureau of Health & Nutrition. Motion carried with Van Mersbergen voting nay out of protest. Van Mersbergen motioned and Vandello seconded the first reading of Naloxone Supply & Administration for Opioid Overdose – 555A. Discussion held on the use, cost and supply for the district. Motion carried unanimously. Vandello motioned and Brinegar seconded to accept the mentor contract for Megan Lehman for her MOC endorsement. Motion carried unanimously. Brinegar motioned and Klyn seconded to accept open enrollment outs from Andrew Collier, Kindergarten to Oskaloosa; Landon Danner, 9th Grade to Clayton Ridge; Mason Wolfe, Kindergarten to Albia; Jayden Satterfield, 9th Grade to Clayton Ridge. Motion carried unanimously.
Personnel: Vandello motioned and Brinegar seconded to approve Paula Morrison, Para Educator at Eddyville Elementary and Phyllis Sutton, Strat II Teacher at the Jr/Sr High. Motion carried unanimously. Van Mersbergen motioned and Brinegar seconded to accept the resignations of Mirasol Doroteo, Para Educator at Eddyville Elementary; Cheri Allen, Para Educator at Eddyville Elementary; and Mackenzie Vanskike, Behavior Interventionist at Explore Academy. Motion carried unanimously. Brinegar motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded to approve the Tuition Reimbursement Contract for Roxy Moorman to get her birth to 3rd grade inclusive setting endorsement. Motion carried unanimously.
Action Items: Brinegar motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded the SBRC Request for Open Enrollment Out not on prior year’s headcount - the district’s administration is authorized to submit a request to the School Budget Review Committee for a modified supplemental amount of $89,614.80 for open enrolled out students who were not included in the district’s previous year certified enrollment count. Roll Call vote: Klyn, aye; Vandello, aye; Van Mersbergen, aye; Haselhuhn, aye; Brinegar, aye; and Houk, aye. Motion carried unanimously. Brinegar motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded the SBRC Request for t Limited English Proficient (LEP) Instruction Beyond 5 Years - The district’s administration is authorized to submit a request to the School Budget Review Committee for a modified supplemental amount of $128.00 related to the English language learning program for students who have exceeded five years of weighting that are included on the Fall 2022 certified enrollment headcount. Roll Call vote: Klyn, aye; Vandello, aye; Van Mersbergen, aye; Haselhuhn, aye; Brinegar, aye; and Houk, aye. Motion carried unanimously. Van Mersbergen motioned and Klyn seconded to approve the FY2022 year end balances. Motion carried unanimously. Van Mersbergen motioned and Vandello seconded to approve the annual Physical Education Waiver and Exemption for FY2023. Motion carried unanimously. Vandello motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded the approval of an opposition letter to the Iowa Utilities Board in regards to a proposed carbon capture pipeline that will run a half mile from the Fremont Elementary building. Motion carried unanimously.
Discussion Items: Superintendent Williamson discussed the options of borrowing against the district’s PPEL or SAVE funds to cover a project for the Jr/Sr High. Patrick Davis, with Denovo, will be meeting with board to discuss options. After the 2020 Census it was found that the district will need to adjust it’s director districts to make sure that all districts are in ratio, there cannot be a 22% difference in population between the largest and smallest district. Mapping Strategies presented two proposals that will be posted online for public review and a public hearing will be held at the December 19th board meeting where the board will select which proposal will be selected. Open positions are: Behavior Interventionist - Explore Academy, Regular Route Driver, Daycare Associate, Substitutes for all positions, Coaching/Supplemental Positions: Junior High Student Council, Girls Head Golf Coach, Jr High Track Coach (2), 9th Grade Softball Coach, Jr High Baseball Coach and Jr High Softball Coach (2).
Adjourn: Brinegar motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded to adjourn board meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
Curt Houk Mary McCrea
Board President Board Secretary