Board Minutes - 2022.10.17

Board Minutes - 2022.10.17

October 17, 2022


The Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District Board of Directors met in the Fremont Elementary Cafeteria on Monday, October 17, 2022 for a regular board meeting following a tour of the Fremont Elementary at 5:00 pm.  Visitors in attendance: April Glosser, Steve Noble, Cathy Williamson, James Fineran and Lori Hugen.


Regular Board Meeting: Call to Order – Establish Quorum: President Brinegar called the regular board meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Roll call: Eric Klyn, present; Rena Shepherd, present; Lara Vandello, present; Micah Van Mersbergen, present; Curt Houk, present; Mark Haselhuhn, present; and Doug Brinegar, present. Quorum established.


Public Forum: None. 


Correspondence: Thank you from the family of Dr. Dean Cook.


Approve/Amend Agenda: Shepherd motioned and Houk seconded to approve the agenda.  Motion carried unanimously.


Reports: Superintendent Williamson gave his report and updated the board on budget information and certified enrollment for FY23.  April Glosser, Curriculum Director informed the board about the Iowa Best Summit that staff and administration attended on October 10th & 11th and then presented the Fall FAST testing results for grades kindergarten to 8th grade.  Steve Noble, principal at the Jr/Sr High school discussed the staff/family outing prior to the homecoming game, Fall SAT testing in which 7th graders and any new students not yet tested took the PSAT 8/9 Test and Juniors took the PSAT, the drug dog search on October 14th, Learning walks, PLC’s and National Honor Society induction of the following students: Senior’s: Vanessa Blad, Daulton Burkhart, Cassidy Long, Nathan Roberts and Junior’s: Nathan Calhoun, Abby Jager, Makenna Johnston, Allie VanDonselaar and Nevaya Vandello.  James Fineran, principal at Fremont Elementary gave the combined elementary principal’s board report regarding Iowa Best Summit, the furniture for the 5th grade classrooms is estimated to be delivered the week of October 26th, and PTC will be held the week of Oct 24th to Oct 27th.  Cathy Williamson, Director of Special Services, gave the board updates on MV Training, Site Visit, School Safety Workshop, SPED Count and Achieve.  Other reports submitted, but not read, were from the Childcare Director and the Maintenance Director.


Consent Items: Shepherd motioned and Vandello seconded to approve Consent Items 6a through 6c: September 19, 2022 Board Meeting Minutes; Financial Reports as of September 30, 2022; October’s Bills; the Review of School Board Policies: 513 Open Enrollment Transfers – Procedures as a Sending District, 514 Open Enrollment Transfers – Procedures as a Receiving District, 515 Homeless Children & Youth and 516 Competitive Private Instruction.  Students. Motion carried unanimously. 


Contracts and Agreements: Vandello motioned and Houk seconded to approve the following contracts and agreements: 2022-2023 Infinite Campus Messaging Service, Mapping Strategies, Wordware POS Service for Nutrition, Quick Access LLC and Music Moves Music Therapy.  Motion carried. 


Open Enrollments: Vandello motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded to approve Open Enrollments in: Sara Ridenour, Kindergarten from Oskaloosa to HSAP, Jewelianna Thomas, 3rd Grade from Moulton-Udell to HSAP, Stoick Almond, Kindergarten from Oskaloosa to HSAP, Patricia Jenkins, 6th Grade from Oskaloosa to HSAP, and Eiley Kitterman, Kindergarten from Ottumwa to Blakesburg. Motion carried unanimously.


Personnel:  Vandello motioned and Houk seconded to approve Sydney Guiter, Para Educator at Fremont Elementary.  Motion carried unanimously. Van Mersbergen motioned and Klyn seconded to approve the following coaching contracts with the understanding that they will be properly endorsed prior to any coaching responsibilities:  Jason Leffler, Assistant Boys Basketball; Curt Johnston & Alex Ashman, Junior High Boys Basketball; Madysen Wade, 9th Grade Girls Basketball; Curt Johnston & Kiley Lobberecht, Junior High Girls Basketball and Hannah Koellner, assistant cheerleading sponsor.  Discussion was held on the difficulty of getting coaches for all open positions and that because of these shortages, the junior high boys and girls basketball teams will be forced to have a split season.  Motion carried unanimously.  Van Mersbergen motioned and Klyn seconded to accept volunteer coaches of Jeff Larson, boys’ basketball; Ryan Jackson, girls’ basketball; Adam Proctor, Derek Fye, David Hall, Richard Lettington, Jake Demmon, Brandon Jackson and Scott Williamson, wrestling and Nick Schmitz, Jenny VanZante, Travis Johnson, Katie Smith, Jessica Nollen and Rylie Lathen archery, all requiring correct licensure to coach.  Small discussion was held.  Vandello motioned and Houk seconded to amend motion to exclude the archery volunteers until a meeting could be held between two board members, the superintendent and volunteer archery coaches.  Van Mersbergen approved the amendment.  Motion carried unanimously to amend motion.  Amended Motion carried unanimously. 


Action Items: Houk motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded to approve the Fiscal Year 2021 Audit results.  Small discussion.  Motion carried unanimously.  Vandello motioned and Houk seconded to approve the Resolution to Adopt Return-to-Play Protocol.  Roll call vote: Klyn, yes; Shepherd, yes; Vandello, yes; Van Mersbergen, yes; Houk, yes; Haselhuhn, yes and Brinegar, yes.  Motion carried unanimously.  Shepherd motioned and Haselhuhn seconded to approve the 2022-23 hard surface only plan.  Motion carried unanimously.  Houk motioned and Haselhuhn seconded to approve the purchase of a Combi Oven for $25,000.  Motion carried unanimously.  Shepherd motioned and Houk seconded to approve the EBFHS Concert Band’s out of state travel to the Worlds of Fun Music Festival on May 6th & May 7th.  Board will provide transportation for students and hotel rooms for the bus drivers.  Motion carried unanimously. 


Discussion Items: Capital projects committee will meet to discuss new playgrounds. Certified enrollment down 29.08 students from October 1, 2021.  Communication was sent out to staff regarding negotiations. A public hearing will be held at the December 19th board meeting for the transfer of funds from flexibility accounts.  Mr. Williamson and Andy Heinle will be attended a workshop on October 26th to create a plan for full building radon testing.  Mr. Williamson gave the board information that he received from Andy Alexander regarding the proposal for a Carbon Pipeline that would run through the district.  Current open positions: Regular Route Driver, Junior High Generalist - Jr/Sr High, Junior High Language Arts - Jr/Sr High, Substitutes for all positions, Coaching/Supplemental Positions: Junior High Student Council, Jr High Track Coach (2), 9th Grade Softball Coach, Jr High Baseball, and Jr High Softball (2).Other talking points discussed by the board was a policy regarding negative lunch balances and redistricting after a census with the board deciding to stay with seven director districts and constituents voting only in their district.   


Adjourn:  Shepherd motioned and Vandello seconded to adjourn board meeting.  Motion carried unanimously.  Meeting adjourned at 7:34 p.m.






Doug Brinegar                                                      Mary McCrea

Board President                                                    Board Secretary

mary.mccrea@ro… Mon, 10/24/2022 - 14:52