2022-23 BOARD MINUTES Jen@iowaschool… Wed, 06/22/2022 - 08:40Board Minutes - 2022.08.09
Board Minutes - 2022.08.09August 9, 2022
The Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District Board of Directors met at the district office on Tuesday, August 9, 2022 for a special board meeting. Visitors in attendance: none.
Special Board Meeting: Call to Order – Establish Quorum: President Brinegar called the regular board meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Roll call: Eric Klyn, present; Rena Shepherd, present; Lara Vandello, present via Zoom call; Micah Van Mersbergen, absent; Curt Houk, absent; Mark Haselhuhn, absent; and Doug Brinegar, present. Quorum established.
Approve/Amend Agenda: Shepherd motioned and Klyn seconded to approve the agenda. Motion carried unanimously.
Personnel: Shepherd motioned and Klyn seconded to approve Kevin Huck, Head Cross Country Coach. Motion carried unanimously. Vandello motioned and Klyn seconded to accept the resignations of Alexis Kauzlarich, Coach and Bob Shepherd, Assistant/Jr High Cross Country Coach. Motion carried unanimously.
Adjourn: Shepherd motioned and Vandello seconded to adjourn board meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 6:03 p.m.
Doug Brinegar Mary McCrea
Board President Board Secretary
Board Minutes - 2022.07.18
Board Minutes - 2022.07.18July 18, 2022
The Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District Board of Directors met at the district office on Monday, July 18, 2022 for a regular board meeting. Visitors in attendance: April Glosser, Tammy Davis, Cathy Williamson, Steve Noble, Michele Ratliff and others not signed in.
Regular Board Meeting: Call to Order – Establish Quorum: President Brinegar called the regular board meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Roll call: Eric Klyn, present; Rena Shepherd, absent; Lara Vandello, present; Micah Van Mersbergen, present; Curt Houk, present; Mark Haselhuhn, present; and Doug Brinegar, present. Quorum established.
Public Forum: none
Correspondence: none.
Approve/Amend Agenda: Vandello motioned and Houk seconded to approve the agenda. Motion carried unanimously.
Reports: Superintendent Williamson went over current financial balances, staffing updates, revenue purpose statement and the Keep Kids Fed Act. April Glosser, Curriculum Director went over curriculum purchases for the 2022-23 school year and Summer School attendance. Steve Noble, principal at the Jr/Sr High school gave the board an update on how current open positions will be covered for the first semester, explained what the Learning Walk Program is and what the Jr/Sr High Leadership team will be will be working on in August. Tammy Davis, principal at Blakesburg Elementary gave the combined elementary principal’s board report and updated the board on summer school and staffing changes. Handbooks have been updated, building cleaning is still in process and the Eddyville elementary has new bathroom partitions, walls have been repainted and the North wing restrooms have new flooring. Cathy Williamson, Director of Special Services, updated the board on four active grants that she is working on: Therapeutic Classroom Grant, STOP Grant, TPRA Grant and COPS Grant, as well as personnel updates for para educators and behavior interventionists. Other reports submitted, but not read, were from the Childcare and Maintenance directors.
Consent Items: Vandello motioned and Houk seconded to approve the Consent Items 6a to 6e: June 20, 2022 Board Meeting Minutes; Financial Reports as of June 30, 2022; July’s Bills; the Review of School Board Policies: 501 Resident Student, 502 Non-Resident and Foreign Exchange Students, 503 Compulsory Attendance and 504 Attendance Cooperation Process; Contracts & Agreements: 2022-23 Wm Penn Nurse Clinical Agreement, Technology with TF Technology, Bus Mechanic with K Repair, Sign Language Interpreter with CodaHands Interpreting, Dell Lease Agreement, STOP Grant Contracts: Nikki Thomas, EBF Individual Threat Assessment Coordinator, Marla Wilfawn, Davis County Individual Threat Assessment Coordinator, Heather Severson, EBF Safety Audit Coordinator, and Greg Gordy, Davis County Safety Audit Coordinator; and Open Enrollment for 2022-2023: IN: Mireya Thomas, Kindergarten from Moulton-Udell to HSAP. Motion carried unanimously.
Personnel: Van Mersbergen motioned and Klyn seconded to approve Cassandra Holdsworth, Para Educator at Blakesburg Elementary, Sydney Guiter, Para Educator at Fremont Elementary; Cami Grubb, Para Educator at Jr/Sr High; Lillie Pierce, Para Educator at Jr/Sr High; Cindy Molyneux, Para Educator for Jr/Sr High; Tiffany Roozeboom, 6th Grade Teacher at Fremont Elementary; Macy Brown, Behavior Interventionist; Gladys Genskow, Head Girls Track Coach; Micheal Pilcher, Head Boys Track Coach; Ryan Jackson, Assistant Boys Track Coach; Whitley Alexander, Assistant Girls Track Coach; Alexis Kauzlarich, Jr High Track Coach; Hannah Koellner, Jr High Track Coach; Tyler Ford; Jr High Football Coach; Torie Alexander, Assistant Volleyball Coach; Kiley Lobberecht, Jr High Volleyball Coach. Motion carried unanimously. Vandello motioned and Houk seconded to accept the resignations of Ashleigh Sammons, Cook at Eddyville Elementary and Barry Yarnell, Sign Language Interpreter. Motion carried unanimously.
Action Items: Secretary McCrea restated the tabled motion from the June 20, 2022 meeting Set the substitute teacher pay rate for the 2022-2023 to $140.00/day or $70/half day. Discussion was held. Area schools were asked what they are paying. Amounts ranged from $115/day to $140/day. Motion carried to take motion off table. Motion carried unanimously. Houk motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded to set the 2022-2023 fees for breakfast & lunch, book rent, instrument rental, FFA membership, activity cards, admission fees and preschool tuition. No changes were made to any amounts but to breakfast & lunch costs and the 4-year old preschool annual amount. The 4-year old preschool fees were approved at the April 11, 2022 board meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Van Mersbergen motioned and Houk seconded to approve the 2022-23 Handbooks for Preschool, Elementary, Jr/Sr High and a new Staff Handbook. Small discussion on why the paragraph of parental notification of health screenings was removed from the elementary handbook. Superintendent will find out and let the board know why in a board update. Motion carried unanimously. Van Mersbergen motioned and Vandello seconded to approve the Emergency Operations Plan Review. Discussion was held regarding what the Emergency Operations Plan was and the process for the review. Board has concerns regarding the number of new staff and would like to have training for all staff done as soon as possible, but new staff have some training prior to students first day. Motion was tabled to the August 15th board meeting to allow board members a chance to review plan. Motion carried unanimously. Houk motioned and Klyn seconded to approve the purchase of the firewall upgrade. Motion carried unanimously. Vandello motioned and Houk seconded to approve the purchase of the preschool curriculum for $20,712.00 for five years. Motion carried unanimously.
Capital Projects: Superintendent Williamson told that board that the quote for the outdoor storage building that was discussed at the June 20th meeting came in at $116,000 and this does not include electricity. Superintendent Williamson will check with the district’s lawyer regarding bid process to make sure that proper procedures are followed since the project is close to the bid threshold.
Discussion Items: Discussion was held on the need for an Open Enrollment policy since the open enrollment deadline has been removed from the application, the RSAI Legislative Survey was reviewed and will be completed for the board as a group, and school security was again discussed. Superintendent Williamson is going to research liability issues of having volunteered retired servicemen being present at school buildings. Prior to Covid the board would visit the school buildings once a year and the board would like to resume this. Prior to the August board meeting the board will visit the Jr/Sr High, in September they will visit the Eddyville Elementary and daycare, in October they will visit the Fremont Elementary and in November the Blakesburg Elementary. October’s board meeting will be held at Fremont and November’s board meeting will be held at Blakesburg. Open positons: Home School Assistance Teacher, Regular Route Driver, Junior High English Language Arts Teacher - Jr/Sr High, Senior High English Language Arts Teacher - Jr/Sr High, Senior High Math Teacher - Jr/Sr High, Custodian - Fremont Elementary, Substitutes for all positions and Coaching positons: 9th Grade Volleyball Coach, Junior High Volleyball Coach, Junior High Girls Basketball Coach, Assistant Boys Basketball Coach, Junior High Boys Basketball Coach (2), Assistant Wrestling Coach, Junior High Wrestling Coach & Golf Coach.
Board took a break at 7:59 p.m. Board resumed meeting at 8:06 p.m.
Closed Session- per Iowa Code Section 21.5 {1}(c) Discuss strategy with legal counsel in matters regarding litigation: Houk motioned and Vandello seconded to go into closed session for the discussion with legal counsel. Roll Call Vote: Klyn, aye; Shepherd, absent; Vandello, aye; Van Mersbergen, aye; Houk, aye; Haselhuhn, aye; and Brinegar, aye. Motion carried unanimously. Board went into closed session at 8:06 p.m. Board exited closed session at 8:57 p.m.
Adjourn: Vandello motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded to adjourn board meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:57 p.m.
Doug Brinegar Mary McCrea
Board President Board Secretary
Board Minutes - 2022.08.15
Board Minutes - 2022.08.15August 15, 2022
The Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District Board of Directors met at the district office on Monday, August 15, 2022 for a regular board meeting following a tour of the Jr/Sr High School at 5:00 pm. Visitors in attendance: April Glosser, Tammy Davis, Jil Nelson, James Fineran, Steve Noble, Faith Calvin & Ashleigh Sammons.
Regular Board Meeting: Call to Order – Establish Quorum: President Brinegar called the regular board meeting to order at 6:13 p.m. Roll call: Eric Klyn, present; Rena Shepherd, present; Lara Vandello, present; Micah Van Mersbergen, present; Curt Houk, absent; Mark Haselhuhn, present; and Doug Brinegar, present. Quorum established.
Public Forum: Faith Calvin & Ashleigh Sammons introduced themselves as representatives from Opaa, the district’s new food service management company.
Correspondence: none.
Approve/Amend Agenda: Shepherd motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded to approve the agenda. Motion carried unanimously.
Reports: Superintendent Williamson gave a capital projects update, went over all the grants that the district has recently been awarded and gave a brief outline of the first days of the 2022-23 school year. April Glosser, Curriculum Director discussed the computer science training that was held on August 8th and presented the ISSAP results from the Spring. Steve Noble, principal at the Jr/Sr High school updated the board on staffing and classroom preparations for the upcoming school year. Jil Nelson, principal at Eddyville Elementary gave the combined elementary principal’s board report. Other reports submitted, but not read, were from the Director of Special Services and the Maintenance Director.
Consent Items: Van Mersbergen motioned and Shepherd seconded to approve the Consent Items 6a to 6c: July 18, 2022 Board Meeting Minutes; Financial Reports as of July 31, 2022; August’s Bills; the Review of School Board Policies: 505 Entrance – Admissions, 506 Student Transfer into the District, 507 Student Transfer out of the District or Withdrawals and 508 Student Attendance Records. Motion carried unanimously. Shepherd motioned and Vandello seconded to approve the William Penn MOU for Para to Teacher Program. Motion carried unanimously. Van Mersbergen motioned and Vandello seconded to approve Open Enrollment for 2022-2023: IN: Tatem Skinner, 6th Grade from Albia to HSAP and OUT: Milliana Ashlock, 5th Grade to Ottumwa. Motion carried unanimously.
Personnel: Van Mersbergen motioned and Klyn seconded to approve Joyce Eveland, HS Math Teacher, Jerri Eakes, HS English Teacher, DeWayne Rohrer, Fremont Elementary Custodian, Cierra Lopez, Jr/Sr High Para Educatory, Tammy Davis, .5 Mentor Leader and April Glosser, .5 Mentor Leader. Motion carried unanimously. Van Mersbergen motioned and Vandello seconded to accept the resignations of Lacy Fowler, Jr/Sr High Para Educator and Alexander Holt, Assistant Football Coach. Motion carried unanimously.
Action Items: Secretary McCrea restated the tabled motion from the July 18, 2022 meeting Approve the Emergency Operations Plan Review. Discussion was held. With the STOP Grant this plan will be redone in the upcoming school year. Van Mersbergen motioned and Vandello seconded to take motion of the table and approved Emergency Operation Plan Review. Motion carried unanimously. Vandello motioned and Shepherd seconded to set the mileage reimbursement rate to match the Iowa Department of Administrative Services rate of 0.50 cents per mile. Motion carried unanimously. Vandello motioned and Shepherd seconded to approve the purchase/lease of computers for the elementary teachers in the amount of $52,623.50 or three lease payments of $18,244.57. Small discussion held. Motion carried unanimously. Vandello motioned and Klyn seconded to have Shepherd as the delegate for the Iowa Association of School Boards Special Delegate Assembly on Sept 13th. Van Mersbergen will be the alternate. Motion carried unanimously.
Capital Projects: None.
Discussion Items: Discussion was held on having the Revenue Purpose Statement vote being renewed with the general election in November 2023 vs having a special election in March 2023, this will save the district costs for the election. After school care was discussed for the Blakesburg & Fremont buildings. There has been interest for the Fremont building and the district does have buses that come back to Eddyville at the end of the day from both Fremont & Blakesburg so the possibility of students coming over for the Eddyville daycare is an option. Superintendent Williamson has had three requests for in district students to change attendance centers and wanted the boards opinion on if they should set up a committee. The guidelines regarding attendance centers created by the board were set in place to keep all three elementary buildings sustainable with equal class sizes for each grades. Mr. Van Mersbergen was contacted by the family of Nurse (Critchlow) Henderson, who was employed by the district for numerous years, that one of her wishes was to leave something to the school upon her death. Mr. Van Mersbergen also asked about roof repairs. EBF received a quote to replace the Eddyville elementary roof for $200,000. Superintendents Williamson is going to have Denovo give us their suggestions on which repairs/replacement for roofs on buildings are needed. Ms. Vandello asked if there was a policy regarding when someone applies for a positon, do the candidates that do not get the job receive a phone call or letter stating this? Open positions: Regular Route Driver, Junior High English Language Arts Teacher - Jr/Sr High, Daycare Associate, Substitutes for all positions, Coaching Positions: Asst/Jr High Cross Country, 9th Grade Volleyball Coach, 9th Grade Girls Basketball Coach, Junior High Girls Basketball Coach, Assistant Boys Basketball Coach, Junior High Boys Basketball Coach (2), Assistant Wrestling Coach, Junior High Wrestling Coach, Jr High Track Coach (2), Golf Coach, and 9th Grade Softball Coach.
Adjourn: Vandello motioned and Shepherd seconded to adjourn board meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 7:43 p.m.
Doug Brinegar Mary McCrea
Board President Board Secretary
Board Minutes - 2022.09.19
Board Minutes - 2022.09.19September 19, 2022
The Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District Board of Directors met at the district office on Monday, September 19, 2022 for a regular board meeting following a tour of the Eddyville Elementary & Daycare at 5:00 pm. Visitors in attendance: April Glosser, Tammy Davis, Jil Nelson, Steve Noble, Michele Ratliff, Ann Ohms, Melissa Reed-Appel, Taylor Kerby, Jaylene Vroegh, Mike Connell & Larae Middlesworth.
Regular Board Meeting: Call to Order – Establish Quorum: President Brinegar called the regular board meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Roll call: Eric Klyn, present; Rena Shepherd, present; Lara Vandello, present; Micah Van Mersbergen, present; Curt Houk, present; Mark Haselhuhn, present; and Doug Brinegar, present. Quorum established.
Presentation: Jaylene Vroegh & Taylor Kerby gave a presentation to the board on how Agri-Power FFA members performed this summer at county fairs, winning Supreme Chapter at the Iowa State Fair and the many activities already that have taken place or are planned for the upcoming school year.
Public Forum: Mike Connell spoke about the cell phone policy at the Jr/Sr High School and Larae Middlesworth spoke about a fence needed at the Fremont Elementary grade school.
Correspondence: Thank you from the family of Max Ohms.
Approve/Amend Agenda: Houk motioned and Shepherd seconded to approve the agenda. Motion carried unanimously.
Reports: Superintendent Williamson gave a summary of current FY23 purchases from PPEL, expected income from PPEL and SAVE for the year, short term capital project purchases and financial buying power for long term financing. April Glosser, Curriculum Director gave comparative test results from Iowa Assessments to ISASP Testing. Steve Noble, principal at the Jr/Sr High school discussed staff awards, learning walks and Rocket Time topics. Tammy Davis, principal at Blakesburg Elementary gave the combined elementary principal’s board report. Cathy Williamson, Director of Special Services, discussed College Transition Day, work experience students, Co-Teaching and an update on the Explore Academy. Other reports submitted, but not read, were from the Childcare Director and the Maintenance Director.
Consent Items: Shepherd motioned and Houk seconded to approve Consent Items 7a through 7c. Van Mersbergen motioned and Vandello seconded to amend motion to approve Consent Items 7a through 7c(iv): August 9, 2022 & August 15, 2022 Board Meeting Minutes; Financial Reports as of August 31, 2022; September’s Bills, STOP Grant approvals; the Review of School Board Policies: 509 Student Absences – Excused, 510 Truancy – Unexcused Absences, 511 Student Release During School Hours and 512 Pregnant Students. Motion carried unanimously. Superintendent Williamson gave a recommendation to the board to review Board Policy 722 Meal Charges. Van Mersbergen motioned and Houk seconded to table first reading to allow time to gather more information. Motion tabled. Vandello motioned and Shepherd seconded to approve Open Enrollments In: Ayden Meyers, 6th grade from Albia to Blakesburg Elementary, Charlotte Van Englehoven, Kindergarten from Oskaloosa to HSAP, Casey Hol, 7th grade from Oskaloosa to Jr/Sr High, Levi Roberts, Kindergarten from Oskaloosa to HSAP, Sophia Dickerson, Kindergarten from Ottumwa to Fremont Elementary, Kate Krause, 8th grade from Ottumwa to Jr/Sr High, Kendra Krause, 8th grade from Ottumwa to Jr/Sr High, Gage Spurgeon, 8th grade from Ottumwa to Jr/Sr High and Open Enrollments Out: Miah Bowen, 10th Grade to Ottumwa, Jayden Brown, 5th Grade to Oskaloosa, Wyatt Starks, 7th Grade to Clayton Ridge, Tate Jones, 4th Grade to Sigourney. Motion carried unanimously.
Personnel: Shepherd motioned and Vandello seconded to approve Roger Kalke, Bus Driver, Jennifer Hageman, 2nd Grade at Blakesburg, Kalie Patterson, Para Educator at Jr/Sr High, Lisa Reinier, Competitive Robotics, Robin Taylor, 9th Grade Volleyball, Tom Hallgren, Rocket Newspaper, Amy Spurgeon, EBF Website, Susan Cenci, HSAP half time to full time, Alex Ashman, Assistant Baseball Coach, Haegen Boyer, Assistant Softball Coach, Tony Fenton, Head Softball Coach, Tyler Ford, Jr High Baseball Coach, Tom Hallgren, Head Baseball Coach, and Donavan Young, 9th Grade Baseball Coach. Motion carried unanimously. Van Mersbergen motioned and Shepherd seconded to accept the resignations of Cami Grubb, Jr/Sr High Para Educator and Sydney Guiter, Fremont Elementary Para Educator. Motion carried unanimously. Board Member Klyn left at 7:27 p.m.
Action Items: Van Mersbergen motioned and Houk seconded to approve the condensed Return to Learn plan. Motion carried unanimously. Shepherd motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded to approve the 2022-2023 Fundraiser list. Motion carried unanimously. Shepherd motioned and Houk seconded to approve the SBRC Request for Supplemental Allowable Growth for Special Education Deficit of $152,123.24. Discussion held on how the deficit occurs and what would happen if this was not approved. Roll Call vote: Klyn, absent, Shepherd, yes; Vandello, yes; Van Mersbergen, yes; Houk, yes; Haselhuhn, yes; and Brinegar, yes. Motion carried. Vandello motioned and Houk seconded to approve the request from Agri-Power FFA to attend the National Convention in Indianapolis, IN on October 26 to October 29. District will provide two school suburbans for travel. Motion carried unanimously. Houk motioned and Shepherd seconded to approve the elementary furniture purchase in the amount of $44,886.80. Small discussion held on what desks and chairs are being purchased. Motion carried unanimously. Haselhuhn motioned and Vandello seconded to approve the purchase of mini split air conditioning for Eddyville Elementary-quote $22,000, playgrounds equipment and installation for the Eddyville and Blakesburg elementary-quote $146,000- EBF went through Sourcewell, a cooperative purchasing program for educational organizations on the playground bids, and purchase of a new wrestling mat-quote $30,000. Discussion held on Fremont Elementary’s current playground and when the need arises they will get a new playground. Motion carried unanimously.
Discussion Items: Discussion was held on having the Capital Projects committee meet to discuss long term goals for the district, the October 17th board meeting will be held in the library at the Fremont Elementary, and that November’s annual and organizational meetings will be held in the library at the Blakesburg Elementary. Board had lengthy discussion regarding the cell phone policy at the Jr/Sr High. Superintendent Williamson read an email regarding the policy from Mr. Brett Nitzschke, district’s attorney as well as gave statistics on the amount of cell phones that have been confiscated by the office. President Brinegar gave the background as to what direction the board had requested Mr. Noble to proceed with the cell phone policy in the Jr/Sr High handbook. The policy is in place to protect the integrity of the learning environment and be a deterrent to keep cell phones out of the classroom. The IASB Annual Convention is Nov 16 –Nov 18, board members that would like to attend should inform Secretary McCrea. Because EBF is a board of director districts, we must at a minimum recertify or redraw existing boundaries. The district will be working with Mapping Solutions to update boundaries. Superintendent Williamson asked if any board members would be willing to be on an Archery committee, Vandello volunteered. Current open positions: Preschool Para Educator - Fremont Elementary, Regular Route Driver, Junior High Generalist - Jr/Sr High, Junior High Language Arts - Jr/Sr High, Substitutes for all positions, Junior High Student Council, 9th Grade Girls Basketball Coach, Junior High Girls Basketball Coach, Assistant Boys Basketball Coach, Junior High Boys Basketball Coach (2), Assistant Wrestling Coach, Junior High Wrestling Coach, Head Golf Coach, Jr High Track Coach (2), 9th Grade Softball Coach, Asst/Jr High Cross Country, Jr High Baseball, 9th Grade Softball, and Jr High Softball (2)
Adjourn: Shepherd motioned and Vandello seconded to adjourn board meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:28 p.m.
Doug Brinegar Mary McCrea
Board President Board Secretary
Board Minutes - 2022.10.17
Board Minutes - 2022.10.17October 17, 2022
The Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District Board of Directors met in the Fremont Elementary Cafeteria on Monday, October 17, 2022 for a regular board meeting following a tour of the Fremont Elementary at 5:00 pm. Visitors in attendance: April Glosser, Steve Noble, Cathy Williamson, James Fineran and Lori Hugen.
Regular Board Meeting: Call to Order – Establish Quorum: President Brinegar called the regular board meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Roll call: Eric Klyn, present; Rena Shepherd, present; Lara Vandello, present; Micah Van Mersbergen, present; Curt Houk, present; Mark Haselhuhn, present; and Doug Brinegar, present. Quorum established.
Public Forum: None.
Correspondence: Thank you from the family of Dr. Dean Cook.
Approve/Amend Agenda: Shepherd motioned and Houk seconded to approve the agenda. Motion carried unanimously.
Reports: Superintendent Williamson gave his report and updated the board on budget information and certified enrollment for FY23. April Glosser, Curriculum Director informed the board about the Iowa Best Summit that staff and administration attended on October 10th & 11th and then presented the Fall FAST testing results for grades kindergarten to 8th grade. Steve Noble, principal at the Jr/Sr High school discussed the staff/family outing prior to the homecoming game, Fall SAT testing in which 7th graders and any new students not yet tested took the PSAT 8/9 Test and Juniors took the PSAT, the drug dog search on October 14th, Learning walks, PLC’s and National Honor Society induction of the following students: Senior’s: Vanessa Blad, Daulton Burkhart, Cassidy Long, Nathan Roberts and Junior’s: Nathan Calhoun, Abby Jager, Makenna Johnston, Allie VanDonselaar and Nevaya Vandello. James Fineran, principal at Fremont Elementary gave the combined elementary principal’s board report regarding Iowa Best Summit, the furniture for the 5th grade classrooms is estimated to be delivered the week of October 26th, and PTC will be held the week of Oct 24th to Oct 27th. Cathy Williamson, Director of Special Services, gave the board updates on MV Training, Site Visit, School Safety Workshop, SPED Count and Achieve. Other reports submitted, but not read, were from the Childcare Director and the Maintenance Director.
Consent Items: Shepherd motioned and Vandello seconded to approve Consent Items 6a through 6c: September 19, 2022 Board Meeting Minutes; Financial Reports as of September 30, 2022; October’s Bills; the Review of School Board Policies: 513 Open Enrollment Transfers – Procedures as a Sending District, 514 Open Enrollment Transfers – Procedures as a Receiving District, 515 Homeless Children & Youth and 516 Competitive Private Instruction. Students. Motion carried unanimously.
Contracts and Agreements: Vandello motioned and Houk seconded to approve the following contracts and agreements: 2022-2023 Infinite Campus Messaging Service, Mapping Strategies, Wordware POS Service for Nutrition, Quick Access LLC and Music Moves Music Therapy. Motion carried.
Open Enrollments: Vandello motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded to approve Open Enrollments in: Sara Ridenour, Kindergarten from Oskaloosa to HSAP, Jewelianna Thomas, 3rd Grade from Moulton-Udell to HSAP, Stoick Almond, Kindergarten from Oskaloosa to HSAP, Patricia Jenkins, 6th Grade from Oskaloosa to HSAP, and Eiley Kitterman, Kindergarten from Ottumwa to Blakesburg. Motion carried unanimously.
Personnel: Vandello motioned and Houk seconded to approve Sydney Guiter, Para Educator at Fremont Elementary. Motion carried unanimously. Van Mersbergen motioned and Klyn seconded to approve the following coaching contracts with the understanding that they will be properly endorsed prior to any coaching responsibilities: Jason Leffler, Assistant Boys Basketball; Curt Johnston & Alex Ashman, Junior High Boys Basketball; Madysen Wade, 9th Grade Girls Basketball; Curt Johnston & Kiley Lobberecht, Junior High Girls Basketball and Hannah Koellner, assistant cheerleading sponsor. Discussion was held on the difficulty of getting coaches for all open positions and that because of these shortages, the junior high boys and girls basketball teams will be forced to have a split season. Motion carried unanimously. Van Mersbergen motioned and Klyn seconded to accept volunteer coaches of Jeff Larson, boys’ basketball; Ryan Jackson, girls’ basketball; Adam Proctor, Derek Fye, David Hall, Richard Lettington, Jake Demmon, Brandon Jackson and Scott Williamson, wrestling and Nick Schmitz, Jenny VanZante, Travis Johnson, Katie Smith, Jessica Nollen and Rylie Lathen archery, all requiring correct licensure to coach. Small discussion was held. Vandello motioned and Houk seconded to amend motion to exclude the archery volunteers until a meeting could be held between two board members, the superintendent and volunteer archery coaches. Van Mersbergen approved the amendment. Motion carried unanimously to amend motion. Amended Motion carried unanimously.
Action Items: Houk motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded to approve the Fiscal Year 2021 Audit results. Small discussion. Motion carried unanimously. Vandello motioned and Houk seconded to approve the Resolution to Adopt Return-to-Play Protocol. Roll call vote: Klyn, yes; Shepherd, yes; Vandello, yes; Van Mersbergen, yes; Houk, yes; Haselhuhn, yes and Brinegar, yes. Motion carried unanimously. Shepherd motioned and Haselhuhn seconded to approve the 2022-23 hard surface only plan. Motion carried unanimously. Houk motioned and Haselhuhn seconded to approve the purchase of a Combi Oven for $25,000. Motion carried unanimously. Shepherd motioned and Houk seconded to approve the EBFHS Concert Band’s out of state travel to the Worlds of Fun Music Festival on May 6th & May 7th. Board will provide transportation for students and hotel rooms for the bus drivers. Motion carried unanimously.
Discussion Items: Capital projects committee will meet to discuss new playgrounds. Certified enrollment down 29.08 students from October 1, 2021. Communication was sent out to staff regarding negotiations. A public hearing will be held at the December 19th board meeting for the transfer of funds from flexibility accounts. Mr. Williamson and Andy Heinle will be attended a workshop on October 26th to create a plan for full building radon testing. Mr. Williamson gave the board information that he received from Andy Alexander regarding the proposal for a Carbon Pipeline that would run through the district. Current open positions: Regular Route Driver, Junior High Generalist - Jr/Sr High, Junior High Language Arts - Jr/Sr High, Substitutes for all positions, Coaching/Supplemental Positions: Junior High Student Council, Jr High Track Coach (2), 9th Grade Softball Coach, Jr High Baseball, and Jr High Softball (2).Other talking points discussed by the board was a policy regarding negative lunch balances and redistricting after a census with the board deciding to stay with seven director districts and constituents voting only in their district.
Adjourn: Shepherd motioned and Vandello seconded to adjourn board meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 7:34 p.m.
Doug Brinegar Mary McCrea
Board President Board Secretary
Board Minutes - 2022.11.07
Board Minutes - 2022.11.07November 7, 2022
The Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District Board of Directors met at the district office on Monday, November 7, 2022 for a special board meeting. Visitors in attendance: none.
Special Board Meeting: Call to Order – Establish Quorum: President Brinegar called the regular board meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Roll call: Eric Klyn, present; Rena Shepherd, absent; Lara Vandello, present via Zoom call; Micah Van Mersbergen, present via phone; Curt Houk, present; Mark Haselhuhn, present via phone; and Doug Brinegar, present. Quorum established.
Approve/Amend Agenda: Houk motioned and Klyn seconded to approve the agenda. Motion carried unanimously.
Personnel: Van Mersbergen motioned and Houk seconded to approve volunteer archery coaches: Nick Schmitz, Jenny VanZante, Travis Johnson, Katie Smith, Jessica Nollen, Rylie Lathen, Adam Bahr, Pieter Appel, Coby Schmitz, Michael Harter, Rob Pilcher, and Ashley Glosser. Discussion held. Board wants to make sure that required background checks are completed for coaches working with students on school properties and the board is open to adding additional qualified volunteer coaches later in the season if there are any. Motion carried unanimously.
Action Item: Houk motioned and Vandello seconded to have Mr. Williamson prepare a letter of opposition to the proposed CO2 pipeline that would go through Fremont. Mr. Williamson will prepare letter and bring it to the November 21st board meeting for approval. Motion carried unanimously.
Adjourn: Houk motioned and Klyn seconded to adjourn board meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 6:14 p.m.
Doug Brinegar Mary McCrea
Board President Board Secretary
Board Minutes - 2022.11.21
Board Minutes - 2022.11.21November 21, 2022
The Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District Board of Directors met in the Blakesburg Elementary Library on Monday, November 21, 2022 at 6:00 pm for a regular board meeting. Visitors in attendance: Cathy Williamson, Tammy Davis, Lori Hugen, and Megan Simmons.
Call to Order: Secretary McCrea called to order the meeting of the EBF Board of Directors at 6:00 p.m. Roll call: Eric Klyn, present; Rena Shepherd, absent; Lara Vandello, present; Micah Van Mersbergen, present; Curt Houk, present; Mark Haselhuhn, present via phone call and Doug Brinegar, present. Quorum established.
Public Forum: None
Correspondence: None
Approve Agenda: Vandello motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded to approve the agenda. Motion carried unanimously.
Organizational Items: Vandello nominated Curt Houk and Haselhuhn nominated Doug Brinegar for EBF Board President. Nomination ceased. First voting resulted in a tie with both receiving three votes for Board President. Second voting results was 4-2 with Curt Houk elected as Board President. Secretary McCrea administered the Oath of Office to Curt Houk. President Houk then took over the meeting. Brinegar nominated Rena Shepherd and Haselhuhn nominated Doug Brinegar as EBF Vice President. Nomination ceased. Brinegar was elected Vice President with a 6-0 vote. Secretary McCrea administered the Oath of Office to Doug Brinegar. Brinegar nominated Mary McCrea as EBF Board Secretary/Treasurer and Brinegar motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded to cease nomination and cast a unanimous ballot. Motion carried unanimously. President Houk administered the Oath of Office to McCrea. Vandello motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded to set the regular board meeting schedule for the third Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m.at the District Office, unless otherwise noted on the agenda. Motion carried unanimously. Van Mersbergen motioned and Vandello seconded to set the procedural rules as Parliamentary Procedures at a Glance. Motion carried unanimously. Brinegar motioned and Vandello seconded to set the official depository as First Iowa State bank with an adjusted maximum depository limit. Discussion held regarding capital projects and the effect this might have on District’s cash balance. Brinegar motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded to amend the motion to set the depository limit to twenty million. Motion carried unanimously. Van Mersbergen motioned and Klyn seconded to select the Ottumwa Courier as the official publication. Motion carried unanimously. Brinegar motioned and Vandello seconded to select Lynch-Dallas Law Firm, Mr. Brett Nitzschke as the school attorney. Motion carried unanimously. Brinegar motioned and Vandello seconded to keep the same board members on the 2021-2022 committees for the 2022-2023 year since the Capital Projects/Transportation committee is in the midst of planning a larger project. Van Mersbergen motioned and Vandello seconded to approve each committee separately to allow some changes to the negotiation committee and to appoint to the Capital Projects/Transportation Committee: Eric Klyn, Curt Houk and Doug Brinegar with Micah Van Mersbergen as an alternate. Motion carried unanimously. Van Mersbergen motioned and Brinegar seconded to appoint to the Negotiations Committee: Lara Vandello and Rena Shepherd with Doug Brinegar as an alternate. Motion carried unanimously. Brinegar motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded to appoint to the Quarterly Building Representative Meeting: Mark Haselhuhn and Micah Van Mersbergen. Brinegar motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded to appoint the following County Delegates: Mahaska County – Micah Van Mersbergen; Monroe County – Mark Haselhuhn; Wapello County – Eric Klyn. Motion carried unanimously. Motion carried unanimously.
Reports: Superintendent Williamson reported on FY23 Budget Summary update, the two proposed redistricting maps and a capital project updates: ADA compliance with the stage, roofing specifications being readied for bid process and proposed projects for the Jr/Sr High School. Tammy Davis, principal at Blakesburg Elementary gave the combined elementary principal’s board report regarding the process of reviewing new reading curriculum, all buildings are happy with their 5th grade classroom furniture and activities from each elementary. Cathy Williamson, Director of Special Services, updated the board on special education counts, special services updates and the Explore Academy. Other reports submitted, but not read were from Curriculum Director, Jr/Sr High Principal, Activity Director, Daycare Director, Maintenance Director, Transportation Director and the Nutrition department.
Consent Items: Brinegar motioned and Van Mersbergen approve Consent Items (7a & 7b): October 17, 2022 Board Meeting Minutes; Account Balances as of October 31, 2022 and November’s Bills. Motion carried unanimously. Van Mersbergen motioned and Vandello seconded to approve Consent Item (7c) Review of School Board Policies: Dual Enrollment – 517; Student Appearances – 518; Freedom of Expression – 519; Student Complaints & Grievances – 520. Motion carried unanimously. Secretary McCrea restated the tabled motion from the October 17, 2022 meeting Approve the first reading of Board Policy Meal Charges - 722. Brinegar motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded to approve the first reading of Meal Charges – 722. Discussion held on guidance from the Iowa Department of Education and Bureau of Health & Nutrition. Motion carried with Van Mersbergen voting nay out of protest. Van Mersbergen motioned and Vandello seconded the first reading of Naloxone Supply & Administration for Opioid Overdose – 555A. Discussion held on the use, cost and supply for the district. Motion carried unanimously. Vandello motioned and Brinegar seconded to accept the mentor contract for Megan Lehman for her MOC endorsement. Motion carried unanimously. Brinegar motioned and Klyn seconded to accept open enrollment outs from Andrew Collier, Kindergarten to Oskaloosa; Landon Danner, 9th Grade to Clayton Ridge; Mason Wolfe, Kindergarten to Albia; Jayden Satterfield, 9th Grade to Clayton Ridge. Motion carried unanimously.
Personnel: Vandello motioned and Brinegar seconded to approve Paula Morrison, Para Educator at Eddyville Elementary and Phyllis Sutton, Strat II Teacher at the Jr/Sr High. Motion carried unanimously. Van Mersbergen motioned and Brinegar seconded to accept the resignations of Mirasol Doroteo, Para Educator at Eddyville Elementary; Cheri Allen, Para Educator at Eddyville Elementary; and Mackenzie Vanskike, Behavior Interventionist at Explore Academy. Motion carried unanimously. Brinegar motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded to approve the Tuition Reimbursement Contract for Roxy Moorman to get her birth to 3rd grade inclusive setting endorsement. Motion carried unanimously.
Action Items: Brinegar motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded the SBRC Request for Open Enrollment Out not on prior year’s headcount - the district’s administration is authorized to submit a request to the School Budget Review Committee for a modified supplemental amount of $89,614.80 for open enrolled out students who were not included in the district’s previous year certified enrollment count. Roll Call vote: Klyn, aye; Vandello, aye; Van Mersbergen, aye; Haselhuhn, aye; Brinegar, aye; and Houk, aye. Motion carried unanimously. Brinegar motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded the SBRC Request for t Limited English Proficient (LEP) Instruction Beyond 5 Years - The district’s administration is authorized to submit a request to the School Budget Review Committee for a modified supplemental amount of $128.00 related to the English language learning program for students who have exceeded five years of weighting that are included on the Fall 2022 certified enrollment headcount. Roll Call vote: Klyn, aye; Vandello, aye; Van Mersbergen, aye; Haselhuhn, aye; Brinegar, aye; and Houk, aye. Motion carried unanimously. Van Mersbergen motioned and Klyn seconded to approve the FY2022 year end balances. Motion carried unanimously. Van Mersbergen motioned and Vandello seconded to approve the annual Physical Education Waiver and Exemption for FY2023. Motion carried unanimously. Vandello motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded the approval of an opposition letter to the Iowa Utilities Board in regards to a proposed carbon capture pipeline that will run a half mile from the Fremont Elementary building. Motion carried unanimously.
Discussion Items: Superintendent Williamson discussed the options of borrowing against the district’s PPEL or SAVE funds to cover a project for the Jr/Sr High. Patrick Davis, with Denovo, will be meeting with board to discuss options. After the 2020 Census it was found that the district will need to adjust it’s director districts to make sure that all districts are in ratio, there cannot be a 22% difference in population between the largest and smallest district. Mapping Strategies presented two proposals that will be posted online for public review and a public hearing will be held at the December 19th board meeting where the board will select which proposal will be selected. Open positions are: Behavior Interventionist - Explore Academy, Regular Route Driver, Daycare Associate, Substitutes for all positions, Coaching/Supplemental Positions: Junior High Student Council, Girls Head Golf Coach, Jr High Track Coach (2), 9th Grade Softball Coach, Jr High Baseball Coach and Jr High Softball Coach (2).
Adjourn: Brinegar motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded to adjourn board meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
Curt Houk Mary McCrea
Board President Board Secretary
Board Minutes - 2022.12.09
Board Minutes - 2022.12.09December 19, 2022
The Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District Board of Directors met at the District Office on Monday, December 19, 2022 at 6:00 pm for a regular board meeting. Visitors in attendance: Cathy Williamson, April Glosser, James Fineran, Jil Nelson, Steve Noble, Melissa Reed-Appel and Ann Ohms.
Call to Order: President Houck called to order the meeting of the EBF Board of Directors at 6:00 p.m. Roll call: Eric Klyn, present; Rena Shepherd, present via Zoom; Lara Vandello, present; Micah Van Mersbergen, present via Zoom; Doug Brinegar, present; Mark Haselhuhn, absent and Curt Houk, present. Quorum established.
Public Hearing: President Houk opened the public hearing on Categorical Fund Transfer Resolution at 6:00 p.m. With no comments from the public, hearing closed at 6:01 p.m.
Public Forum: None
Correspondence: None
Approve Agenda: Brinegar motioned and Vandello seconded to approve the agenda. Motion carried unanimously.
Reports: Superintendent Williamson gave an update on FY23 budget and assumptions for unspent balance in five years. Steve Noble, principal at the Jr/Sr High school gave his report next and informed the board of upcoming professional development from Mike Donahue. This will be for teachers and students and occur in January, February and March. April Glosser, Curriculum Director, was next and discussed desk audits, course book updates, curriculum updates, January 16th professional develop with Adam Holland, and ISASP testing. James Fineran, principal at Fremont Elementary gave the combined elementary principal’s board report regarding Winter activities and that all principals met with Tera Tech to assess building safety. Cathy Williamson, Director of Special Services, updated the board on special education counts and billing, Explore Academy, new para educators hired and the EBF Lau Plan. Other reports submitted, but not read were from the Daycare Director, Maintenance Director, and the Nutrition department.
Consent Items: Brinegar motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded to approve Consent Items 7a to 7c(v): November 7, 2022 and November 21, 2022 Board Meeting Minutes; Account Balances as of November 30, 2022; December’s Bills and Review of School Board Policies: Care of School Property/Vandalism – 521, Student Conduct on School Transportation – 522, Student Lockers – 523, Weapons – 524 and the second reading of board policy 555A -Naloxone Supply & Administration for Opioid Overdose. Motion carried unanimously. Van Mersbergen motioned and Vandello seconded to approve the second reading of board policy 722 – Meal Charges. Discussion held on the Iowa Department of Education Bureau of Nutrition guidance regarding negative lunch accounts and what can and cannot be done. The district is limited on being able to have a clear plan on recovering money owed for negative accounts. Motion carried with 5 yeas, 1 no. Brinegar motioned and Klyn seconded to accept open enrollment in for Maximo Six, 8th Grade from Oskaloosa to Jr/Sr High and Makenzi Meyers, 11th Grade from Oskaloosa to Jr/Sr High and open enrollment out for Jacob Beyer, 10th Grade to North Mahaska and Haylee Evans, Kindergarten to Ottumwa. Motion carried unanimously. Vandello motioned and Brinegar seconded to approve the Teacher and Paraeducator Registered Apprenticeship TPRA Grant Contracts for Megan Bahr and Ashley Wilson and for the Tuition Reimbursement Contract for Buffie Ritz for her K-8 Reading endorsement. Motion carried unanimously.
Personnel: Brinegar motioned and Klyn seconded to approve the hiring of Desiree Law, Spring Play/Musical Director, Joyce Eveland, Math at Jr/Sr High, second semester, Morgan Brown, Behavior Interventionist and Michelle Plate, Preschool Para Educator at Fremont Elementary; and the resignations of Sydney Guiter, Preschool Para Educator, Jason McAlister, 2nd Shift Custodian at Jr/Sr High, and Megan Hole, Kitchen Manager at Eddyville Elementary. Motion carried unanimously.
Action Items: Brinegar motioned and Klyn seconded the flexibility fund transfer of $150,000 from Home School Assistance Program and $40,000.00 from Professional Development Supplement for the general fund purpose of salaries and benefits. Small discussion on if after the transfer from professional development if there would be enough remaining for future professional development. Roll Call Vote: Klyn, yea; Shepherd, yea; Vandello, yea; Van Mersbergen, yea; Brinegar, yea; Haselhuhn, absent and Houk, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Brinegar motioned and Klyn seconded the At-Risk Allowable Growth request of $288,311.00. Roll Call Vote: Klyn, yea; Shepherd, yea; Vandello, yea; Van Mersbergen, yea; Brinegar, yea; Haselhuhn, absent and Houk, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Vandello motioned and Brinegar seconded to approve the purchase and installation of an ADA compliant lift for the Jr/Sr High School Stage in the amount of $50,000.00. Motion carried unanimously. Brinegar motioned and Vandello approved the EBF Lau Plan 2022-2023. Motion carried unanimously. Vandello motioned and Brinegar seconded to approve the out of state travel for Agri Power FFA to attend some meat judging and horse judging competitions in Illinois and Indiana. Mrs. Reed-Appel, FFA Advisor, gave a brief overview of these contests. She might not have students attending all of the approved contests, but wanted to get all of them approved so that students could choose what events they wanted to attend. Motion carried unanimously. Brinegar motioned and Vandello seconded to approve the closure and transfer from dormant activity accounts to the Activity Management account of $30.22 from EBF Special Olympics and $4.62 from Archery Club. Motion carried unanimously. Vandello motioned and Brinegar seconded to approve the purchase of a 12 passenger van up to $45,000. Discussion was held on the requirements for purchasing, for driving and what the district will use this vehicle for. Motion carried unanimously. Brinegar motioned and Vandello seconded to approve the 2022-2023 Iowa Local Government Risk Pool Commission Natural Gas Program Participant Agreement. Motion carried unanimously.
Discussion Items: Superintendent Williamson gave an update on the last Capital Projects meeting and stated that Patrick Davis, from Denovo, will be bringing back to the committee plans of what was discussed. Once the committee has decided on a plan, the committee will meet with community members and staff members to show these ideas and get feedback. Superintendent Williamson hopes that by the summer of 2024. the district will be starting the construction of one of the projects that the committee has recommended. Open positions are: 2nd Shift Custodian - Jr/Sr High, Special Education Teacher - Strat II - Jr/Sr High, Regular Route Driver, Child Care Associate, Substitutes for all positions, Coaching / Supplemental Positions: Junior High Student Council, Girls Head Golf Coach, Jr High Track Coach (2)
9th Grade Softball Coach, Jr High Baseball Coach, and Jr High Softball Coach (2). Superintendent Williamson also shared with the board the start of the draft calendar for the 2023-2024 school year. The board requested that a survey be sent out to staff after the completion of Spring Break to get their opinion of having Spring Break next year and how they felt the Monday professional days went.
Adjourn: Brinegar motioned and Klyn seconded to adjourn board meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m.
Curt Houk Mary McCrea
Board President Board Secretary
Board Minutes - 2023.01.16
Board Minutes - 2023.01.16January 16, 2023
The Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District Board of Directors met at the District Office on Monday, January 16, 2023 at 6:00 pm for a regular board meeting. Visitors in attendance: Don Phillips, Ann Ohms, Chris Shadduck, Logan More, Pat Powers, April Glosser, James Fineran, Jil Nelson, Steve Noble, Lori Hugen, and Megan Simmons.
Call to Order: President Houck called to order the meeting of the EBF Board of Directors at 6:00 p.m. Roll call: Eric Klyn, present; Rena Shepherd, absent; Lara Vandello, present; Micah Van Mersbergen, present; Doug Brinegar, present; Mark Haselhuhn, present and Curt Houk, present. Quorum established.
Public Forum: Logan More addressed the board regarding elementary boundaries, daycare and transportation and requesting that his children could attend a different elementary. Pat Powers thanked the board for writing a letter opposing the carbon pipeline proposal and asked the board to send a letter in solidarity opposing the school choice voucher that will be in the upcoming legislative session.
Correspondence: None
Approve Agenda: Superintendent Williamson recommended an amendment to the agenda where agenda item 7a Teacher Endorsement was struck through and 7b Balance Autism School Consultation Agreement was added. Van Mersbergen motioned to approve the amended agenda and Vandello seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Reports: Superintendent Williamson discussed the start of the FY24 Budget and the affect the SSA will have on EBF’s tax rate. April Glosser, Curriculum Director, discussed the Elementary ELA/Curriculum update, FAST Testing and materials purchased with a computer science grant that EBF received. Steve Noble, principal at the Jr/Sr High school gave his report next and informed the board of upcoming staff outing and an update on the professional development held in early January with Mike Donahue. Jil Nelson, principal at Eddyville Elementary gave the combined elementary principal’s board report regarding the success of the Biz Town program that all 6th graders attended on January 11th and spoke of the professional development session from January 16th. Other reports submitted, but not read were from the Director of Special Services, the Daycare Director, and the Maintenance Director.
Consent Items: Brinegar motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded to approve Consent Items 6a to 6c(iv): December 19, 2022 Board Meeting Minutes; Account Balances as of December 31, 2022; January’s Bills and Review of School Board Policies: Possession or Use of a Controlled Substance and/or Nicotine – 525; Search and Seizure – 526; Interview of Students – 527 and Anti-Harassment/Bullying Policy – 528. Motion carried unanimously.
Contracts & Agreements: Brinegar motioned and Klyn seconded to approve the Balance Autism School Consultant Agreement. Small discussion on what these services were. Motion carried unanimously.
Open Enrollments: Brinegar motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded to accept open enrollments out for Cheyanne McSparen, 9th Grade to Clayton Ridge; Kelsey Weinhold, 12th Grade to Oskaloosa; and Kilee Tanke, 4th Grade to Cardinal. Motion carried unanimously.
Personnel: Van Mersbergen motioned and Brinegar seconded to accept the resignation of Beth Fenton, Special Education Teacher at the EBF Jr/Sr High at the end of the 2023 School Year. Motion carried unanimously.
Action Items: Brinegar motioned and Vandello seconded to approve Board Resolution FY23-03 for the Safety Equipment for the purchase and reconditioning of football helmets and pads. Discussion was held regarding the safety of reconditioned equipment. Motion carried unanimously.
Discussion Items: Sheriff Don Phillips from Wapello County was in attendance and spoke to the board regarding EBF getting a School Resource Officer. There are staffing issues and a good plan would need to be in place to make sure that all four buildings would have access to this SRO. Chris Shadduck, Cardinal CSD’s SRO, also spoke on what an SRO would be doing and what he does for Cardinal. Capital Projects were discussed with plans supplied by Denovo on possible upgrades and changes to all buildings. Superintendent Williamson said that roofs and remodeling of the FCS room should begin this summer. There will be a survey sent out after spring break to see the feeling regarding the changes that were made to this current year’s calendar - spring break and having professional development days on Monday vs Friday. February’s board meeting will remain on schedule for Monday, February 20th even with it being President’s Day. Superintendent would like to get a school improvement advisory committee started that would include two board members, two school administrators and community members. If anyone from the public is interested, please contact a board member. A public hearing will be held at the February 20th board meeting to approve the Board Resolution for redistricting of director districts after a census. The board would like to update the district’s current mission statement of “The mission of the Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District is to develop a quality educational program which provides the students with opportunities to be productive citizens of a global society”. This mission statement was approved on July 16, 2012 and is currently over 10 years old. Open positions are: Special Education Teacher for the 2023-2024 School Year; Special Education Teacher - Strat II - Jr/Sr High; Secondary Math Teacher - Jr/Sr High; Regular Route Driver; Child Care Associate; Substitutes for all positions and Coaching / Supplemental Positions: Junior High Student Council; Girls Head Golf Coach; Jr High Track Coach (2); 9th Grade Softball Coach; Jr High Baseball Coach and Jr High Softball Coach (2).
Adjourn: Brinegar motioned and Vandello seconded to adjourn board meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 7:51 p.m.
Curt Houk Mary McCrea
Board President Board Secretary
Board Minutes - 2023.02.20
Board Minutes - 2023.02.20February 20, 2023
The Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District Board of Directors met at the District Office on Monday, February 20, 2023 at 6:00 pm for a regular board meeting. Visitors in attendance: Ann Ohms, Allison Angle, Megan Lehman, Logan & Reagan More, Janet Brinegar, Wyatt Brinegar, April Glosser, James Fineran, Cathy Williamson, Steve Noble, Lori Hugen, Patrick Powers, Jaylene Vroegh, Dally Orman, CD Brinegar and others not signed in.
Call to Order: President Houk called to order the meeting of the EBF Board of Directors at 6:00 p.m. Roll call: Eric Klyn, present; Rena Shepherd, present; Lara Vandello, present; Micah Van Mersbergen, present; Doug Brinegar, present; Mark Haselhuhn, absent and Curt Houk, present. Quorum established.
Public Forum: Allison Angle spoke in support of Agri Power FFA and its advisor. She had previously been an agricultural teacher and FFA advisor and wanted the board to know the amount of work and stress that is involved in running a successful program.
Presentations: Jaylene Vroegh and Dally Orman wanted to let the board know the activities that have happened since the last time they met with the board this fall. The FFA students have been involved or attended the following activities: National Convention, Livestock Judging, Mini Hereford Show, Urban Air, Rabbit Show Team, Turkey Dinner, Fall and Winter IAT Conferences, Christmas on the River, Warmth Project, Christmas Tree pick up, Free Throw Contest, Pork Congress, Meat Judging, Iowa Beef Expo, and Greenhand Ceremony. Upcoming activities are FFA Week, Sub-Districts, District’s, Dad’s Night Out, Alumni Auction, FFA Banquet, Mattress Sale, State Convention, Buckle Blast Pig & Goat Show and Buckle Blast Livestock & Horse Judging Contest. With so many ongoing activities they wanted to let everyone know that they are always looking for volunteers to help!
CD Brinegar next presented to the board information on other FFA programs in Iowa and where Agri Power FFA compares to these programs in size of membership and the number of ag instructors. He would like to see a committee created to determine how many ag instructors are needed for our program.
Approve Agenda: Van Mersbergen motioned and Brinegar seconded to approve the agenda. Motion carried unanimously.
Reports: Superintendent Williamson discussed new money workbook for FY24, current spending in the FY23 budget, Legislative Updates and Capital Project update. April Glosser, Curriculum Director, presented the Winter Fast Testing Results, Winter IReady Diagnostic Data for reading and math. Administrators are excited that students made significant growth district wide and feel that the interventionists hired for learning loss due to Covid have been a great help. Steve Noble, principal at the Jr/Sr High school wanted to acknowledge Lizzy Van Utrecht for winning the E. Wayne Cooley scholarship in the amount of $15,000.00. This scholarship is awarded to one high school student each year and this is the first time that a EBF student has been awarded this. Each Iowa school district nominates one student for this scholarship, of those applications, six are selected for personal interviews. EBF is very proud of Lizzy and congratulates her on this award. Mr. Noble then also wanted to recognize Meghan Lehman for her hard work as a first year teacher and let the board know that she was awarded three staff recognition awards that are chosen by her peers. Mr. Noble also thanked CD Brinegar for stepping in and helping our FFA students. James Fineran, principal at Blakesburg Elementary gave the combined elementary principal’s board report and spoke of how happy the staff and administrators are with the test results, students in the 4th & 5th grade attended an Iowa Wolves basketball game on February 7th and the Oskaloosa Storybook Players visited each of the elementary buildings. Cathy Williamson, Director of Special Services, gave her update on the Explore Academy transitions, the 3rd quarter consortium meeting, interview process for two special education positions open next year, STOP & COP grant updates and that EBF had submitted for a Federal mental health grant that is awarded by April 1st. Other reports submitted, but not read were from the Building Representative Meeting, the Activities Director, the Daycare Director, and the Maintenance Director.
Consent Items: Vandello motioned and Shepherd seconded to approve the January 16, 2023 minutes. Motion carried unanimously. Van Mersbergen motioned and Brinegar seconded to approve the Account Balances as of January 31, 2023 and Bills List for February 2023. Motion carried unanimously. Brinegar motioned and Vandello seconded to approve the review of school board policies: Anti-Harassment/Bullying Investigation Procedures – 529; Use of Motor Vehicles – 530; Student Conduct – 531; and Expulsion – 531 and the first reading of District Vision and Mission Statement – 111. Small discussion held on the revision of the mission statement. Currently mission statement is: The mission of the Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District is to develop a quality education program which provides the students with opportunities to be productive citizens of a global society. Revised mission statement is: The mission of the Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District is to develop a quality education program and cultivate resolute citizens of Iowa. Motion carried unanimously.
Contracts & Agreements: None
Open Enrollments: Brinegar motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded to accept open enrollments in for Sofia Mendoza, Kindergarten from Ottumwa to Blakesburg Elementary, Abigail Ferdig, 9th Grade from Ottumwa to HSAP, Charleigh Ferdig, Kindergarten from Ottumwa to HSAP, Isaiah Ferdig, 7th Grade from Ottumwa to HSAP and Ira Taylor, Kindergarten from Oskaloosa to HSAP and to accept open enrollments out for River Parker, 2nd Grade to Oskaloosa, Dalton Parker, 1st Grade to Oskaloosa, Kalvin Kinzenbaw, 5th Grade to Oskaloosa, Keegan Kinzenbaw, 5th Grade to Oskaloosa, Mariah Kinzenbaw, 7th Grade to Oskaloosa, and Paisley Friedman, Kindergarten to Ottumwa . Small discussion held on the number of students enrolled in our home school assistance program. Motion carried unanimously.
Personnel: Brinegar motioned and Vandello seconded approve the following hires: Bethany Brown, .5 Jr High Student Council, Tara Holdsworth, .5 Jr High Student Council, Helen Koffman-Stout, STEM Stipend, Michelle Seddon, STEM Stipend, Kiera MacPherson, STEM Stipend, Donna Bohlmann, STEM Stipend, and Shelly Jager, STEM Stipend. There was not any recommendation for any of the fall sport coaching positions. Motion carried unanimously. Van Mersbergen motioned and Vandello seconded to approve the resignation of Barb Krusemark, bus driver at the end of the 2022-23 school year. Mrs. Krusemark stated she will still drive, but did not want to be under contract. Motion carried unanimously.
Action Items: Brinegar motioned and Shepherd second to approve the Resolution for Redistricting of Director Districts. Small discussion held with review of new map. Roll call votes: Klyn, yes; Shepherd, yes; Vandello, yes; Van Mersbergen, yes; Brinegar, yes, Haselhuhn, absent, and Houk, yes. Motion carried unanimously. Shepherd motioned and Brinegar seconded to approve the Budget Guarantee Resolution. Discussion was held regarding what this would mean for next year’s finances and what affect it would have on our current tax rate. Brinegar motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded to table the Budget Guarantee Resolution until the March 20, 2023 board meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Van Mersbergen motioned and Shepherd seconded setting the budget hearing date for April 17, 2023 and the publishing of budget between March 28th and April 7th. Motion carried unanimously. Shepherd motion and Klyn seconded to approve the purchase of a 40-foot-tall netting backstop for softball in the amount of $42,000 with the primary purpose to eliminate students and younger children from crossing the road when they retrieve foul balls. Discussion held regarding the number of companies we received quotes from, if this purchase would be a PPEL or SAVE purchase, what was the procedure for when the baseball netting and backstop was replaced, did the district purchase or did the baseball team hold fundraisers. Motion failed, 2 ayes from Klyn and Shepherd and 3 nays from Brinegar, Vandello and Van Mersbergen.
Discussion Items: Administrators were asked if all staff had been trained on all emergency situations. Administrators feel they have a good plan in place and are drilling down on this training. Board wanted to stress the urgency to have this training completed and that all staff have a clear understanding of what they should do or where they should go in any emergency situation. An increase in childcare rates will be brought to board for approval after wage increases for next year are determined. This increase will to be to offset the wage increases. SIAC Committee was again discussed with the board deciding to wait to see if these committees will be addressed in the legislative session. At the next board meeting on March 20th, the FCS Students will be preparing the board’s meal. Final talking points, Superintendent Williamson asked the board to keep up on the current legislation. Open positions are: Special Education Teacher for the 2023-2024 School Year; Special Education Teacher - Strat II - Jr/Sr High; Secondary Math Teacher - Jr/Sr High; Regular Route Driver; Child Care Associate; Substitutes for all positions and Coaching / Supplemental Positions: Junior High Student Council; Girls Head Golf Coach; Jr High Track Coach (2); 9th Grade Softball Coach; Jr High Baseball Coach and Jr High Softball Coach (2).
Adjourn: Brinegar motioned and Shepherd seconded to adjourn board meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:02 p.m.
Curt Houk Mary McCrea
Board President Board Secretary
Board Minutes - 2023.03.20
Board Minutes - 2023.03.20March 20, 2023
The Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District Board of Directors met at the EBF Jr/Sr High Library on Monday, March 20, 2023 at 6:00 pm for a regular board meeting. Visitors in attendance: Ann Ohms, Amy Brink, Ashlee Snakenberg, Bri Batterson, Jeromey Middlesworth, Larae Middlesworth, Misty Eissens, Barb Krusemark, Nathan Hinton, Logan & Reagan More, Chase Brinegar, Janet Brinegar, Bobbi Kerby, Taylor Kerby, Jaylene Vroegh, Dally Orman, Patrick Powers, April Glosser, Tammy Davis, Jil Nelson, Cathy Williamson, Steve Noble, Lori Hugen, Megan Simmons and others not signed in.
Call to Order: President Houk called to order the meeting of the EBF Board of Directors at 6:00 p.m. Roll call: Eric Klyn, present; Rena Shepherd, present; Lara Vandello, present; Micah Van Mersbergen, present; Doug Brinegar, present; Mark Haselhuhn, absent and Curt Houk, present. Quorum established.
Public Forum: Parents and community members that signed in all wanted to make sure the board was aware that they supported the Agri Power FFA program and would like the current situation settled. They are concerned with upcoming fair seasons and the guidance needed for entries. Chase Brinegar spoke again about the need for a second agriculture teacher. Jaylene Vroegh, Dally Orman and Taylor Kerby wanted to update the board on upcoming activities with Agri Power FFA. March 22nd there will be a FFA meeting regarding the upcoming mattress sale at 6:00, the State FFA Convention is April 16 to April 18, the annual banquet will be held April 28th and there will be a pig and goat show on May 6th and 7th.
Correspondence: The board received thank you cards from the family of Rob Williamson and Marcene Carlson. The board also received a flier regarding climate engineering.
Approve Agenda: Brinegar motioned and Vandello seconded to approve the agenda. Motion carried unanimously.
Reports: Superintendent Williamson discussed new money workbook for FY24, tentative final budget, and discussed upcoming capital projects that could start as soon as summer of 2024. April Glosser, Curriculum Director, discussed the District Career and Academic Plan, the JHHS Schedule for SY2024, Learning Walks, upcoming professional development with Jason Andrews of Solution Tree, Mike Donohue, ISASP Testing coming up, selection of Into Reading as the new elementary curriculum and the summer school schedule. Steve Noble, principal at the Jr/Sr High school acknowledged the Top 5% from the 2023 EBF graduating class, they are: Elizabeth VanUtrecht, Madelyn Waldren and Aliveah Brinegar. They will be honored at the South Central Conference Top 5% banquet on March 21st. Mr. Noble also updated the board on parent-teacher conferences, class scheduling for next school year has begun. The Choices Matters program was delivered to students in grades 9-12 on Feb 28th and Mike Donahue’s last meetings with staff, students and parents were on March 6th & 7th. Tammy Davis, principal at Blakesburg Elementary gave the combined elementary principal’s board report and informed the board that ISASP testing will begin the week of March 27th and that parent-teacher conferences had a 95% to 97% attendance in the elementary buildings. Upcoming dates to remember are: Blakesburg Elementary’s community service day is April 14th, Blakesburg Family Fun Night is April 21st, Eddyville Elementary’s PTO Spring Carnival is March 25th and a mother-son bowling event sponsored by Fremont Elementary’s L.I.K.E. committee April 2nd at the Statesmen Lanes in Oskaloosa. Cathy Williamson, Director of Special Services, gave her update on Support for Students Exposed to Trauma training, school safety checks, a new visitor management system, collection of data to determine if there is a need for a third classroom at that Explore Academy, and the Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design training that was attended by herself, Steve Noble, Tony Fenton, Heather Severson, and deputies from Wapello and Mahaska County. This training is required since we were awarded the STOP Grant. Other reports submitted, but not read were from the Daycare Director and Nutrition Director.
Consent Items: Van Mersbergen motioned and Shepherd seconded to Consent Items 6a through 6c(iv): February 20, 2023 minutes, account balances as of February 28, 2023 and bills list for March 2023 and school board policies; 533-Fines-Fees- Charges; 534-Student Fee Waiver and Reduction Procedures; 535-Good Conduct Rule and 536-Student Government. Motion carried unanimously. Van Mersbergen motioned and Brinegar seconded to approve the second reading of 111-District Vision and Mission Statement. Small discussion held on how the staff and administrators had input on the previous statement and they did not with this one. They would like input. Superintendent Williamson will work with staff to gather input. Van Mersbergen motioned and Vandello seconded to table the second reading of board policy 111-Distirct Vision and Mission Statement to the May 15th board meeting. Motion carried unanimously.
Contracts & Agreements: Vandello motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded to approve the 2023-24 Cooperative Agreement with University of Northern Iowa, the 2023-24 Education Agreement with Morningside College and the April 1, 2023-September 30, 2024 Consulting Service Agreement with IC Group, Inc. The Cooperative and Education Agreements allow their college students to complete their student teaching with EBF. The Consulting Service Agreement will be paid for with the STOP Grant Funds. Motion carried unanimously.
Open Enrollments: Brinegar motioned and Vandello seconded to accept open enrollments in for Kyla Ann Drije, 10th Grade in from Cardinal and Hattie Jo Shelquist, Kindergarten in from Oskaloosa to Eddyville Elementary and to accept open enrollments out for Becca McSparen, 7th Grade to Clayton Ridge. Small discussion held on the number of students open enrolling out. Motion carried unanimously.
Personnel: Shepherd motioned and Brinegar seconded approve the following hires: Morgan Wells, Para Educator at Eddyville Elementary; Linda Taylor, part-time secretary for Home School Assistance Program; Triston Rew, Jr/Sr High Social Studies Teacher; Paula Richards, Jr/Sr High Strat II Teacher;
Jeff Whitehall, Head Football Coach; Jess Riley, Assistant Football Coach; Ryan Jackson, Assistant Football Coach; Michael Pilcher, Jr High Football Coach; Tyler Ford, Jr High Football Coach, Gladys Genskow, Head Volleyball Coach, Robin Taylor, Assistant Volleyball Coach, Kiera MacPherson, Jr High Volleyball Coach and Kevin Huck, Head Cross Country Coach. Motion Carried unanimously. Vandello motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded to accept the resignations of Theresa DeWitt, Blakesburg Elementary Para Educator, effective March 10th; Ashley Wilson, Eddyville Elementary Para Educator, effective March 10th; Alexander Holt, Social Studies Teacher at Jr/Sr High effective at the end of the 2023 school year; Lisa Strausser, Assistant Cheer Coach; Jody Eveland, Elementary Custodian, effective March 10th and Michele Roach, Bus Driver, effective at the end of the 2023 school year. Small discussion on why staff left and if leaving mid-year posed any problems with payroll. Motion carried unanimously.
Action Items: Brinegar motioned and Van Mersbergen second to approve the updated 2022-2023 School Year Calendar to include the make-up days. Students will be making up days on the following days: April 10th (1:00 dismissal), April 24th (1:00 dismissal), May 30th, May 31st and June 1st (1:00 dismissal). Motion carried unanimously. Brinegar motioned and Vandello second to approve the Kognito Software Quote. This software will be used for required online training that will be available to staff members, students and the community and will be purchased with STOP Grant funds. Motion carried unanimously. Secretary McCrea restated the tabled motion from the February 10, 2023 board meeting for the Budget Guarantee Resolution. Brinegar motioned and Shepherd seconded to approve the Budget Guarantee Resolution. Discussion was held on what this resolution will have on the tax rate for the district. Board would like to see an adjustment in another fund, such as Management, to keep the tax rate to the same tax rate as FY23. Roll call vote: Klyn, yes; Shepherd, yes; Vandello, yes; Van Mersbergen, yes; Brinegar, yes, Haselhuhn, absent and Houk, yes. Motion carried unanimously.
Discussion Items: Discussion was held on the status of training for emergency situations in all school buildings. The board would like to see even more movement on this. Superintendent Williamson shared with the board results of a survey he sent regarding in district transfers. Some of the responses stated the they had more than one elementary building, but they were grade driving and not by town, meaning that they would have PK to 3 in one building and 4-6 in a different building. The districts that did have similar elementary set up like EBF, stated that they would treat each request individually as they were presented to them. Superintendent Williamson recommended the board have a work session in April to discuss allowing this for resident students only. Another topic for the work session would be donations received for the food service program. The district has been approached by some churches and individuals wanting to donate and we should have protocol on how to apply these funds to negative accounts. Superintendent Williamson gave a brief update on the Eddyville Childcare Centers finances and would like the board to think about if they feel an increase in rates is needed for next year. Activities Director, Curt Johnston, then addressed the board regarding girls wrestling. With girls wrestling now sanctioned by the state, he would like to see about hiring a girls wrestling coach. Board scheduled a work session for Monday, April 10th to discuss many of these topics. Open positions are: Custodian at Eddyville-Elementary (11:00 am to 7:00 pm); Regular Route Driver; Child Care Associate; Substitutes for all positions; Coaching or Supplemental Positions: Girls Head Golf Coach; Jr High Track Coach (2); 9th Grade Softball Coach; Jr High Baseball Coach; Jr High Softball Coach (2); and the openings for the 2023-2024 School year: Special Education Teacher - Jr/Sr High; Secondary Math Teacher - Jr/Sr High; Coaching or Supplemental Positions: Assistant Football Coach; 9th Grade Volleyball Coach; Jr High Cross Country Coach; Jr High Volleyball Coach; and Assistant Cheer Coach.
Adjourn: Brinegar motioned and Vandello seconded to adjourn board meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 7:58 p.m.
Curt Houk Mary McCrea
Board President Board Secretary
Board Minutes - 2023.04.10
Board Minutes - 2023.04.10April 10, 2023
The Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District Board of Directors met at the district office on Monday, April 10, 2023 for a board work session. Visitors in attendance: Ann Ohms, Logan & Regan More, Randal Maloy, Dimitri Boyer and Richard Lettington.
Board Work Session: Call to Order – Establish Quorum: President Houk called the board work session to order at 6:00 p.m. Roll call: Eric Klyn, present; Rena Shepherd, present; Lara Vandello, absent; Micah Van Mersbergen, present; Doug Brinegar, present; Mark Haselhuhn, absent; and Curt Houk present. Quorum established. Vandello arrived at 6:05 p.m.
Work Session: The Superintendent and board members are all invited to IHCC’s Appreciation Dinner to be held on Tuesday, April 25th. Any board members that would like to attend, please let board secretary know and she will get the number of attendees to IHCC.
Superintendent went over an analysis workbook for the daycare to help the board to decide if they would like to adjust rates for the upcoming fiscal year beginning July 1st. The board was happy to see that the daycare made money last year but still would like to make a small adjustment to the rates vs waiting a year or two and then having to make a big rate increase all at once.
The board then discussed a policy regarding the transfer between elementary buildings for resident district only students. The board is in favor of having a policy that will allow for in district transfer, but would like clear guidelines on how this is approved. The policy will include a cap on the number of students a class size can have before a transfer is not accepted, transportation will not be provided by the district, and the process of when transfers are accepted. Superintendent Williamson will bring a form that includes protocols to the board to act on with the April 17, 2023 board meeting.
Board policy 111, District Vision and Mission Statement was next discussed by the board. The board had a first reading on the following board mission statement: The mission of the Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District is to develop a quality education program and cultivate resolute citizens of Iowa. After the first reading was approved, some staff members asked to have input on the mission statement. The committee’s suggested mission statement is: The mission of the Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District is to provide a quality education which prepares Iowa students to be productive citizens of a global society. The board discussed both mission statements and then came up with the following mission statement: The mission statement of the Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District is to provide a quality education which cultivates Iowa students to be collaborative and productive citizens. Board policy 111 will be brought to the board meeting on April 17th for a first reading.
New board policy 722A, Nutrition Donations, was discussed. This would be a new policy to address when someone makes a donation to the nutrition account and does not specify how they would like the donation to be paid out. This policy will be the guidelines for how all donations will be paid unless there are specific guidelines from the donor on how they would like their donation paid out. This new policy will be brought to the board meeting on April 17th for a first reading.
2023-2024 School Calendar was then discussed with the board. They were given the results from the survey that was sent out to staff and parents regarding Spring Break and professional development days. A student survey was also held informally with the 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th & 11th graders after they had completed their ISASP testing. Staff was in favor of keeping the Spring break at 76.4% to 23.6% and for professional development days they were in favor of the Friday PD days at 59.1% over Monday PD days at 40.9%. Parents are in favor of keeping the Spring break with 66.7% in favor and 33.3% against. Regarding professional development days, parents were in favor of Friday PD days with 65.2% and Monday receiving 34.8% of the vote. Students that were surveyed were in favor of the Spring Break, but wanted to keep the professional development days on Monday.
With the completion of Certified Staff negotiations, Subcommittees will be created to look more in depth at the possibility of changing the salary schedule for teachers so there is more equality in pay increases for all teachers, a committee to review the current supplemental salary schedule and supplemental positions and the last committee will be for the research into the need for a second agricultural teacher and/or advisor. Board members are to decide which committee they would like to be included on with no more than three board members to a committee. Other members of committees will be staff and administration.
Superintendent Williamson then went over enrollment and a 5-year projection on finances. If the district continues to lose enrollment, some hard decisions might need to be made by SY27 or SY28. The board is also going to need to address minimum class size and protocol for when this happens.
Board took a break at 7:22 p.m. Work session resumed at 7:25 p.m.
The final topic for discussion at this work session was Capital Projects. There are numerous projects that need to be addressed, but the board decided to have the following projects go to bid for this fall: Roof repairs on all buildings, build a kitchen to the Blakesburg Elementary to eliminate students leaving their building to eat, and the renovation of the current FCS classroom. Once the bid process is complete, the hope is to have the roof repairs to be done in the Fall of 2023 and both the Blakesburg Kitchen addition and the renovation of the current FCS room to take place in the Summer of 2024. Other smaller projects will be addressed this summer, the concrete at the back entrance to the Fremont Elementary needs to be level, as well as a few places at the Jr/Sr High and ventilation for the Wrestling room. Board is still working on narrowing down what future projects there might be with some of the ideas being the building of a new competition gym that will have a stage included, cold storage for band instruments, sports equipment, renovation of the second gym into classrooms with storage above, a new building that would house the weight room, wrestling and maybe choir. The board also needs to decide if they would like to replace the boiler in the West building in Blakesburg. With the kitchen being moved from this building, would it be cost effective to replace boiler if the only classes being held there are for the Explore Academy. Superintendent Williamson has discussed with the other superintendents from the therapeutic classroom consortium and they would like to see us look into finding a cheaper used boiler before they decide if they would be willing to help with the payment of the boiler. The board also must decide how much they are willing to spend on this building. Mr. Crawford from Denovo, is going to get the bid process started regarding our first projects to be completed.
Adjourn: Brinegar motioned and Vandello seconded to adjourn board work session. Meeting adjourned at 8:51 p.m.
Curt Houk Mary McCrea
Board President Board Secretary
Board Minutes - 2023.04.17
Board Minutes - 2023.04.17April 17, 2023
The Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District Board of Directors met at the District Office on Monday, April 17, 2023 at 6:00 pm for a regular board meeting. Visitors in attendance: Nathan Hinton, Richard Lettington III, Janet Brinegar, Wyatt Brinegar, Pat Powers, Ragen & Logan More, Randy Maloy, Amy Spurgeon, Ann Ohms, Tom & Alice Vandello, Carroll & Lenna Bresee, April Glosser, James Fineran, Cathy Williamson, Lori Hugen, Megan Simmons and others not signed in.
Call to Order: President Houk called to order the meeting of the EBF Board of Directors at 6:00 p.m. Roll call: Eric Klyn, present; Rena Shepherd, absent; Lara Vandello, present; Micah Van Mersbergen, present; Doug Brinegar, present; Mark Haselhuhn, absent and Curt Houk, present. Quorum established.
Public Hearing: Superintendent Williamson presented to the public a summary of the proposed 2023-2024 Budget that sets the tax rate at 10.82503. There was one question from the public in regards to other area schools tax rates. With no further questions, the hearing closed at 6:09 pm.
Public Forum: Nathan Hinton and Richard Lettington III both addressed the board with concerns regarding the lack of practice space for the wrestling program. With the addition of girls wrestling now being a state sanctioned sport, the need is even greater for the extra space. Janet Brinegar, Wyatt Brinegar and Pat Powers addressed the board with their concerns with the FFA program not having two teachers when most other subjects taught do have two teachers, such as math, English, social studies. There is also a concern that students are missing out on opportunities because of the current situation.
Correspondence: The board received thank you cards from the family of Larry “Harry” McNeese, Sue Heits, from the EBF band students, and from the announcing crew for EBF.tv of Pat Powers, Mike Lane, Jim McCrea and Jim Jaeger.
Presentation: Abby Jager and Nevaya Vandello both juniors at EBF are members of Legacy Youth Alliance. Legacy Youth Alliance is an organization made up of high school students from Wapello County that are dedicated to volunteering and advocating for our communities. They spoke to the board advocating for sensory spaces be created and available for the students of EBF to go to when they need to step away and have a place to go where they can calm down, relax and reflect for their mental health. They feel these sensory spaces would be beneficial for all students. Studies have shown that 25% of all 11th graders have thought about suicide as well as 20% of all 6th graders. They concluded the presentation asking for support from the board.
Approve Agenda: Brinegar motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded to approve the agenda. Motion carried unanimously.
Reports: April Glosser, Curriculum Director, went over the Into Reading Curriculum quotes, the District’s Career and Academic Plan, Sophomore Day at Indian Hills, CASA Mental Health Summit, the potential for a Career Academy Grant, ISASP testing is mostly completed and the open TLC positions for the upcoming school year. James Fineran, principal at Fremont Elementary gave the combined elementary principal’s board report and informed the board of an assembly that grades 2-6 will be attending at the Jr/Sr High school, the number of student teachers we currently have in the district, upcoming field trips and oral hygiene and hearing tests. Cathy Williamson, Director of Special Services, gave updates on the district’s Service Delivery Plan, the GP District Meeting and Women in Leadership conferences she attended, the Stop the Bleed training staff participated in, a second CPI class will be offered April 24th, transition meetings are scheduled, Kourtni Shelquist will be the teacher mentor for the TPRA Grant, the Explore Academy updates and updates on the STOP and COPS grants. EBF was also awarded a Federal Mental Health Grant for approximately 4.2 million dollars over the next 5 years to purchase services, supplies and counselors/therapists. Other reports submitted, but not read were from the Secondary Principal, Activities Director, Childcare Director and Nutrition Director.
Consent Items: Vandello motioned and Klyn seconded to approve the March 20, 2023 board minutes. Motion carried unanimously. Van Mersbergen motioned and Brinegar seconded to approve Consent Items 8b through 8c(iv): Account balances as of March 31, 2023, bills list for April 2023 and school board policies; 537-Student Organizations, 538-Student Publications, 539-Student Publications Code and 540-Student Performances. Motion carried unanimously. Van Mersbergen motioned and Brinegar seconded to approve the first reading of the new board policy 722A-Nutrition Donations. Motion carried unanimously.
Contracts & Agreements: Brinegar motioned and Klyn seconded to approve both of the Operational Sharing Agreements for transportation director and maintenance director with North Mahaska and the FY24 Extension with Opaa! as the district’s food service management company. Discussion held regarding logistics for sharing the transportation director and what staff and parents feel regarding Opaa!. Concerns were brought up regarding the milk that has been served has expired and the number of times chicken is served to students. Van Mersbergen motioned and Brinegar seconded to amend original motion to approve only Di(1&2) the sharing of transportation director and maintenance director. Motion carried unanimously to amend original motion. Amended motion carried unanimously. Van Mersbergen motioned and Brinegar seconded to approve the FY24 Extension with Opaa! for food service. Discussion was held regarding the concern for their animal welfare statement and if the meat purchased was US meat, the milk concerns and the menu having too many chicken items. Brinegar motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded to table the approval for the FY24 Extension until a representative from Opaa! could attend a board meeting and address their concerns. Vandello motioned and Brinegar seconded to approve the following open enrollments in: Noah Waller, 6th Grade, from Oskaloosa to Eddyville, Henry Ratliff, Kindergarten, from Oskaloosa to Fremont Elementary, Kiah Houser, Kindergarten from Oskaloosa to Fremont Elementary, Nataliee Ver Steegh, Kindergarten from Oskaloosa to Eddyville Elementary, Avery Wickenkamp, Kindergarten from Oskaloosa to Eddyville Elementary, Evelyn Lobberecht, Kindergarten from Oskaloosa to Eddyville Elementary, Adalynn Patterson, 1st Grade from Oskaloosa to Eddyville Elementary, Austin Patterson, 4th Grade from Oskaloosa to Eddyville Elementary, and Baylie Patterson, 6th Grade from Oskaloosa to Eddyville Elementary. Motion carried unanimously.
Personnel: Brinegar motioned and Vandello seconded to approve the hires of: Wendy Hatley, Custodian at Eddyville Elementary-2nd Shift; Kierra MacPherson, Jr High Track Coach; Kevin Huck, Jr High Track Coach; Melissa Van Donselaar, Football Cheer Sponsor; Junior High Softball - all pending coaching authorization: Michele Roach, Gladys Genskow – volunteer and Megan Lehman – volunteer; Dustin Snakenberg, Junior High Baseball - pending coaching authorization; Travis Stout, Head Boys Basketball; Jason Leffler, Assistant Boys Basketball; Andy Heinle, 9th Grade Boys Basketball; Tony Fenton, Head Girls Basketball; Mike Haywood, Assistant Girls Basketball, Madysen Wade, 9th Grade Girls Basketball - Madysen Wade; Dimitri Boyer, Head Wrestling Coach and Ryan Jackson, volunteer for Girls Basketball. Motion carried unanimously. Vandello motioned and Brinegar seconded to accept the resignations from Tiffany Roozeboom, 6th Grade Teacher at Fremont Elementary, effective at the end of the 2022-23 school year; Haegen Boyer, Assistant Softball Coach; and Brandy Haines, Jr High Language Arts, effective at the end of the 2022-23 school year. Motion carried unanimously.
Action Items: Brinegar motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded to approve the 2023-2024 Budget. Roll call vote: Klyn, yes; Shepherd, absent; Vandello, yes; Van Mersbergen, yes; Brinegar, yes; Haselhuhn, absent and Houk, yes. Motion carried unanimously. Brinegar motioned and Vandello seconded to set the Amendment hearing for the 2022-2023 budget for May 15, 2023. Motion carried unanimously. Brinegar motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded to approve the In-District Elementary Transfer form for in-district students only. Discussion was held. Brinegar motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded to amend the approval of the In-District Elementary Transfer form to add #6 Anchor would apply for siblings previously approved and add * EBF Board of Directors has the discretion to review and make changes to these procedures. Motion carried unanimously to amend original motion. Amended motion carried unanimously. Brinegar motioned and Vandello seconded to hold the 2023-2024 school calendar hearing with the May 15, 2023 board meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Klyn motioned and Brinegar seconded to approve the Certified Staff Master Agreement with a total package increase of 4.22%; Classified Staff’s MOU increasing hourly employee’s wage by $1/hour and bus driver contracts by $1,000, and Admin/Fiscal/HSAP/Other contracts with a total package increase of 4.22%. Motion carried unanimously. Van Mersbergen motioned and Brinegar seconded to approve the Quote for Into Reading Grades K-6 and Into Reading Grades K-3. Discussion held on this new curriculum and if all elementary buildings now use all the same curriculum for all subjects. Motion carried unanimously. Brinegar motioned and Vandello seconded to approve the quote from Combustion Controls to replace heaters at the Jr/Sr High school. Motion carried unanimously. Superintendent Williamson recommended that the board increase preschool tuition rates and gave the board an analysis of expenditures and revenue for board to make this decision. Lengthy discussion on what to increase rates too. Brinegar motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded to approve a rate increase the Preschool Tuition Rates by $100/month for 3 year olds attending preschool all day and for 4 year olds attending the second half of the day. Motion carried, 5 yes, 1 no. Van Mersbergen motioned and Brinegar seconded to approve the recommended daycare rates of $5.00 per week for all 35 hour contracts, $2.50 per week increase for 10 hours to 25 hour contracts and a $0.50 increase per hour for drop ins. Motion carried unanimously. Brinegar motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded the approval of the draft list of the 2023 EBF Graduates. Motion carried unanimously. Brinegar motioned and Klyn seconded to approve Denovo to begin bid process for the roof repairs to the Jr/Sr High, the addition of a new kitchen at the Blakesburg Elementary and renovations to the current FCS classroom at the Jr/Sr High. Motion carried unanimously.
Discussion Items: Short discussion was held regarding the need for air exchange for the current wrestling room. David Keeton, transportation director, will be bringing a list of surplus vehicles to the board to approve for disposal through the bid process. The board selected the following for the EBF Mission statement that will be brought to the May 15th board for first reading: The mission statement of the Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District is to provide a quality education which cultivates Iowa students to be collaborative and productive citizens. The following board members have been selected to be on the following committees: Vandello & Houk will be on the Certified Salary Schedule committee; Klyn & Shepherd will be on the Supplemental Salary Schedule & Positions committee; and Klyn and Van Mersbergen will be on the exploration for the need for a second agricultural teacher and/or FFA advisor. Board members are asked to let Superintendent Williamson or Secretary McCrea know if they will be attending the graduation ceremony on Sunday, May 21st. Open positions are: Immediate Openings: Regular Route Driver, Child Care Associates, Substitutes for all positions, Girls Head Golf Coach, 9th Grade Softball Coach and openings for the 2023-2024 School year: 6th Grade Teacher - Fremont Elementary, Social Studies Teacher - Jr/Sr High, Special Education Teacher - Jr/Sr High, Secondary Math Teacher - Jr/Sr High, Assistant Football,
9th Grade Volleyball, Jr High Cross Country, Jr High Volleyball, Jr High Boys Basketball (2), Jr High Girls Basketball (2), Assistant Wrestling, and Jr High Wrestling.
Adjourn: Brinegar motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded to adjourn board meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:47 p.m.
Curt Houk Mary McCrea
Board President Board Secretary
Board Minutes - 2023.04.27
Board Minutes - 2023.04.27April 27, 2023
The Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District Board of Directors met at the district office on Thursday, April 27, 2023, for a special board meeting. Visitors in attendance: Ann Ohms, J Van Zante and others not signed in.
Special Board Meeting: Call to Order – Establish Quorum: President Houk called the special board meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. Roll call: Eric Klyn, present; Rena Shepherd, present; Lara Vandello, present via phone call; Micah Van Mersbergen, present; Doug Brinegar, present; Mark Haselhuhn, absent; and Curt Houk, present. Quorum established.
Termination of Probationary Teacher: Superintendent Williamson recommended the termination of Pieter Appel, probationary teacher. Brinegar motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded to accept the termination of Pieter Appel. Discussion was held where it was asked if there was any other way this could be handled, such as a severe reprimand or write up. Unfortunately, the administration feels this is an ethics violation and the district cannot condone this behavior. The board was also concerned about the length of time that this process took, and the board feels that we could have a hard time getting a replacement for next school year. The amount of time regarding this process was due mostly to negotiations between lawyers and when it became evident that no separation agreement could be made, termination was the next option. One board member spoke of the talent and skill that the district would also be missing out, but another board member pointed out that what was done was against the rules. The board was also concerned about the negative effect this will have on the future employment of Mr. Appel. Superintendent Williamson reiterated that this was why the district was trying to work out a separation agreement. The board then had a few more questions. Would it have mattered if this was a college course or high school course with the answer from Superintendent Williamson that no it would not have mattered. Superintendent Williamson was asked if he had ever come across this is in time as an administrator with Superintendent Williamson stating that he has never experienced anything like this before. No further discussion. Roll call vote: Klyn, yes; Shepherd, yes; Vandello, yes; Van Mersbergen, yes, Brinegar, no, Haselhuhn, absent and Houk, yes. Motion carried.
Adjourn: Brinegar motioned and Vandello seconded to adjourn board meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 6:14 p.m.
Curt Houk Mary McCrea
Board President Board Secretary
Board Minutes - 2023.05.05
Board Minutes - 2023.05.05May 5, 2023
The Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District Board of Directors met at the district office on Friday, May 5, 2023, at 8:00 a.m. for a special board meeting. Visitors in attendance: none.
Special Board Meeting: Call to Order – Establish Quorum: President Houk called the special board meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. Roll call: Eric Klyn, absent; Rena Shepherd, absent; Lara Vandello, present via Zoom meeting; Micah Van Mersbergen, present via phone call; Doug Brinegar, present; Mark Haselhuhn, absent; and Curt Houk, present via phone call. Quorum established.
Approve Agenda: Van Mersbergen motioned and Brinegar seconded to approve the agenda. Motion carried unanimously.
Action Item: Van Mersbergen Motioned and Vandello seconded to approve the out of state travel request from the EBF Band. Small discussion. Motion carried unanimously.
Adjourn: Brinegar motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded to adjourn board meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:04 a.m.
Curt Houk Mary McCrea
Board President Board Secretary
Board Minutes - 2023.05.15
Board Minutes - 2023.05.15
May 15, 2023
The Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District Board of Directors met at the District Office on Monday, May 15, 2023 at 6:00 pm for a regular board meeting. Visitors in attendance: Lanny Glosser, Ann Ohms, Janet Brinegar, CD Brinegar, Rob Veldhuizen, Melissa Gingrich, Liz Smith, Travis Smith, Amber Collett, Randy Reed, Emily Patterson, Ashleigh Sammons, Livvie Eissens, Pat Powers, Cory Black, Cindy Nichols and others not signed in.
Call to Order: President Houk called to order the meeting of the EBF Board of Directors at 6:00 pm. Roll call: Eric Klyn, present; Rena Shepherd, present; Lara Vandello, present; Micah Van Mersbergen, present; Doug Brinegar, present; Mark Haselhuhn, absent and Curt Houk, present. Quorum established.
Public Hearing: 2022-2023 EBF Budget Amendment Public Hearing opened at 6:00 pm. Superintendent Williamson presented to the public a summary of the proposed changes to the 2022-23 Budget. With no questions, the hearing closed at 6:03 pm.
Public Hearing: 2023-2024 School Calendar Public Hearing opened at 6:03 pm. Superintendent Williamson gave an overview of the upcoming school calendar. Elementary students will have parent teacher conferences or meet the teacher days on Tuesday, August 22nd and Wednesday, August 23rd, with the first full day of school for elementary students on Thursday, August 24th. Jr/Sr High student’s first day of school is Wednesday, August 23rd. Possible snow make up days were also listed on this year’s calendar. With no questions, the hearing closed at 6:08 pm.
Public Forum: Lanny Glosser and Liz Smith each spoke separately but in support of the EBF Wrestling program regarding the need for a girls wrestling coach, a larger wrestling room and opportunities for girls wrestling. Janet Brinegar, CD Brinegar, and Randy Reed each spoke separately to the board in support of the current FFA Instructor and would like the board to reconsider the termination of Mr. Pieter Appel. Robert Veldhuizen, Melissa Gingrich, and Cory Black, each spoke separately and addressed the board on the importance of the FFA program and the opportunities it provides our students. Livvie Eissens, Secretary of the Agri Power FFA, wanted to give the board an update on the FFA Banquet, the goat/pig show and the gold buckle judging contest that have just been completed. Each activity was a huge success.
Correspondence: none
Approve Agenda: Shepherd motioned and Vandello seconded to approve the agenda. Motion carried unanimously.
Reports: April Glosser, Curriculum Director, went over the curriculum updates, evidence based practices, the EBF DCAP (District Career & Academic Plan), and testing updates showing the growth in math and reading at all elementary buildings as well as with the junior high students. Jil Nelson, Principal for Eddyville Elementary gave the combined elementary principal’s board report and informed the board of upcoming end of year activities and field trips. Cathy Williamson, Director of Special Services, gave updates on the district’s Service Delivery Plan, CPI training, the search for mental health interns for next year and the need for extended year services for some special education students. Other reports submitted, but not read were from the Secondary Principal, Childcare, Maintenance & Nutrition Directors, as well as the report from the last building representative meeting.
Consent Items: Vandello motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded to approve Consent Items 8a(i-iii) the April 10, 2023, the April 17, 2023 and April 27, 2023 board minutes. Motion carried unanimously. Van Mersbergen motioned and Brinegar seconded to approve Consent Items 8(i-ii): Account balances as of April 30, 2023 and the bills list for May 2023. Motion carried unanimously. Van Mersbergen motioned and Vandello seconded to approve 8c(i-iv) school board policies: 541-Student Fundraising; 542-Student Activity Program; 543-Student Promotion-Retention-Acceleration; and 544-Student Honor and Awards. Motion carried unanimously. Van Mersbergen motioned and Shepherd seconded to approve 8c(v) the second reading of board policy 722A-Donations to Food Service Program for Application to Unpaid Meal Accounts. Motion carried unanimously. Van Mersbergen motioned and Brinegar seconded to approve 8c(iv) the first reading of board policy 111-District Vision and Mission Statement. Discussion was held on Vision Statement. Vandello motioned and Brinegar seconded to table the first reading of board policy 111-District Vision and Mission Statement. Motion tabled unanimously. Brinegar motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded to approve 8d(i-v) Contract & Agreements: Sharing Agreement between EBF & Great Prairie AEA for a librarian; Technology with TF Technology; bus mechanic with K Repair and counseling and consulting for the Explore Academy with Julie DeVries. Motion carried unanimously. Van Mersbergen motioned and Brinegar seconded to approve 8d(vi) the FY 24 Extension for the food service management company of Opaa! Emily Patterson and Ashleigh Sammons, both from Opaa! addressed the board’s previous concerns with the food service management company. Small discussion. Motion carried 4 ayes & 1 nays. Brinegar motioned and Vandello seconded to approve the open enrollments in of Hannah Reed, Kindergarten from Pekin to Fremont Elementary; Harper LaRue, Kindergarten from Ottumwa to Blakesburg Elementary; Cali Smith, Kindergarten from Ottumwa to Eddyville Elementary (has sibling at EE); Monroe Mittag, Kindergarten from Oskaloosa to Eddyville Elementary; Remington Mittag, Kindergarten from Oskaloosa to Eddyville Elementary; Nadina Lopez-Gonzales, Kindergarten from Oskaloosa to Eddyville Elementary (mother works for district); Hendrix Moore, Kindergarten from Ottumwa to Blakesburg Elementary; Emily Moody, Kindergarten from Oskaloosa to HSAP and open enrollments out of Tyson Stout, 10th Grade to North Mahaska (moved into district) and
Moriah Stout, 10th Grade to North Mahaska (moved into district). Motion carried unanimously. Brinegar motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded the denied open enrollment of Letrell Buxton, 6th Grade from Ottumwa to Blakesburg-denied due to insufficient classroom space. Motion carried unanimously.
Personnel: Brinegar motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded to approve the hires of: Sierra Kendall, 6th Grade Teacher at Fremont Elementary; Nathan Smith, Group Speech; Leslee Hansen, Special Education Teacher at Jr/Sr High; Kierra MacPherson, Assistant Softball; Gladys Genskow, Jr High Softball -approved as volunteer-now paid coach; and volunteer softball coach of Madysen Wade. Motion carried unanimously. Vandello motioned and Brinegar seconded to accept the resignations of: Emily Hale, Social Studies at the Jr/Sr High, effective at the end of the 2022-23 school year; Nicole Harland, Para Educator at the Eddyville Elementary, effective at the end of the 2022-23 school year; and Desiree Law, Vocal Music at the Jr/Sr High, effective at the end of the 2022-23 school year. Small discussion. Motion carried unanimously.
Action Items: Brinegar motioned and Shepherd seconded to approve 10a the 2022-2023 Budget Amendment. Motion carried unanimously. Shepherd motioned and Brinegar seconded to approve 10b the 2023-24 School Calendar. Small discussion on Spring Break. Motion carried unanimously. Van Mersbergen motioned and Brinegar seconded to approve 10c the 2023 EBF Service Plan Delivery. Motion carried unanimously. Brinegar motioned and Shepherd seconded to approve 10d the list of surplus vehicles, with bids to be opened at the June 19, 2023 board meeting. Discussion held on where district would advertise. Ottumwa Courier, our Facebook page and Hawkeye Trader. Motion carried unanimously. Van Mersbergen motioned and Brinegar seconded to approve 10e the quote of $87,000 from Francis Electric for the purchase of a lighting system with COPS grant money. Discussion held on why this was the only quote and that the board requests a more detailed or clearer quote. Motion carried unanimously. Shepherd motioned and Vandello seconded to approve 10f the daycare rates effective July 1, 2023, with 35 hour contracts increasing by $5.00 a week, 25 & 10 hour contracts increasing by $2.50 a week and the drop in rate increasing by .50 cents an hour. Motion carried unanimously. Vandello motioned and Brinegar seconded to approve 10g that classified staff are eligible to have their personal day paid to them in lieu of using before the end of the school year, for this year only. Discussion held regarding the impact this would have on the budget. Superintendent Williamson stated that this would not have a negative impact on the budget. Motion carried unanimously.
Discussion Items: Superintendent Williamson presented the board the updated estimate from the Iowa DOT regarding the resurfacing of highway 23 in Fremont. The DOT will be resurfacing the front parking in front of the Fremont Elementary. The board scheduled a special meeting for Monday, May 22, 2023 at 7:00 pm to decide and plan the larger summer projects. Board member, Vandello, asked the board’s feelings on paying for bus driver’s meals when they take students to activities. She would like to go back to this practice since we have a shortage of bus drivers. The district currently follows the Iowa Administrative guidelines for in state travel reimbursement and these guidelines only allow for meal reimbursement if someone departs before 6:00 am and returns by 7:00 pm. The majority of the board feels that these are guidelines that we should continue to follow. Sub committees need to determine times that they are available to meet and get meetings scheduled. Open positions are: Immediate Openings - Regular Route Driver, Child Care Associates and Substitutes for all positions and Openings for the 2023-2024 School year - 2nd Shift Custodian - Jr/Sr High, 5th Grade Teacher - Eddyville Elementary, Industrial Arts Teacher or Shop Manager - Jr/Sr High, Vocal Music Teacher - Jr/Sr High, Junior High ELA Teacher - Jr/Sr High, Social Studies Teacher - Jr/Sr High, Secondary Math Teacher - Jr/Sr High, Coaching / Supplemental Positions: Assistant Football, 9th Grade Volleyball, Jr High Cross Country, Jr High Volleyball, Assistant Cheer Coach, Jr High Boys Basketball (2), Jr High Girls Basketball (2)
Assistant Wrestling & Jr High Wrestling.
Adjourn: Brinegar motioned and Vandello motioned to adjourn board meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:11 pm.
Curt Houk Mary McCrea
Board President Board Secretary
Board Minutes - 2023.05.22
Board Minutes - 2023.05.22May 22, 2023
The Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District Board of Directors met at the district office on Monday, May 22, 2023 at 7:00 pm for a special board meeting. Visitors in attendance: Ann Ohms and Andy Heinle.
Special Board Meeting: Call to Order – Establish Quorum: President Houk called the regular board meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Roll call: Eric Klyn, absent; Rena Shepherd, absent; Lara Vandello, present; Micah Van Mersbergen, present; Doug Brinegar, present; Mark Haselhuhn, absent; and Curt Houk, present. Quorum established.
Approve Agenda: Vandello motioned and Brinegar seconded to amend agenda and remove item 3a Denovo Contract. Contract has not been approved by the school’s lawyer. Will bring to the June 19, 2023 board meeting for approval. Motion carried unanimously.
Contracts & Agreements: Brinegar motioned and Vandello seconded to approve the two-year agreement with Marc & Jessica Nollen for the Fremont land. Small discussion held on benefit of doing one-year agreements. Motion carried unanimously. Van Mersbergen motioned and Brinegar seconded to approve the GPAEA Sharing Agreement for Social Worker for the 2023-2024 school year. Motion carried unanimously.
Personnel: Van Mersbergen motioned and Vandello seconded to approve Madysen Wade, 9th Grade Softball Coach. Motion carried unanimously.
Capital Projects: Brinegar motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded to approve all of the new proposed capital projects with the cost of each approximately listed: $36,215.00 for 4th Grade Classrooms furniture, $33,000.00 for gymnasium painting, $15,000 for the Wrestling Room Air Exchange, $65,000 for high school athletic lockers, $40,000 for junior high athletic lockers, $25,000 for Jr/Sr High classroom video displays, and unknown for cement work at Fremont Elementary, Jr/Sr High and the District Office’s West wall. Discussion was held that the junior high athletic lockers were still in respectable shape and could be replaced later since we are uncertain what the amount for the concrete work will actually be. Brinegar motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded to amend the original motion to excluded the junior high athletic lockers. Motioned amended unanimously. Amended motion carried unanimously.
Adjourn: Vandello motioned and Brinegar seconded to adjourn board meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 7:53 pm.
Curt Houk Mary McCrea
Board President Board Secretary
Board Minutes - 2023.06.06
Board Minutes - 2023.06.06June 6, 2023
The Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District Board of Directors met at the district office on Tuesday, June 6, 2023, at 5:30 pm for a special board meeting. Visitors in attendance: none.
Special Board Meeting: Call to Order – Establish Quorum: President Houk called the special board meeting to order at 5:30 pm. Roll call: Eric Klyn, present; Rena Shepherd, present; Lara Vandello, absent; Micah Van Mersbergen, present; Doug Brinegar, present; Mark Haselhuhn, absent; and Curt Houk, present. Quorum established.
Approve Agenda: Brinegar motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded to approve the agenda. Motion carried unanimously.
Presentation of Recommendation of Termination: Superintendent Williamson presented to the board the Recommendation to Terminate the Contract for Mrs. Reed-Appel. The board received a copy of the Teacher’s notice and recommendation to terminate contract that was given to Mrs. Reed-Appel on May 25, 2023, a copy of the proof of personal services of notice, and the Recommendation to the Board of Directors to Terminate the Contract. Vandello arrived at meeting at 5:36 pm. Board had a couple questions in regards to the hearing and Secretary McCrea will email the district’s counsel on them.
Adjourn: Brinegar motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded to adjourn board meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 5:37 pm.
Curt Houk Mary McCrea
Board President Board Secretary
Board Minutes - 2023.06.19
Board Minutes - 2023.06.19
June 19, 2023
The Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District Board of Directors met at the District Office on Monday, June 19, 2023 at 6:00 pm for a regular board meeting. Visitors in attendance: Janet Brinegar, CD Brinegar, Jenifer Heald, Kadence Heald, Allison Angle, Aaron Angle, Jess Ballanger, Ann Ohms, Alan Angle, Randy Reed, David Hall, Cory Van Der Wal, Laura Van Der Wal, Mike Orman, and others not signed in.
Call to Order: President Houk called to order the meeting of the EBF Board of Directors at 6:00 pm. Roll call: Eric Klyn, present; Rena Shepherd, absent; Lara Vandello, present; Micah Van Mersbergen, present; Doug Brinegar, present; Mark Haselhuhn, absent and Curt Houk, present. Quorum established.
Public Forum: Janet Brinegar, CD Brinegar, Jenifer Heald, Allison Angle, Jess Ballanger, Randy Reed and Mike Orman addressed the board regarding FFA and Laura Van Der Wal addressed the board regarding her resignation.
Correspondence: none
Approve Agenda: Van Mersbergen motioned and Vandello seconded to approve the agenda. Motion carried unanimously.
Reports: Scott Williamson, Superintendent, updated the board on the process on how students can get signed up for FFA projects for the Iowa State Fair. April Glosser, Curriculum Director, went over 2023 Spring FAST results, PLC Training, leadership meetings and years of service awards. Steve Noble, Jr/Sr High Principal went over graduation and the retirement of Beth Fenton, the district wishes Mrs. Fenton the best in her retirement. Tammy Davis, Blakesburg Elementary Principal, gave the combined elementary principal’s report and informed the board on the upcoming summer projects in each building and summer school. Cathy Williamson, Director of Special Services, went over updates with school safety, tier 2 trauma interventions, Minga, Raptor and the Mental Health grant progress. Other reports submitted but not read, were from Nutrition Director and Childcare Director.
Consent Items: Van Mersbergen motioned and Brinegar seconded to approve Consent Items 6a to 6c(iv): May 5, 2023 minutes, May 15, 2023 minutes, May 22, 2023 minutes, account balances as of May 31, 2023, bills list for June 2023, school board policies: 545-Testing, Evaluation, and Survey Program; 546-Graduation Requirements; 546A-Graduation Requirements-Home School Assistance Program and 547-Early Graduation. Motion carried unanimously. Van Mersbergen motioned and Klyn seconded to approve Consent Item 6c(v) the first reading of board policy 111-District Vision & Mission Statement. Small discussion. Motion carried unanimously. Van Mersbergen motioned and Klyn seconded to approve consent items 6d(i-viii) Contracts and Agreements: Student Assurance Services for Catastrophic Insurance; Voluntary Dental; Central College Student Teaching; Buena Vista College Student Teaching; IHCC Student Field Experience/Observation; Hamilton Produce Pay on Delivery; IHCC 4+ Transition Services and Employee Benefits Systems. Small discussion. Motion carried unanimously. Brinegar motioned and Vandello seconded to table consent item 6d(ix) Denovo Contract. Motion carried unanimously. Vandello motioned and Brinegar seconded to approve consent item 6e Open Enrollments in of Charlotte Glassgow, Kindergarten from Ottumwa to Blakesburg Elementary, Loralai Glassgow, Kindergarten from Ottumwa to Blakesburg Elementary and Letrell Buxton, 7th Grade from Ottumwa to EBF Jr/Sr High. Motion carried unanimously.
Personnel: Vandello motioned and Brinegar seconded to approve each hire individually. Motion carried unanimously. Van Mersbergen motioned and Brinegar seconded to approve Nolan Krueger, Social Studies Teacher at the Jr/Sr High. Motion carried unanimously. Van Mersbergen motioned and Brinegar seconded to approve Ricky Reinier, Industrial Arts/Shop Teacher at the Jr/Sr High. Discussion held. Brinegar motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded to table until the July 17th board meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Vandello motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded to approve Krystal Holleman, 5th Grade teacher at Eddyville Elementary. Motion carried unanimously. Van Mersbergen motioned and Vandello seconded to approve Alicia Silvers, 1st Grade Teacher at Fremont Elementary. Small discussion. Motion carried unanimously. Van Mersbergen motioned and Brinegar seconded to approve Jane Roberts, Mental Health Counselor. Small discussion. Motion carried unanimously. Vandello motioned and Van Mersbergen motioned to accept the resignations of Macy Brown, Behavior Interventionists at the Explore Academy
Kayleen DeWitt, Special Education Teacher at Eddyville Elementary, Ronda Glosser, Lead Cook at Blakesburg Elementary, Cassandra Holdsworth, Para Educator at Blakesburg Elementary, Tasha Kelly, Para Educator at Fremont Elementary, Cindy Molyneux, Para Educator at Jr/Sr High, Rena Whitehall, 1st Grade Teacher at Fremont Elementary. Motion carried unanimously. Brinegar motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded to accept the resignation for Laura Van Der Wal, 4th Grade Teacher at Eddyville Elementary. Motion carried unanimously.
Action Items: Van Mersbergen motioned and Brinegar seconded to approve the Resolution for Revenue Purpose Statement for the November 7, 2023 Election. Roll call vote: Klyn, yes; Shepherd, absent; Vandello, yes; Van Mersbergen, yes; Brinegar, yes; Haselhuhn, absent and Houk, yes. Motion carried unanimously. Sealed bids were open: no bids received for buses #10, #14, #16, or #23. Suburban #8 had one bid from Chad Francis for $675.00. Suburban #28 had three bids: Norman Higinbottom of $400.00, Kaleb Kirkpatrick of $527.00 and Brent Williams of $727.00. Brinegar motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded to approve the highest bid for suburban #8 ($675.00) & suburban #28 ($727.00). Discussion held on having the busses placed on govdeals.com or salvaged. Motion carried unanimously. Brinegar motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded to accept the summer cement work quotes from Glosser Construction in the amount of $62,280.00. Motion carried unanimously.
Discussion Items: Superintendent Williamson stated that drywall has been added to the Jr/Sr High where wood paneling had previously been and that it really looks good. Superintendent Williamson also informed the board on the status of the Blakesburg & Eddyville Elementary playgrounds. Board is asked to review the Legislative Survey packet they were given and select the legislative items that they would like to see be the focused on for next legislative session. These selections will be made at the July board meeting. Open positions are: Regular Route Driver, Child Care Associates, Para Educators (3 needed): 1 at Jr/Sr High, 1 at Eddyville Elementary & 1 at Blakesburg Elementary, Behavior Interventionist - Explore Academy, 2nd Shift Custodian - Jr/Sr High, 4th Grade Teacher - Eddyville Elementary, Vocal Music Teacher - Jr/Sr High, ELA Teacher - Jr/Sr High, Secondary Math Teacher - Jr/Sr High, Substitutes for all positions, Coaching / Supplemental Positions: Assistant Football, 9th Grade Volleyball, Jr High Cross Country, Jr High Volleyball, Assistant Cheer Coach, Jr High Boys Basketball (2), Jr High Girls Basketball (2), Assistant Wrestling and Jr High Wrestling.
Adjourn: Brinegar motioned and Vandello seconded to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 7:33 pm.
Curt Houk Mary McCrea
Board President Board Secretary
Board Minutes - 2023.06.26
Board Minutes - 2023.06.26June 26, 2023
The Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District Board of Directors met at the district office on Monday, June 26, 2023, at 5:30 pm for a special board meeting. Visitors in attendance: Ann Ohms and others not signed in.
Special Board Meeting: Call to Order – Establish Quorum: President Houk called the special board meeting to order at 5:30 pm. Roll call: Eric Klyn, present; Rena Shepherd, present via Zoom; Lara Vandello, present; Micah Van Mersbergen, present; Doug Brinegar, present; Mark Haselhuhn, present; and Curt Houk, present. Quorum established.
Approve Agenda: Brinegar motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded to approve the agenda. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion to Recess: Van Mersbergen motioned and Vandello seconded to recess and move to a Private Contract Termination Hearing Exempt from Iowa Code Chapter 21 pursuant to Iowa Code Section 279.16. Roll call vote: Klyn, yes; Shepherd, yes; Vandello, yes; Van Mersbergen, yes; Brinegar, yes; Haselhuhn, yes and Houk, yes. Motion carried unanimously. Board recessed at 5:33 pm
Board reconvened special meeting at 12:55am.
Action on Continuance or Termination of Teaching Contract (Iowa Code Section 279.16(8)). Brinegar motioned and Haselhuhn seconded to reinstate Ag teacher/FFA advisor with a letter of reprimand for her personnel file and for one year to be closely monitored by her immediate supervisor. Small discussion. Brinegar motioned to amend his original motion to include that the board committee recently created will meet with Mrs. Appel and Mr. Noble quarterly. Motion to amend original motion carried with 5 ayes and 1 nay. Roll call vote on amended recommendation: Klyn, yes; Vandello, yes; Van Mersbergen, no; Shepherd, yes; Brinegar, yes; Haselhuhn, yes and Houk, no. Motion carried.
Adjourn: Brinegar motioned and Vandello seconded to adjourn board meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 1:10 am.
Curt Houk Mary McCrea
Board President Board Secretary
Board Minutes - 2023.06.28
Board Minutes - 2023.06.28June 28, 2023
The Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District Board of Directors met at the district office on Wednesday, June 28, 2023, at 6:00 pm for a special board meeting. Visitors in attendance: Ann Ohms and others not signed in.
Special Board Meeting: Call to Order – Establish Quorum: President Houk called the special board meeting to order at 6:00 pm. Roll call: Eric Klyn, present; Lara Vandello, present; Micah Van Mersbergen, present; Doug Brinegar, present; Mark Haselhuhn, absent; and Curt Houk, present. Quorum established.
Personnel: Secretary McCrea restated the tabled motion from June 19, 2023 to hire Ricky Reinier, Industrial Arts/Shop Teacher at the Jr/Sr High. Small Discussion. Motion carried with one nay vote. Brinegar motioned and Vandello seconded to release Michelle Erbs, 1st Grade Teacher at Blakesburg Elementary, from her contract if she tenders her resignation. Motion carried unanimously.
Action Items: Van Mersbergen motioned and Brinegar seconded to extend the bid acceptance for the salvaged busses to July 7th. Board will accept any bid and allow Secretary McCrea and Superintendent Williamson to open bids on July 7th. Motion carried unanimously. Vandello motioned and Brinegar seconded to approve the Publication of Notice of Director District 3 Vacancy. Motion carried unanimously.
Adjourn: Brinegar motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded to adjourn board meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 6:21 pm.
Curt Houk Mary McCrea
Board President Board Secretary