Board Minutes - 2022.01.17

Board Minutes - 2022.01.17

January 17, 2022

The Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont Community School District Board of Directors met at the district
office on Monday, January 17, 2022 for a regular board meeting. Visitors in attendance: April Glosser,
Steve Noble, James Fineran, Tammy Davis, Cathy Williamson, Michele Ratliff, Mike and Becky Roe,
Rusty and Judee Zook, and Tara Waldren.

Regular Board Meeting: Call to Order - Establish Quorum: President Brinegar called the regular
board meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. Roll call: Eric Klyn, present; Rena Shepherd, present; Lara Vandello,
present; Micah Van Mersbergen, present; Curt Houk, present; Mark Haselhuhn, absent; and Doug
Brinegar, present. Quorum established.

Correspondence: None

Approve/Amend Agenda: Shepherd motioned and Van Mersbergen seconded to approve the amended
agenda. Motion carried unanimously.

Reports: Superintendent Williamson gave his board update on the upcoming Iowa legislative session,
negotiations and financial update. April Glosser, Curriculum Director, updated the board on professional
development and went over the iReady math data from winter testing. Steve Noble, principal of the Jr/Sr
High, discussed the First Robotics team, the business program’s Rocket Cafe, Science Olympiad and
second semester planning for the 2022-2023 school year. James Fineran, Principal at Fremont
Elementary, gave the elementary principal’s report and shared with the board an update of the return to
school for elementary students after the Christmas break. Cathy Williamson, Director of Special Services,
let the board know of two grants that the district had been awarded: 1) The COPS grant is approximately
$500,000 to be used for the purchase of supplies and equipment such as cameras, lighting, communication
systems and 2) The STOP grant which is approximately $1,000,000 to be shared with Davis County and
Albia for safety training and collaboration on crime prevention, trauma informed care, anonymous
reporting, suicide prevention and youth mental health. Superintendent Williamson presented the
combined report from the Nutrition Director and himself regarding questions that the board had relating
to the Request for Food Service Providers. Other reports submitted, but not read, were from the Daycare
and Maintenance directors.

Consent Items: Shepherd motioned and Klyn seconded to approve the Consent Items: December 20,

2021 Board Meeting Minutes; Financial Reports as of December 31, 2021; January’s Bills; Review of
School Board Policies: 4.8 Credit Cards, 4.9 Release of Credit Information, 4.10 Child Abuse Reporting,
4.11 Abuse of Students by District Employees; the first reading of 7.12D Protest Procedure; Contracts
and Agreements: 2021-2022 SilverStone Group Service Agreement for GASB #75 OPEB and the 2021-
2022 Memorandum of Understanding for Stem Excellence & Leadership; and no Open Enrollments.
Motion carried unanimously.

Personnel: Vandello motioned and Houk seconded to approve the hire of Hannah Koellner, permanent
substitute at the Jr/Sr High School for the remainder of SY 2021-2022 and 2nd Grade Teacher at Fremont
Elementary beginning with SY 2022-2023. Motion carried unanimously. Van Mersbergen motioned and
Shepherd seconded to accept the resignations of Beth Hinshaw, para educator; Penny Allgood, cook;

Kiera MacPherson, assistant softball coach; and Jordan Lamb, para educator. Motion carried

Action Items: Van Mersbergen motioned and Shepherd seconded to approve transfer of funds from the
JH baseball activity account to the HS baseball activity account. Motion carried unanimously. Vandello

motioned and Houk seconded to approve the out of state travel request and board resolution FY22-5 for
Safety Equipment Purchase. Motion carried unanimously. Shepherd motioned and Houk seconded to
approve as part of the district’s response to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the district’s
administration is authorized to submit a request to the School Budget Review Committee for funding
related to FY22 SWVPP increased enrollment in the amount of $32,521.50. Roll call vote: Klyn, aye;
Shepherd, aye; Vandello, aye; Van Mersbergen, aye; Houk, aye; Haselhuhn, absent; and Brinegar, aye.
Motion carried unanimously.

Capital Projects: Superintendent Williamson told the board that the district is still in search of a wheel
chair accessible van for special education use and updated the board on the Facility Assessment
Committee meeting held Wednesday, January 12, 2022.

Discussion Items: Board members discussed the recent Supreme Court decision to put a stay on the
OSHA vaccination/testing mandate and discussed the school calendar for 2022-2023. Discussion
regarding the calendar included the possibility of a Spring Break being added as well as moving staff
development days from Fridays to Mondays. Building administrators are to seek input from their staff
members. The February board meeting will still take place on Monday, February 21st even though it is
President’s day. Open positions are Alternative Education Teacher, Cook, Para Educator (3 needed),
Child Care Associate, Activity Route Drive, Head Golf Coach, Head Football Coach, 9th Grade Baseball
Coach, Assistant Softball, Jr High Track, Baseball & Softball Coaches and substitutes for all positons and
Open Positions for the 2022-2023 school year are Preschool Teacher at Fremont Elementary and Spanish
Teacher at the Jr/Sr High School.

Adjourn: Houk motioned and Vandello seconded to adjourn board meeting. Motion carried
unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 7:54 p.m… Thu, 02/10/2022 - 16:43