549 - Parental Involvement
549 - Parental InvolvementIt is the policy of the District that parents of all participating children have the opportunity to be involved in the joint development of the District plan and in the District’s review process for the purpose of school improvement. The District provides coordination, technical assistance, and other necessary support in the planning and implementation of parent involvement activities. The District encourages parent involvement and supports the partnership between home/school/community by providing understandable information about standards and assessment; providing training and materials for parents to help their children and to involve other parents; educating school personnel about involving parents and the value of parent contributions; and developing meaningful roles for community organizations and businesses to work with parents and schools.
It is the policy of the District that:
- This jointly developed, written policy is distributed to parents of participating Title I children and is available to all the patrons of the District. This policy will be given to parents of participating Title I children at the annual fall meeting or at parent-teacher conferences. Copies are available in each office. A copy will be sent home to the parents of children who enter the Title I program during the course of the year.
- An annual meeting is held for all parents of participating children. Additional flexible parent meeting times shall be held throughout the year as determined by parent interest and suggestions. These meetings will include parent-teacher conferences and meetings requested by parents and/or teachers. Notification of these meetings will be made through United States mail, e-mail, phone calls, written notes via students, and/or through the District newsletter.
- Parents are given assistance in understanding the requirements of the Title I law, local improvement goals, content standards, performance standards, and assessments at the annual meeting each fall. Such information may also be printed in the District newsletter, the annual progress report, and may be communicated at parent-teacher conferences and at open house.
- Parents receive an explanation of the school’s performance profile in the annual progress report published once a year. Teachers communicate expected proficiency levels and assessment results twice a year at parent-teacher conferences.
- Parents are informed of reasons for their children’s participation, the curriculum, and the instructional objectives and methods of the program at the fall annual parent meeting.
- Parents receive timely responses to all parent recommendations. As much as feasible, they are sent to parents in the language used in the home. Full opportunities are provided for all parents to participate in Title I activities through a verbal and/or written invitation. Childcare is provided at the annual parent meeting and during parent-teacher conferences.
- A jointly developed school/parent compact outlines how parents, school personnel, and students share the responsibility for improved student achievement and the means by which the District and parents continue to build and develop partnerships to help children achieve the local high standards. This compact was developed by a joint committee of parents, teachers, and administration. It is reviewed annually and distributed to parents as their child enters the program and again each fall.
- The Title I or District-wide program provides opportunities for parents to become partners with the District by promoting the education of their children at home and school. Parents are given help monitoring their student’s progress. The District provides assistance to parents on how they can participate in decisions related to their student’s education. The District provides reasonable support for parental involvement activities as requested by parents. Such information is communicated at parent-teacher conferences and other parent meetings including the annual fall parent meeting. Articles regarding reading improvement will be published in the District at least once per year. Teachers will attend workshops to improve their knowledge of teaching reading skills and strategies.
- The District coordinates and integrates parent involvement programs and activities with other programs as appropriate. All teachers will have the opportunity to attend training sessions/workshops in reading. Title I parents will have representation on the District advisory committee
- An annual evaluation of this parental involvement policy shall be conducted to determine the effectiveness of this policy and the barriers of this policy for increasing parent involvement. Policy evaluation findings shall be used in designing strategies for school improvement and revising parent policies. This evaluation will be conducted annually at the fall annual parent meeting. Revisions will be made and the revised Parent Involvement Policy will be distributed to all Title I parents via United States Mail, e-mail or through Title I students.
REVIEWED: 11/18/2019 - APPROVED 12/03/2019
REVISED: 02/05/2021 – APPROVED 03/15/2021
REVIEWED: 07/17/2023