522 - Student Conduct on School Transportation
522 - Student Conduct on School TransportationStudents utilizing school transportation will conduct themselves in an orderly manner fitting to their age level and maturity with mutual respect and consideration for the rights of the school vehicle driver and the other passengers. Students who fail to behave in an orderly manner will be subject to disciplinary measures.
The driver will have the authority to maintain order on the school vehicle. It is the responsibility of the driver to report misconduct to the building administrator.
The Board supports the use of video cameras on school buses used for transportation to and from school as well as for field trips, curricular or extracurricular events. The video cameras will be used to monitor student behavior and may be used as evidence in a student disciplinary proceeding.
After three warnings for disorderly conduct, the building principal will have the authority to suspend transportation privileges of the student or impose other appropriate discipline.
REVIEWED: 11/18/2019 - APPROVED 12/03/2019
REVISED: 02/05/2021 – APPROVED 03/15/2021
REVIEWED: 12/19/2022